Timers added to Torghast

They sold me on a product that in their original description did not have timers.

We will build you a nice new car with all the trimmings…just pay now. 2 weeks later “ohh yeah, umm we are taking out the air conditioner, it’s bad for the drive style”.


Lololol things they want I don’t care what other people want. You are so defensive of something I don’t give a crap about it’s hysterical. You made up this entire fake position and keep trying to attack it. Have fun in your alternate reality.

Then why are you saying this

Clearly before the timers you wanted to run it

It took a couple of weeks, at most, to get the alterations required for tanks/healers to be able to solo 5 Mask Visions. It isn’t going to magically take “3-4 times as long” for a DK to AoE down the same packs either, especially since they have better AoE than Prot(As is evidenced by the AoE fight logs in Nya). You just don’t know what you’re talking about and it is quite evident.
They also aren’t that far behind in M+ damage either, especially not 3-4x less DPS.

So basically, you’re full of it and tanks/healers have a far easiest time now, especially if they are less geared, than DPS does.

If you read the fine line it also said

“Subject to change”

I know that it’s about exploring. But will you really feel guilty about stopping to explore if it’s such a trivial amount of dmg you lose? Maybe, and if it turns out that it feels awful then maybe it shouldn’t be that way.

I don’t think it will.

But honestly, if half the population thinks it should have a timer and half doesn’t… I think that this is a fairly decent compromise.

Here’s one of the debuffs that are going to act as a soft timer…

Torment: Might of the Upper Reaches
The might of the Upper Reaches increases Physical damage taken by the target by 1% every 60 sec. This effect stacks.

That means if you derp around on a floor for 20 min you’ll have a 20% physical damage debuff. That’s not game breaking.

It’s technically a soft timer but it’s very generous.

“but I can’t do a timer!!”

Well, My money is also

If that tower keeps a timer on it.

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That’s fine

Someone else will fill in your spot

Stay in BfA all you like if a clock hinders your play time

Which has nothing to do with me caring about what other people do, or getting my legendaries, etc

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First you do realize how skewed many of those logs are correct? When you run with 30 tanks adding 3% health and stacking multiple TD’s tanks based on large health pools are going to pull ahead. And even with that looking at the first warrior in the link you provided he was top dps. Although TD was 80% or more of all of these tanks damage.

If you look at normal tanks in the LFR to Heroic bracket on most pulls warriors pull ahead by a huge margin. There is a reason why warriors are the top M+ tanks not DK’s. In fact playing a DK one of the biggest shocks was how low my damage was and how much I had to work to keep threat.

I’m a artist, what happens if I want to AFK and paint the cool view I see in the dungeon, walk around RP and take nice screen shots. I should have the ability to do that if I want to without any punishment.

They seriously could have linked the cooldown refresh with combat and avoided timers all together and STILL solved that one dumb issue. And that issue WAS dumb, because if your poppen cooldowns for every pull, it’s time to leave and I SHOULD Not be punished because people are too thick to figure that one out!.


solutions are as simple as “a pack of enemies starts to hunt you if you’re out of combat too long, and grows more bloodthirsty the longer they take to engage”

forces the player to look for them to reset the hunt


Record video game with windows built in screen recorder

Finish Torghast run

Find said video recording

Pause and draw as you please

Now what says you

Clark you are on Moon Guard don’t you want to rp in Torghast?


Thats not usually how artistic inspiration works. When you are moved to paint you want to do it in that moment not wait. To be honest its a compulsion.

At least thats how its always been for myself.



The timer is so weak that most normal players won’t even notice it.

Literally wont affect me.

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You do realize that, again, the later 2 links I posted were of M+ damage, right? Or are we just glossing over that completely? DKs are, in fact, one of the easiest specs to 5 Mask Visions as, particularly because of how unbelievably easy it is to TARGET a R3 TD from the start. Blood DKs aren’t pulling a third, or a quarter, of the DPS that Prot Warriors are, period. The biggest discrepancy between DPS is Atal and Freehold, in which the Blood DK is pulling 75% the DPS as the Prot Warriors. Nice try though.

Not really because you’re RP in a zone that wants to kill you

Not many people RP like that