List of Obleron Effects
NEW Obleron Armaments Obleron Armor is indelibly tied to the Armory.
NEW Obleron Cypher: Endurance Maximum health increased by 25% within the Maw for 1 hour.
NEW Obleron Cypher: Ephemera Versatility increased by 10% within the Maw for 1 hour.
NEW Obleron Cypher: Spikes Critical strike chance increased by 10% within the Maw for 1 hour.
NEW Obleron Cypher: Talisman Mastery increased by 10% within the Maw for 1 hour.
NEW Obleron Cypher: Winds Haste increased by 10% within the Maw for 1 hour.
NEW Obleron Devourer Devours Obleron armor off of targets, reducing their combat ability. Returns the armaments upon death.
While inside Torghast, players will be able to collect Phantasma, used exclusively inside Torghast and lost once you leave. Phantasma can be used to gain power inside the Tower. Phantasma allows players to improve their abilities by finding upgrades to their abilities inside Torghast. It is unclear if there are other uses to it.
NEW Abundance of Phantasma Acquire 300 Phantasma.
NEW Abundance of Phantasma Acquire 300 Phantasma.
NEW Art of Phantasmal Healing Your Flash Heals are now instant and cost no mana, but consume 5 Phantasma.
NEW Astral Phantasma Looting Phantasma reduces the remaining cooldown of Astral Shift by 1 sec per Phantasma.
NEW Brokerâs Purse Acquire 500 Phantasma.
NEW Clouded Thoughts Killing enemies has a chance to generate a Phantasma Cloud, granting you 133 Phantasma when consumed.
NEW Gluttonâs Guise
Demonology:Striking an enemy with Call Dreadstalkers instantly grants you 5 Phantasma.
Destruction:Striking an enemy with Chaos Bolt instantly grants you 5 Phantasma.
Affliction:Striking an enemy with Soul Wrack instantly grants you 5 Phantasma. -
NEW Increased Phantasma Increases Phantasma earned by 10%.
NEW Looted Phantasma has already been looted.
NEW Marrow Scooper Skeletons in the Jailerâs Tower drop 10 times as much Phantasma.
NEW Massive Phantasma Increases Phantasma earned by 50%.
NEW Phantasma Acquire 2 Phantasma.
NEW Phantasma Cloud The Holy energy of Azeroth invigorates you, healing the caster for 50% health, and increasing damage dealt by 30% and maximum health by 20% for 30 sec.
NEW Phantasmal Fetish Looting Phantasma increases the damage of your next (Multi - Shot / Carve) by N%, up to a maximum of X%.
NEW Pouch of Phantasma Acquire 75 Phantasma.
NEW Protective Phantasma Looting Phantasma grants you an absorb shield for 65 per Phantasma, up to a maximum of (1 * Total health). The absorption stacks, and lasts 5 min.
NEW Psychic Wallet Casting Mind Control on an enemy will empty their pockets, granting roughly 15 Phantasma.
NEW Satchel of Phantasma Acquire 150 Phantasma.
NEW Scouring Tithe Grant Phantasma to all players.
NEW Significant Phantasma Increases Phantasma earned by 25%.
NEW Tithing Dish If an enemy dies while under the effects of Scouring Tithe, they instantly grant 25 Phantasma to all players.
NEW Unbound Cosmos Alters the objective reality of players, inflicting 5 Shadow damage every 5 sec for 6 sec.
When this aura is removed, the distortion transfers to the ground, triggering Phantasmic Collapse and immediately inflicting 5 Shadow damage to all players. -
NEW Unstable Phantasma Lure Increases Phantasma earned by 25%.
NEW Cosmic Artifice Alters the objective reality of players, inflicting 5 Shadow damage every 5 sec for 6 sec.
When this aura is removed, the distortion transfers to the ground, triggering Phantasmic Collapse and immediately inflicting 5 Shadow damage to all players.
Beasts of Prodigum Event
As mentioned in the BlizzCon preview, within the first couple of weeks of the Shadowlands expansion, the Jailer will unleash a horde of monstrosities into the Maw and the tower itself in an event called The Beasts of Prodigum, changing the experience. During this event you may gain some new powers that can help you counter these beasts, such as the ones below. This event hints as something similar to seasons for Torghast, with extra effects in the Tower that change over time.
NEW Anamnestic Memories Beasts of Prodigum
Your Maw Beastâs movement speed is increased by 50% and it will attempt to retrieve loot for you after combat. -
NEW Chain of Command Beasts of Prodigum
Calls forth Horgul, a powerful Shade Hound that can stun individual enemies and draw their attention. -
NEW Collar of Teeth Beasts of Prodigum
Your Maw Beastâs damage done is increased by 25%. -
NEW Hungering Anima Beasts of Prodigum
Your Maw Beast gains 100% increased damage done, but also loses 2% health every 1 sec while in combat. -
NEW Infused Flesh Beasts of Prodigum
The cooldown of your Maw Beastâs special ability is reduced by 50%. -
NEW Runic Etchings Beasts of Prodigum
The maximum health of your Maw Beast is increased by 50%. -
NEW Satchel of the Hunt Beasts of Prodigum
Your Maw Beast grants allies within 60 yds an additional 20% movement speed. -
NEW Shade Essence-Lure Beasts of Prodigum
Calls forth Valioc, a powerful Soul Eater that can inflict area damage and silence enemies. -
NEW Stygian Victuals Beasts of Prodigum
Your Maw Beast regenerates 2% of its health every 1 sec while not in combat. -
NEW Symbiotic Essence Beasts of Prodigum
The healing of your Maw Beast is increased by 50% and also heals you as well. -
NEW Unnatural Claws Beasts of Prodigum
Your Maw Beast strikes all enemies within 5 additional yds while attacking. -
NEW Volatile Augury Beasts of Prodigum
When your Maw Beast reaches critical health, it detonates and inflicts 20% of its maximum health as Shadow damage to all enemies within 20 yds, stunning them for 3 sec. -
NEW Wailing Pendant Beasts of Prodigum
Calls forth Nalâtari, a powerful Soul Hunter that can howl to increase alliesâ combat abilities. -
NEW Melee Your Maw Beast strikes all enemies within 5 additional yds while attacking.
Vitality is a stat linked with Torghast, and looks similar to Sanity in Horrific Visions. Vitality seems to be linked with the Armory in specific, but could also limit your stay at Torghast itself.
NEW Destabilized Vitality Your Vitality has expired, and your connection with the Armory has been severed.
NEW Essence of Vigor Your damage is increased by 0.40% for every Vitality you are missing.
NEW Essence of Vim Your damage is increased by 0.20% for every Vitality you have remaining.
NEW Gain Vitality Gain Vitality.
NEW Mawstone Increase your current Vitality by 10.
NEW Mawstone Increase your current Vitality by 20.
NEW Mawstone Increase your current Vitality by 30.
NEW Obsidian Effigy Increase your current and maximum Vitality by 100%.
Increase your normal damage taken by 100%. -
NEW Secret Spices Killing a Mawrat grants you 1 Vitality.
NEW Terminus Orb Regain 5 Vitality when you ascend to a new floor of the Armory.
NEW Vital Aegis Reduce any Vitality damage taken by 1.
NEW Vitality Guillotine The first time you damage an Elite enemy, deal additional damage equal to half their maximum health. After defeating 3 Elite enemies this effect is lost, and you gain 30% maximum health.
Overall, you are misinformed and are raging at a single thing when there are MANY, MANY system to help you out.