Timers added to Torghast

Fair enough if I’m wrong on that.

I would love don’t do it, but can I forge my legendary without putting my foot in there? If yes, I would be glad.
And please, don’t say “if you don’t like don’t do it”, it’s a lack of argument.


That is exactly what we didn’t want when we asked for the tower. The may as well scrap the whole tower system and just make mythic plus better. Why spend the time on a 2nd version of the same system. Save the labor costs, scrap it if they can’t understand the point.


Well, yes. As a matter of fact, you can run torghast until 9 and get everything you need out of it. Legendary mats have been confirmed to drop on the first few floors.

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Post this in the forums where the criticism belongs you filthy casual.


Didn’t know this. And there is an argument. If you hate doing something then you’re not being forced to do it. The only reason I can think of a Legendary being an absolute necessity is if you’re trying to push content.

I am disappointed at that news.


Nobody is saying we’re being ‘forced’ to run Torghast. Some people here, including me, are saying we were looking forward to some ‘endless’ solo content without being forced to rush, or be held to a pointless standard. Some of us just want to enjoy our time in WoW, and play it like, you know, a normal video game. Its fine to add new content that’s just fun to play, not everything has to be a competition.


Now now you know Blizzard. They will force you in there at least a few times to keep up with things.

How? all the content you need from Torghast doesn’t have the debuffs.

This is inherent to how MMO’s work though. This isn’t a single player game, but a game where a list of chores is the norm. It does suck at times but it’s just part of how it has always worked.

You are welcomed to play it like a game. You’re going to have to explain to me when you’re running around 1 shotting everything in your way due to you constantly buffing yourself where a timer is going to hamper you. If you need to take a moment, there’s a rest area. Otherwise, there’s literally no reason why anyone should see a timer as a detriment to your run.

Timers have existed in the game for quite some time now. And people are picking and choosing which one they prefer all the while ignoring that it is indeed a timer. Boss enrages, Soft Enrages during encounters, Mythic +, BG Timers, Arena Debuffs ect. ect.

I see no issue with a timer.

If stuff were that easy to kill then why add a timer in the first place if they claim people will sit around and wait for hero?


Why wouldn’t they just wait for lust if there is no penalty for simply waiting to get everything back before fighting again?

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You’re adding to my point. Where’s the timer going to harm you if you’re 1 shotting everything?

Then there’s no reason to add one, either. The concept was pitched as not being timed. Adding a timer goes against the entire idea.

You’re negating your own point. Why add a timer if you’re one shotting everything? It was pitched without a timer, leave it out.


Well then, let’s add a 10k gold penalty if you fail to do the turtle WQ in a certain amount of time? Why? Idk, but it’s easy so it doesn’t matter.


Ok lets not call it timer. Let’s call it a monkey on my back with a whip dictating the pace in which I move.

We asked for difficult content without that monkey!
Then Blizzard played corrupt a wish.


The part of torghast that has the content, namely the legendary mats, are devoid of the debuffs. Past 10, where nothing is a required drop for anything, does have the debuffs.

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Not at all. Nobody has yet to tell me where a timer is going to hinder your gameplay experience.

Except failing the tower doesn’t result in a gold loss. Scenarios do not correlate whatsoever.