Timers added to Torghast

You seem to be missing the part that I said

Hope is not expectation.

No it doesn’t, but the phrase

Led to hope that there might be. Not certainty. So it wasn’t far fetched at the time that they might create entirely new kinds of content instead of M+ infinite that you have to run for legendaries.

Never said I was angry about it. Just disappointed that it didn’t become a different kind of content other then infinite M+.

And the game could use content that doesn’t require people waiting for you to finish before they can join. It just happens to be something I would like to see included in the future.

My point here was that balancing it is going to be a nightmare and adding a timer to it is going to make it worse. As someone above had stated there are levels you can clear in 5 min while the next might be very large and take 20 min to clear (as happened to a streamer.) Compound this by skill gear covenants and a ton of other factors and how do you decide what is an appropriate timer?

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You are making imaginary mechanics up. You said the new torments get resisted with legendaries but can’t find a post saying they can.

Quote please

Just put the best gear on vendors blizzard. Any challenge no matter how minor will be met with complaints on these forums.

When you do step into a raid, you’ll find out that after you kill trash, you can sit around all day between boss pulls. It’s pretty cool.


That was never a thing that was said either.

sorry misread.

Ok, what streamer playing Alpha do I blame for this?

If we’re using Mythic raiders as the example for standards of excellence, we’ll never agree on anything.

I will tell everyone this though. I love playing as a healer in DPS centered content that’s not tuned or care of mind for healers playing solo or duo. Yeah, real fluxing fun to be behind everyone for the 4 - 7 weeks it took them to patch it to make it easier, yet still fail because not having the corruption to make up the DPS loss for not playing a DPS spec.

I’m totally, 100% confident, that healers and tanks won’t get screwed again for some forced timed timer that doesn’t need to exist.


A clock being trivial isn’t to be upset about

Then you’ll be ranting forever on that bench till 9.3, then maybe you’ll finally do it when end gear makes it trivial

Levels are forced. ilvl is forced. The whole game is forced.

There is no timer ticking down.

So you missed the part where there’s a safe spot at the beginning of each floor where an AFK’er like you can go do whatever you want for as long as you want without starting the debuff timer?

Or that the “timer” is just a very slowly stacking debuff of some kind that only effects combat? Go clear the trash and elites on a floor in the same way as in a Raid as you decribed and the debuff won’t have any effect on you.

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A Soft Timer That Incentivizes Speed on Each Floor

This is literally the same :poop: we’re dealing with in Visions, except in Visions it’s a bar ticking down called your sanity. If you’re going to ignore this for the sake of your argument, your head must be as dense as Blizzard’s stubbornness over the years.


Ok timer is a bad trigger word for you. How about we replace it with Pace.

People here don’t want the PACE of their play set by a outside force.


“ItS NoT a TiMeR” :crazy_face:

first, ftfy.

Second, ad hominems aren’t arguments. There are many mechanics to help you out in torghast. You choose to ignore them.

As someone who mained a healer for most of this expansion (and most of WoW, tbf), and swapped because I truly dislike BFA discipline, I’ll ask a simple question.

Why don’t you just find a dps to partner with? My woman’s a holy paladin in all forms of content on her main. I kill stuff. We work together. Just find a dps if you’re so concerned about this kind of thing. Take it from me, we rarely complain about being pocketed.

“A soft timer that Incentivizes speed on each floor.”

Sure sounds like a timer to me.


No no no my Vulpera friend, they want to explore first before they do the actual content

They want to admire every line on the wall for hours and then progress

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Yup we are trying to move away from the roadrunners very slowly…but they keep latching on to us and ruining our stuff.