Timers added to Torghast

Lolol still trying with this people getting things position. I don’t care.

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Everything you do in WoW is a timer… Even when you don’t realize it

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Great then I’ll requote

Nobody cares about what you are repeating


Only you don’t care the rest don’t mind because they’re actually playing the game :wink:

But you aren’t your here on the forums instead.

I am playing the game right now. Keep trying.

Two monitors

Great, but you’re not the representation

The ones who don’t mind a clock are the ones doing the things you don’t do as we speak

Now you are moving the goalposts lol. King of fallacies.


If you can pay attention to the second monitor obviously there isn’t enough timers or they are to long.

I demand a 30 sec instant death timer for people lounging about in cities. Blizz should not abide this laziness I demand that everyone play the way I do.

end /sarcasm

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Exactly, your now setting up this game SO ONLY your type can play it. And you may get your way for a while, until Blizzard’s pocketbook runs dry.

Cause people who choose to play MMORG’s do so because they want to typically take their time.


Everything is a goalpost to whoever doesn’t get their way :man_shrugging:

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BFA timerfest reception disagrees. This game loses subs every time Blizzard follows this attitude.


Nope. You made your whole fake argument about how I was going to cry about people getting things, now that you got nowhere spouting that lie you try to say well it doesn’t matter because I don’t represent everyone in the game. It’s pathetic to watch you try to keep shifting gears on your failed argument.


I’m sorry to break it to you but the majority of players don’t get anxiety over a soft timer that won’t kick you out. Just don’t linger too long around, and the torments are MORE THAN FAIR. They’re going to be extremely easy to handle.

That was true 15 years ago.

You’re the one with the “I can’t” stance over a timer that wasn’t a big deal

Never said I can’t. Keep lying. And nice whataboutism.



Claim you won’t do it but now suddenly you can

This is a 15 year old game, inhabited by people who played 15 years ago. You can get the timers you seek in every other game on the market. However good games without timers are hard to find. Please don’t ruin ours. GO and get another game if you need to have a timer! Or better yet…BUY a STOP WATCH!