Hey so… if someone is having a seizure on the floor do you go up to them “Hey how old are you? throwing a fit on the floor like what the heck”
Do you go up to a person that is in a wheelchair and roll your eyes and push them onto the floor “Get up and stop being lazy!”
No? Why not, if you are going to belittle people for their disabilities you should go full scumbag.
Lost interest in doing them but going to see how it goes before decideing not to bother with them at all but atleast tier class gear is coming back!
I can. Never said I can’t. Big mag big lies.
oof. Imagine being that wrong.
Have you considered that not every game are the same? Why is an AFK zone, that you can stay indefinitely, bad?
Oh you can? Then why you said “won’t touch it once” if you couldn’t then
Well so much for Torghast being fun. Looks like a whole expansion of not raiding. Corruption and the timer in Visions made me completely give up on 8.3, looks like all of 9 will be dead in the water to me.
Because it restricts exploration that was the selling point behind torghast an environment that is never the same and rewards exploration
You can explore all you want before the 10th floor. Only after 10 does the timer start.
It’s not bad…It’s a trying but missing the whole point kind of thing. The whole point was to create something that had no timer of any kind. They officially failed.
I see that they are trying to make it work. But I will tell you flat out, IT WILL FAIL because they missed the entire POINT!
Mommy I want a nice ice cream cake! Mommy then give you a cake made of broccoli ice cream. Mommy MISSED the generic POINT by MILES and failed to target the common flavors people expect in a ice cream cake.
This whole tower is a giant corrupt a wish joke now.
And there were timers 15 years ago. If you aren’t frantically farming for core ore/herbs you had to wait and hope it would respawn in one of the many differnt places when you were there. If you didn’t kill a boss in time you would hit enrage and have to start all over after a wipe and a long run back. If you didn’t down said boss in time you would get all the trash respawn and have to start that whole section of the raid/dungeon over. Core profession mats were on timers.
Timer is too forgiving, it needs to be the WoW version of an Ironman mode. You fail that timer, not only do you have to start over but your character gets deleted.
Make it happen, Blizzard.
floors before 10 does not have a timer. Just hang out there?
Why stop there
Prevents said person to post on the forums upon character failure
Please go back to grade school. “can” and “will” have different meanings.
Well you need a character to post so done and done.
And floors before 10 will have nothing that matters.
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It literally was,
“Variable Layouts
-Floors built to encourage exploration
-Not a timed mode
-Always be climbing the tower
…but maybe take your time to hunt for Anima”
This was on a panel for Torghast.
Absolutely wrong. All the mats are below 10.
Then it’s time to gnome up and put yourself to the challenge on the 11th floor