Timers added to Torghast

Have not stepped foot in any raid this patch and will not. Don’t care, corruption and visions are garbage and will not use it. So they can take every warlock before me becasue I don’t care. Visions are horrible becasue of the timer and I will never do them. Looks like Torghast is dead already and it’s not even released.

I don’t see that on the wowhead page and if they did that would be bad. Another bad design like visions if so.


Then surely a timer will be trivial for you then

Still ironic, there is still not a timer in visions. Level your cape and you can pretty much stay there as much as you want. You are playing the game wrong.

“Here is a way to mitigate the one thing that will make torghast hard”


Then don’t say a word should anything related to visions become removed such as cosmetics

Sit on the bench while the rest progress

Who cares if it’s trivial? It is not compelling.

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It was hinted at somewhat when first discussed before the game play on alpha was released.

Will there be a pause timer in the Tower?

No plans to do a skip in the tower right now.

  • Meaning it could have been a possibility.

Why would you be in a group?

In the end, the goal is that solo and a group is equal but that’s hard to balance.

  • So solo and group play was confirmed.

The only thing I had hoped that wasn’t discussed was that you would be able to invite people to a run already in progress.

Did I say that? No.

But how far should a 5% parser be able to go? How about a top 100%? And what if that 5% plays the worst healer spec and chooses a poor covenant and can’t play with other people. Compare this to 100% parsers in maxed gear in a full group with healer and tank using consumables and having every buff covered in their comp, maximizing things like stealth runs when possible.

That would be difficult to balance without a timer. As was admitted by blizz above. And the weird part here is the timer is going to hurt the bad player not the world first mythic players. You guys say on the one hand that its an incredibly long timer and shouldn’t effect you but then turn around and demand it so that its a challenge.


It’s compelling? So therefore you can’t do Torghast due to a Clock you have against for no reason

dont back peddle through it and you will be fine

And that’s what makes it all feel like the same content. Keys and timers. They need more variety and more creativity to make things challenging and fun.

We are actually playing the right game. It was just sadly invaded by timerhaulic’s.


It’s NOT compelling to do timed content. Prior to this change Torghast was appealing to a huge portion of the player base. Now it appeals to much less. As evidenced by this thread. If you wanted to go faster before this change you already could. If you didn’t, now you don’t have a choice.

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You’re hindering yourself because you can’t beat a clock

In an MMO you do what it takes to be better

But that doesn’t mean there will be one either.

Again, that is something you wanted. If it wasn’t discussed, how can you expect it to be in the game and then angry that it isn’t? Makes no sense.

Content being “inaccessible” because you’re not good enough has existed since Vanilla and always will, it’s up to you to step up.

You’re definitely doing it wrong. If you aren’t progressing towards the objectives and doing something irrelevant, then it is not the system’s fault.

No! We don’t need a rest area for anything. If there is no timer then there is no need for a rest area! You can take a break whenever you want. This is hot garbage!


Just like when Visions came out and it took 7 weeks for them to patch it to where Healers can do it solo? Even then, due to not having DPS trinks, gear, and corruption, I failed my visions due to an artificial clock?

Get over yourself dude. The timer was not needed and it’s not needed now. If a player wants to dump 2 hours to beat one damn thing, why can’t they dump 2 hours to beat one damn thing. If it was a hero problem, what was so hard about adding a couple lines of code restricting hero to 1 time use?

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What amazes me is people trying to defend the timer, if doesn’t matter if someone will take 1 hour or 3 days to clear the floor. It’s Stockholm syndrome for sure.


Either you tell me you can or can’t

Timers keep people out of content, not in. You have to rush, complete it, be locked out. Rinse and repeat the next day. If anything it controls in game playtime. Like a ig nanny.


It was one of the thing that I loved about WoW, you could take your time and explore every inch and not be penalized for it. It’s a shame they started adding timers. Every bit of content they have added timers to I never do. I gave up on visions, have not stepped foot in a mythic+ since the first week of their release in Legion and never plan on doing either. Torghast will just be added to that list.

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