Time Walking Quest Reward not correct ilvl

But you didn’t have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don’t even need your loot
But you treat me like a stranger, and that feels so rough
No, you didn’t have to stoop so low
Have our friends collect your treasure then change your ilvl number
I guess that I don’t need that, though
Now you’re just a game that I used to know


This is exactly my point, thank you.

Just want to post here and say all the data indicates that this is still happening and I’m not handing in the quest until I have some indication that it is rectified.

Whatever you do, do not go over to the plunderstorm forum and ask which one of those pirates stole the timewalking loot

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Sadly I’d be shocked if Blizzard did the right thing and reset the quest.

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Still broken

They don’t need to reset the quest. They need to do an “Item Restoration” type exchange with the TWing Cache. It removes the item you received and restores the unopened 493 TWing cache so we can re-open it to get the correct piece of loot.

The Item Restore system already does these exchanges all the time, no reason it cannot be used in this case as well.

That is suitable as well, I suppose. At this point I’d take just a blue post on this issue.

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They will be fixing it! No excuse for this! If you think im going to let this blow over you are wrong they will be giving me something for my time and money!!! Promise! If you think you gonna have some smart comment i will not be reading it hahaha. I always win!

Although I didn’t have an issue with the item ilvl from the item I received from the Time Walking Quest (Raid) reward. I did however notice that I could NOT catalyst the headpiece I received from the cache. I however can catalyst the champion version of Timewalking gear acquired through the Black Temple raid, just not the item (which is a heroic track item from the Black Temple loot table) I received from the cache for completing the Time walking raid quest. This is apparently another bug I found with the launch of this patch.

Bugs i’ve noticed thus far:

The great Vault reward tier piece has incorrect ilvl (should be scaled up to 483 but when I opened it it was 441). I’m hoping this is fixed before next week because I wouldn’t want to be the person who opened my vault to see a tier piece that was the old ilvl version of that item even though they did content appropriate to see a much higher ilvl from the vault slot.

Timewalking Cache Reward Unable to be used in the Catalyst (Raid quest cache specifically).

Not sure if this is a bug or not but…
Catalyst gear (specifically NOT tier pieces) Not showing the appropriate season to match the chosen tier set slots. Example: Resto Druid season 3 was the set chosen, but Catalyst shows season 2 boot stats when putting boots into the Catalyst. I thought only the “transmog” of season 2 was going to show on the gear while the actual gear had stats associated with the entire season 3 tier set. Am I wrong in this assumption?

According to wowhead comments this is still not fixed as of 8 minutes ago, but they do appear to be working on it as some people are getting items that are ilvl 493?

I’m doing it over lack of customer support personally, the piece of gear sucks but the fact that they don’t do anything to fix it or even acknowledge it is the real problem for me.

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I got a 502 belt just now 2:30pm pacific time so it’s fixed

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It is not fixed. According to blues, it’s a known issue and is being worked on:

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should we expect a blue post once its fixed?

441 curio also gotta love the game crapping (Oh no the “S” word is censored gotta protect 13 year olds from a bad word that is slang term for poop or stuff) on me playing for 14 years…

So they are currently investigating.

I got 470 trinket yesterday and the GM said it was hotfixed earlier but yet I still have that same trinket and no reset on my quest so I could do it again? What now?

My guess would be that they’ll investigate.

Looks like theyre sending out a new cache to open in the mail. Just got one on my rogue. I got 457 bracers yesterday, which I still have, and just got a 502 knife from the cache in the mail.

Although, my mage got a 441 Curio (which I cant even trade in) and he got nothing.

Can confirm also received a new cache in the mail.