Timers added to Torghast

That is disappointing, but reasonable. I think that I will probably just skip Torghast. Thank you for letting me know.

I know this doesn’t help with other classes but from a paladins perspective we as a class can just power house through everything as the paladin fantasy is a slow unstoppable powerhouse juggernaut, i dont think any of the 3 hyrbid classes will struggle with the timer. But the pure dps classes probably will.

It’s not even noticeable (during my testing).

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Oh no, the sky is falling.

I forgot where i placed my pitchfork.


You misunderstand what peoples complaint is, it’s not about the difficulty. People want to be able to play the game socializing and having fun without being forced to push forward with a timer.

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socializing can be done at the end or beginning of each floor. But fun for me is dominating enemies as brutally and as fast as possible while getting all the good stuff :D. But its understandable the stronger people will have more free time throughout their floors.

Here’s a crazy idea, you can go fast as possible without a timer.

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Here are some specifics from the alpha:

-These effects don’t begin until the 10th floor.

-There is a safe zone at beginning of each floor, until you start clearing.

-one of the sample effects is a 1% damage decrease per two minutes spent out of combat. if you go away for 20 minutes, you will have lost a whopping 10% damage output immediately before the server boots you for inactivity. Time in combat does not count against you.

As presented, these mechanics look extremely forgiving.

tbh the timer will make it to where i wont be disappointed when irl gets in the way and forces me off the game, so i have no complaints, sorry.

It’s not a timer it’s a soft timer. Most floors will take what like 10-15 minutes going at a regular pace? One of the “timer” debuffs is that you lose 1% dmg every 120 seconds. So it would take you 20 minutes to lose 10% damage. You’ll be able to go get the door or whatever and it’s not going to affect you one little bit! Chill out, it’s just meant so that people can’t afk and wait for bloodlust

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At that point, wouldn’t it be better to just reset cooldowns when you move to a new floor?

The problem they are trying to solve is one that isn’t present until you are far past the 10th floor.

While that’s nice that doesn’t solve the problem of being rushed after starting each floor.

Perhaps we are reading different things because the only out of combat ones I see are the mob spawning ones.

They are forgiving if you are constantly moving but people will want to rush because you are punished if you don’t. Especially on the higher levels where you need to perform more precisely these will be important to speed through.

All your points can be done without a timer. We have had islands, m+, and visions with timers so it’s fair to have some solo-5 player content that scales and doesn’t have a timer.

It scales over time, it’s a timer. One of the effects even does x% of your health per 5 seconds and stacks, if this gets high enough you will simply die which is a timer. If these just had occasional enemies that pursued when out of combat that would be fine but these stack. You’re right where this probably won’t be that bad in difficulty but I think the social aspects will be bad. Players won’t want you doing anything but rushing and on the higher floors this will be a lot more controversial.


I’m disappointed but need to see how it will actually pan out. If the timer is long enough to not make you want to rush through it but short enough to not let you wait 10 minutes before every pull that’s fine. But like the sanity timer in visions is way too short (at low cloak levels anyway).

Honestly though if their concern is people waiting for long cooldowns (I still don’t quite get why this matters in what is intended to be mainly solo content) why not just add a restriction where those are limited to once per floor? Why ruin an amazing idea by once again pushing this speedrunning garbage.

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 This will be a 100% non issue until you get to like floor 100. By that point you’ll have so many anima powers you’ll be a tiny God

I think that one that does %dmg of your health ticks way too fast, hopefully they change it
 The other ones stacking at a minute or two seem very fair to me. You will be able to sit in there as long as you want with minimal effect.

Kinda hate this argument. EVERYTHING is a timer if you look for a timer.

It’s not even noticeable. If you want to AFK in Torghast, do it at the start of the floor.

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If it’s 100% a non issue then why have it in place?

Personally I can see many issues even with people playing legitimately. I was watching someone run Torghast they were in mid 30’s floor and it took them 20-30 minutes doing a rather large floor with a boss at the end. They wiped on the boss and thought they weren’t strong enough but just barely pulled through in a super intense and long fight. If they had these debuffs they certainly would have lost with something like 30% more magic damage taken. This guy was also going forward constantly so “You will be able to sit in there as long as you want with minimal effect.” is entirely false. If that were the case there would be no harm in getting rid of the timer.


When did you watch this? You hit a critical mass of Anima Powers around 40 in ye olde heoric mode. And the difficulty didn’t matter anymore.

Torghast right now starts at LVL 25. So in the mid 30s they were missing at least 3/4 of the anima powers they should have had, so that floor should’ve been more like 15 minutes, and they were doing wayyy less damage than they should’ve been.

It’s a non issue because the soft timer is being put in place to stop people waiting for CDs. If you get wife aggro and need to run to the shop for some milk, no problemo. Come back 20 minutes later and you’ve lost 10% dmg
 so what you’re still going to be 2 shotting mobs at higher levels. This is called a non issue.

To be fair, if this spices up the runs that’d be more interesting. I mean, we’re supposed to be doing this like a billion times before the next expansion
 so anything to make it more interesting is fine by me.

Ahh of course must have a go go go mentality so we wont notice how bad the content really is.