Timers added to Torghast

That is tricky because you see everything with a different opinion as yours as unreasonable.

Minor surgery was needed, so Blizzard decided to use a sledgehammer instead of surgeon’s tools.

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Oh you mean like people who express their disagreements with you that you tried to belittle before I show up?


The more I write about this the more I realize that the beer and pretzel guys that I used to play with have left the game because the game has become a fairly anti social zerg epeen comparing contest instead of just messing around having fun.

I want to see this make a come back


What kind of white knight do you think you are? I don’t belittle people, you’re jumping the gun way hard here.

I’m not White Knight. I’m a Blood Knight.

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After looking at it I dont see a big deal. What we’ll be expected to do weekly wont get hit by the “timer” and even then we will have a rest area where it doesnt tick down AND we end up getting to be so OP the “timers” not really gonna matter.

I think people get stressed out by count downs or something

I’m not really sure - torghast looks pretty entertaining and not like an area youre going to afk in like its world quests

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But you do have the option of going afk during torghast, before each floor you can just
 sit there. forever.

“It’s not that bad” just admit you are a yesman and get all worked up that not everyone else is.

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If it doesn’t matter it’s okay if we don’t have it then?


Which is why I dont see a problem with it like others are freaking out about.

It honestly looks like whining for the sake of whining from some people here.

Its to prevent people from forcing a “wait for lust every pull meta” which I am MORE than okay with.

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Maybe the timer should stop when you are engaged in combat.

I seriously would hate to lose a fight simply because the boss was at 5% and im clearly winning but the timer ran out. That’s not fun.

I didnt read it, but ill go back and look

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There is no timer.

Making sated last until the next floor fixes that problem without ruining it for all the non lust classes.

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  1. lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.

“no excuses were made for the team’s lackluster performance”

Please, if you’re going to take everything I say and misconstrue it simply because we disagree on the timer, at least be intellectually honest about it.

Okay, so how far do they take it? Because policing as a lot of people define it is making competent players take random chances because they can’t pick people based on qualifications or factors.

No, try quoting what I said in context.


They can limit big cooldowns per floor with a certain amount of uses instead of a timer. This timer will probably incentivize people to wait for bloodlust more often instead of reduce it.

Don’t bother. They’re a troll.

I thought the point of torghast was to be able to go in and explore every dead end hallway, maybe find a chest maybe not. It sounded like fun now it’s going to be nothing but a race, Don’t go down that hallway you might run out of time and die and have to start over, so no exploring no fun. Way to ruin something that looked like so much fun.


Oh well
Ion and his obsession with timers.