Timers added to Torghast

Again, there is no timer. It’s not “You have 10 minutes to finish this”.

I have no issues with timers. I do have an issue with needing some sort of key item like Vessel of Horrific Visions to even attempt it.




adjective: terrible

1.extremely or distressingly bad or serious.

2.“a terrible crime”

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Literally anyone can buy or make drums so EVERYONE has a lust of some kind, not just shamans, mages, and hunters.

This seriously looks like people are blowing this WAY out of preportion but fel what can you expect from the GD forums though.

No it’s now you have 10 min to finish this before your stacks get so high you get one shotted. Same thing, a timer is a timer no matter what you dress it up yo be.


And you are still ignoring all the mechanics that softens the torments.

so went and read it, there is clearly a timer and Blizzard already had the same idea.

“while the target is not in combat”

I’d be fine if they kept the soft timer debuffs AND added a hard timer countdown :stuck_out_tongue:

*Laughs in demonic

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There is though. You have x minutes until the debuff gets to a point you die. Especially in situations like rogue or hunter and that fire damage ticking % of hp every 5 seconds.


I kill things slower, I have to wait on cast times and such. So where a DH rolls face, I use my mind and kite. I was looking forward to not experiencing the stress of outside forces. It was just going to be me vs the mobs again.

Now they have to stack things on top of that pure dynamic. It’s going to work like stacking RNG loot. it will already be in place and un-movable before any truly realizes the damage it will do.


lol wouldn’t it be halarious if people kept unsubbing and they kept making worse content features and their budget kept getting lower and lower and I was the only player left in the game :crazy_face:

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…Slower? Mages are anything but slow on DPS.

So you’d rather argue which word bears more merit, when I basically agreed with you.

Aight. Just don’t keep replying to me if that’s the basis of your intellectually dishonest argument with me.

At the end of the day… need to wait and see how the timer gets tuned. It’s possible it might get tighter on higher floors. Might be extremely forgiving overall. Nobody knows because the tuning and testing on it is wildly far from done.

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Yes because the choice of right words is apparently important to you. So you need to understand why I chose terrible over lackluster.

And it’s flat out bad. BFA is BAD, SL is looking BADDER.

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Why did you have to automatically dismiss my opinion by belittling my perception of speed? Ok let’s say I’m a healer then.

I still want it to be me vs mob without any outside stress.


Don’t lie, I didn’t belittle you, I’m just saying that mages are not slow on DPS. Nothing more to it.

Uhh… what?

Are you really going to continue an argument because you disagree with my choice of adjective?

Get over yourself.

Okay. So quit.

If the tower having a soft timer that as of yet is not close to being finalized is the difference between a great expansion and a “terrible” one, maybe you should find something that more specifically caters to what you want personally.

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They added in rested areas that you can relax at though.

you’re not entitled to tell me what to do with my money (or ez gold)