Timers added to Torghast

If only you could do this content in groups…

Great, Then you got two options

You do it or don’t

If you do great reap all the rewards

If you don’t, then don’t say a word because it’s your choice to not run it

I don’t like timers, they are built around “normal times” that don’t include every class. A healer or a tank is obviously going to run these slower. But if they build it around normal dps timers it’s going to be tight for healers and tanks.
They already showed us they don’t know how to balance around this, look at visions.

Also one person’s idea of a “healthy timer” IS NOT another persons idea of a “healthy timer”. That and there’s LIFE, it pops up and sometimes that bio break takes way more time then expected. Also we are in a tower that is ever changing, so the timer does NOT account for those who are bad at keeping track of their location.

Timers are a overall BAD idea for the content that they are trying to make. THAT and we seriously have to ween people off them because the community is getting hyper, over judgemental and glaze over details in favor of instinct.


Honestly I’m with you here I pre-ordered the expansion because torghast sounded amazing but now it just sounds terrible and just watch the covenant progression be based around dailys, weeklys and world quests honestly thinking I should just refund


This. Blizzard is designing by spreadsheet post Legion and it’s not an attractive design methodology.

In nearly every single system, BfA was milking the most player time out of the least dev time investment and shadowlands is right on track for more of the same.

They’re not tweaking their game design to maximize fun, they looking for the player base breaking point.


They can’t balance timers around solo players. Each class plays differently and needs a different amount of time to ramp up.

Basicly they are going to ensure that everyone now mains a DH.


Nope just checked the first one to be honest. Because nothing I see surprises me.

You are looking at the top players who have their choice in what corruption to stack. Which in aoe pulls is TD and again TD benefits DK’s more then Warriors. But most people don’t have this option and do not play at this skill level. And to be honest its a group I don’t care about when it comes to Torghast as the timers will never effect them as its their method of play anyway. The people who it is going to effect play very differently and these are the numbers I’m talking about.

What does surprise me is that DK and warrior single target is these brackets is really close and in fact the DK pulls ahead. With warrior catching up the higher the parse percentile. More people then I would have guessed seemed to have lucked out on TD, gushing and or flay drops.

But on M+ warrior pulls ahead but you are correct in saying that its not by 4 times the amount. The problem with this is that DK aoe is based on having TD which is capped at 10 while warrior thunder clap (30%-40% of total damage on normal pulls) and dots are not. This means that warriors will pull ahead faster the larger the pull is. This is why this character at 455 can do 350k - 900k dps on n’ylotha trash before Hivemind.

But for the most part its not really a point I care at all about. There is no denying that some specs/classes had problems and continue to require more gear or skill then others.

hahaha. That same attitude was given to complaints at the start of BfA when they weren’t listening to Azerite/Island/Warfront feedback.

How’d that go? Blizzard hold firm on those decisions too?
Or did they cut content and refocus to chase the money they’d lost?


Uhm, how do you not have time with a lvl 15 cloak? You can literally kill everything in the vision, get every chest/crystal, open all mail boxes and kill all the random buff npcs without ever using 1 of your 3 orbs or the cheat death.

Not how it works. People can criticize bad ideas and participate or not participate.


You can still do that. The “timer” is incredibly generous.

Watching streamers run Torghast on Alpha a floor takes less than 5 min going very casually with exploration. Even if you spend another 5 min taking screenies you’re talking about a negligible effect on your ability to finish.

Stop being triggered by the term timer.

Because they decrease the timer with masks.

And I have yet to 5 mask let alone spend time exploring.

General Discussion rants are not the same as rants in game

Infact majority of said people I run into in 8.3 content don’t even say anything bad

Let me make this real simple for even you to understand.

Blizzard wants me to pay $60aud for Shadowlands, then on top of that they also want a monthly fee of $16aud for my sub. Now, I’m not a person who likes being told when and how to enjoy the content I pay for. If I want to run Torghast or any content all day every day until I burn out, I should be able too, but effectively what Blizzard is doing is treating me like a child and telling me when and how much content I can and can’t play/enjoy. Now, as an adult, I don’t take kindly to people who I pay a service to, telling me how and when I get to enjoy the content I am paying for. You get me, chief? if you like Ion and Blizzard treating you like a child and time-gating content on you, that’s fine, but some of us don’t like being treated like children by a company that only sees us as a walking wallet.

Write this down in your diary so you can reread it back to yourself every night when Daddy Ion tucks you in - Blizzard does not care about you, they never have and never will. They are a company who only care about money, and you, to them, are a walking ATM. But hey, as I said, you keep on shilling and maybe Daddy Ion will tell you what a good little boy you are for telling everyone else they are wrong for, god forbid, wanting to play and enjoy content they pay for on a monthly basis without some form of time-gating gimmick.


It’s not time in a literal sense but the limited keys and timer preventing incentive to explore. Even Asmongold who is way overgeared just found that rare room in the Shaw area for the first time yesterday doing his vision and he likes to explore.

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I was honestly looking forward to content that could gear me up without giving me heart palpitations and triggering my anxiety. I hate mythic plus, I truly just wanted a alternative so I didn’t have to go there.

The whole tower is just another pointless mythic plus system now. It’s such a waste, I morn for it.

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For the love of god use paragraphs when ranting.

Because “I can’t” stance

I was able to clear a 1 mask with a rank 12 cloak without any problems, as in no orbs because I let my cheat death be used instead, going to be trying 2 masks later tonight

This could be because when given the choice we surround ourselves by people with the same general opinions as ourselves.

Furthermore people who despise timers don’t run that content so its complaints you wont see. As an officer in a large fairly laid back guild I can tell you I see a lot of people who are hesitant to join while others refuse outright.


Mask have nothing to do with what you are complaining about. Masks are specifically for adding the difficulty and danger of sanity loss, and thus better end of run rewards. You can easily do what you are claiming you want to do with 0 masks