Timers added to Torghast

To everyone saying the “timer” is too weak and will literally have no impact on your ability to clear: Great, then why bother putting it in if it has no effect?


Because Blizzard knows what we want lol

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Because it will effect the people blizzard is targeting. Us normies that don’t need to tab out every 2 minutes while be fine.

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Same here, it’s why I enjoyed things like soloing old raids before they made it “Oh you outlevel it therefore you two shot everything” around WoD and that’s what kept me interested. I remember monk forums on MMO Champion that used to be about showing off what kind of things you could solo, like the infamous video on those forums of a guy spending like an hour to solo the Twins fight in Throne of Thunder. Or even back in Wrath, Faxmonkey hosted what he called “The FAIL Challenge” which was frost mages soloing a lot of random stuff and challenging other mages to do it and beat them. That added excitement to the game.

Yeah, but the thing is Blizzard has lost the ability. They can’t make their game fun or interesting any more for a variety of reasons which is tragic. I remember when in TBC I could spend the whole day playing WoW just because I wanted to. The game itself just has no interesting things to really engage you anymore and a lot of that is just them dumbing down the design of the game to cater to an audience that realistically should just go find another genre of gaming to ruin.

Yes, but those games literally don’t build their whole brand on “Don’t want to spend days a week playing a game to have good rewards? Want to feel accomplished with only 3 hours a week spend?”

FFXIV actually built itself around, and continues to build itself around the game just having a lot of side content that keeps the game interesting. You actually want to play it when you get invested and don’t feel forced to.

Guild Wars 2 had this for a while where it was just a fun and enjoyable game to play regardless.

WoW isn’t about this anymore and as such they’ve kind of boxed themselves in. It really won’t be long before this game tanks even more and my only hope is that some big genre redefining MMO saves the genre. That’s largely why any ambitious sounding MMO that comes out gets a lot of hype, like BDO, ArcheAge Unchained, etc because people are desperate for a game that they just feel happy playing and not obligated to.

It will and should have an impact, it just won’t kick you out like an actual timer would. These debuffs are fine. They are significant and need to be planned out, but they are fine.

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I agree with you on a lot of this. I just wish they’d sort of get out of their own way when it comes to opening things up and making them different.

Torghast got a lot of good response in Alpha. Things just need tuned. And I’m sure that’s the plan, because content usually isn’t tuned in Alpha so that testing can take place smoothly and allow bugs and such to be found. But I feel they’ll do the thing again, where they try to balance too much and it comes out boring.

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I would enjoy a Dragon Age MMO but it would probably be too similar to ESO to be sustainable. :frowning_face:

Dragon Age is somehow one of the few franchises EA hasn’t managed to destroy lol

Don’t say that too loud, lol.

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Agreed, and the community needs to learn to step aside if they want to make content that isn’t necessarily geared toward them. I.E if you’re just not good enough to do a Mage Tower challenge, quit demanding it be nerfed and get good.

Or when people went ballistic because they said “Arcway and Court of Stars are Mythic Only on launch, and when Karazhan comes out it will be Mythic only in 7.1” People in this game are just too entitled and it hamstrings Blizzard actually making challenging content. If they can’t down it, it needs a nerf. If it’s not geared for them, it better be made to suit them. These are things Blizzard can no longer sustain as allowing them to dictate decisions.

Or where they leave Torghast dead in the dirt because they don’t want to expand upon it. Like really, Torghast enables them to go whole hog if they wanted. It’s a thing that basically borrows its entire design from POTD/Heaven on High in FFXIV. They should at least take some of the extra stuff. Like if you clear the first 100 floors of POTD without a single death, you are granted access to extra floors going up to 200 that are much harder but if you die once in those you start right back over.

People would kill for something like that. I had such a blast doing it on Red Mage because it was challenging and that excited me. Though I guess the main difference and prevention of them doing that is FFXIV’s community kind of accepts when content isn’t geared for them. WoW’s doesn’t and Blizzard lets the fear of them crying, which they’ll do about everything, dictate the game into being a stale mess that gradually begins to drive away their more hardened fans.

We already saw one exodus of a large part of their audience because they saw this coming on the horizon in Wrath (they were driving away their veterans in droves, but still gaining new subs because the game became the cool thing to play out of nowhere) and I won’t be surprised if we notice one in Shadowlands of the players who want a game to play but WoW just keeps giving them stale and boring content because nobody can be special anymore.

WoW really is “No Child Left Behind” the MMO these days. “Oh we can’t advance our learning because two kids just still aren’t getting it. Guess we’re going to sit covering Battle of the Bulge for another week while the other classes have moved on to the next unit.”

Ha, I did Palace on a Red Mage. That’s my main in that game!

But really I feel like they can create content for everyone and leave challenge optional for those that enjoy it. It’s the best way to do it. It’s like difficulty settings in any other game. Like you mentioned about FFXIV, it has so much variety in it for things to do.

That could be a sign that it isn’t a very good idea. If people have the time to wait/waste waiting for cooldowns I’d suggest that’s entirely their prerogative. :woman_shrugging:

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Used to main RDM since it was around the time I began playing and I was sick of playing Ninja. Latency on mudras causing me to bunny hat was just not a great feeling.

I personally disagree. Now I would love for them to do this but I really think it’s beyond Blizzard’s capacity at this point. Especially with all the other things and the visible reasoning as to why. Take for example the fact raids are now gated by an arbitrary month long wait before they unlock. If people want to rush the questing and get right to smashing the PvE, let them. There’s no reason to gate it behind a time barrier because “Yeah well other people wanted to take the questing slow.”

Yeah, it honestly is a well made game since they revamped it, my only regret is I didn’t jump in with ARR or Heavensward launch since I was still mortified over how 1.0 turned out and thought they didn’t change anything about it.

It comes very close in my heart to TBC in terms of MMOs that I just loved playing for no other reason than I was having a blast regardless of what I did. I can even spend a whole four hours at the Gold Saucer which is entirely throwaway crap and still have a blast doing it.

At this point, I’m just praying that Ashes of Creation doesn’t suck. There was a lot of worry from their radio silence throughout 2018 and 2019 but now that they’re releasing more stuff showcasing what they’ve accomplished it’s looking more and more promising each livestream. Realistically if I felt any MMO has the ability to save the MMO genre, it’s either Ashes of Creation if it does well, or Blizzard remembering that the genre isn’t “MMO”, it’s “MMORPG” and putting RPG elements back into the game and going back to what they used to have going for them.

Both are a long shot but if I had to pick, Ashes has more odds of delivering on what it needs to do to fix MMORPGs as a genre than WoW getting good again.

Yep, completely understand that skepticism. It’s definitely earned.

Pretty much why I’m going to be skipping SL until looms are upgradable, and just buy the cheap version of the expansion, and just level my army of alts level through it. This tower of Babel gimmick will fail just like all their other experiments have over the last 4 years lol.


It’ll really only fail if they make it too braindead and people feel there isn’t enough of a challenge to it which is incredibly likely to happen.

If they make it challenging it’ll get them some praise from a lot of people but then there will be people too daunted by the idea of a challenge they’ll either avoid it, or demand it be brought to braindead levels for them to do it.

I really hate saying this but people, especially the vocal majority on these forums who are a vocal minority in the grand scheme need to just branch outside their comfort zones for the sake of the game’s lifespan. The issue is they tend to be very self focused in that if the game is not catered to them, they’ll just rage and threaten to quit and any existing fun in the game gets a sledgehammer taken to it because Blizzard is afraid of driving away what few people they have remaining.

Island Expeditions were promising and supposed to be procedurally generated and randomized. They got gutted for the sake of making them not too challenging to newer players and the AI of the enemy team in beta got noticeably tweaked. It wasn’t that great to start with but it was actually made a lot worse come launch. It became very. . . simplified.

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wait you didn’t understand it? the anima powers are RNG and the anima power drops are also RNG… so if you didn’t get your best powers or got constant drops from the place then this is kinda worse than mage tower 2.0.

Oh and you will have to farm something in order to join and get currency to craft legendaries, the cosmetic part will happen later in the expansion I expect.

I don’t get why people don’t understand as a tank in solo content you can fairly easily pull entire rooms and not really care. Like this week in Stormwind tanks can pull like all of Dwarven District and face tank it while TDev one shots the mobs.

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Ion adding in timers to content that people might actually enjoy? colour me shocked. He just can’t help himself, everything has to be Mythic+ Rush, rush, rush, rush.


Yeah because the timers clearly aren’t forgiving at all. . .

Timers historically are forgiving unless you’re doing it at really high level where every second matters, I.E M+ at a high level.

Timers in low tier content, which I promise you a lot of the people crying about this will belong, you don’t notice them. Who the hell even notices there’s a timer in a +10 dungeon? You blaze through it so fast.

You know Ion doesn’t read these forums, yeah? shilling for him isn’t going to get you on his good side.