Dudes complaining about being carried. Hey buddy, don’t look into 55 monks from Guild Wars you’ll have an aneurysm
It’s not an exploit. It’s scaling going through the roof but let me give you an alternative and you tell me if it’s better.
The level 11 is competing without scaling. As a result their incomplte kit can’t compete in this environment because they won’t have essential powers like cleanse, CC, healing, kicks or executes because those are buried deeper into their talent trees. So while the encounter is somewhat “normalized” for them the reality is that you are now spending considerably longer and having a much harder time competing in the dungeon.
Effectively, the low level players are reduced to being “the carries”.
Is this a better system and if so how?
in my opinion no.
but as it stands, that is how blizzard intended it to be.
now, you and i can say its bad design, but its not an exploit because it is the current intention of the game owners for it to be this way even if everyone thinks it should be redesigned.
and yes, in your head canon you can believe whatever you want to believe. but if blizzard doesnt agree with your head canon then no, it doesnt matter that you think it should be considered an exploit.
You want level 11’s to have God Mode and get free stuff without trying while other can’t? Got it.
This is honestly the scaling that timewalk has had for years, It’s just more noticable now because they removed the minimum levels that we had to achieve in the past to take part in a given tier so it wasn’t as noticable.
And again: nothing is made better by making these dungeons take longer.
What loot?
You keep saying free stuff, what free stuff exactly?
Boss loot and time walk badges.
You mean that sweet sweet scaled down boss loot? What do you think they are going to do with it exactly? And Time Walking badges? If you are worried about that you have 2 options, join a level 11 friend or make a level 11 and run the dungeon. You choosing to take the high road means nothing to Blizzard.
Create a level 11, lock the characters XP run a whole bunch of timewalking dungeons and then after you get all that amazing loot – tell me what you are going to do with your decked out level 11.
ah yes. classic case of i have no actual argument so i will make up a strawman argument and not address anyone’s points at all.
im genuinely concerned this is just some 8 year old kid with how they are unable to concede that they are wrong and entirely unable to acknowledge any of the good points people have explained to them multiple times.
Wait hold on; how are you being prevented from “getting stuff?” Like as long as you tag the boss (which for all your talk of one shots you can do) then that guarantees the boss counts as “killed” and unless you are playing a complete wheelchair class like DK or priest this shouldn’t be an issue.
Regardless the real appeal of TW dungeons for a character at 80 is finishing 5 so you can get a piece of raid gear from the weekly, and even then you’re much better off doing the TW raid (if available) and getting yourself shots at multiple champion pieces and a turn in quest for a heroic.
The idea that you are getting nothing suggests that you either don’t understand how timewalking works or that you are lying.
We all know what this is actually about – no matter how much the “integrity” card gets played. It is about the DPS meter. That is the only concern. No one is running these dungeons for loot at level 80, they are doing it for badges and the weekly. That is literally it. If they want to go slow, they can do literally anything else.
To purposely take advantage a broken scaling to get god mode and one shot everything in dungeons for the purpose to get instant TW badges.
If this isn’t a exploit I don’t know what is. People are ether trolling or ignorant or wanting to argue for the sake of arguing.
this is your opinion. dont state opinions as fact. currently blizzard does not agree with you.
according to your opinion. again, have whatever opinion you want, but no one else has to agree with it.
the only opinion here that matters is blizzards.
It isn’t an exploit… you keep using that word but this scaling was intentionally added by Blizzard. Intentionally. They had all of MoP Remix to see how level 11 scaling worked, realized hey people like this, and added it. You don’t like it because you “can’t play your character” but that isn’t the reason – you want to see your name at the top of the meter. That is all.
If you dont like it, form your own groups. Cheesing tw dungeons isnt anything new. If you dont want cheese, you dont random queue. Issue solved.
It’s a mix of things.
Level scaling has always been poor in WoW for whatever reason such that fighting mob A at the low end has always been faster, easier, and less risky than fighting the same mob at the high end.
TW drops and rewards do not scale down to level 10, they are currently scaled to level 30 (e.g. items drop at ilevel 60 when the previous highest items at level 10 / 11 were some dungeon gear at ilevel 30, with most quest and other gear far lower).
There are other items that don’t scale down, but most require a lot of time and effort to obtain such as stuff from Mechnagon - though Blizzard should go through an item review and make sure everything either scales down or has an appropriate minimum character level.
Some old enchants and gems provide significantly higher relative power at low levels over higher levels, and some scale much better with certain class / spec / abilities than others (e.g. Lifestealing proccing off whirlwind on fury warriors).
Fixing the TW rewards should be easy - just hotfix all the TW gear to scale down appropriately from 30-10. Keep working on other outliers (gear that doesn’t scale down without minimum character levels in place) over time.
Fixing old enchants and gems may take more effort than it’s worth, and if they fix the first, maybe not as big of an issue as players would need to go farm all kinds of old content for gear to use instead of buying it off the vendor in Tanaris and using TW drops.
Fixing level scaling will probably never happen - they do seem incapable (or maybe just unwilling to put in the required development resources).
EDIT TO ADD: They need to remove ilevel scaling at 80 as it disincentivizes leveling up and gearing up. Running trivial content for cosmetics should not be much faster on a fresh character (which it would be even if they fix the other issues) than on one fully leveled and geared.
Glad you are able to come to terms with this.
Like you’ve made it abundantly clear that you don’t like the way this works which is fine but that doesn’t mean that this is a problem.
Oh and by the way: if you’re really concerned about TW tokens you can convert bronze holiday tokens into them at a pretty good exchange; one of the weeklies (which will give you gear that’s at least as good as what you’d get from TW dungeons) will get you around 160 tokens.
I’m just going to post this here cause it is the truth. Cause no one has a right to complain about anything overpowered here ever again on this forum for defending this exploit. You are cheesing something that is broken to gain a advantage. That is called a exploit. Even if Blizzard says it or not.
For the Nth time: this isn’t an exploit.
Also I’m going to point out that over the course of the past hour I’ve taken the time to try and explain to you different ways you can handle this and also pointed out the problem with “fixing” this supposed problem which you have pointedly ignored in favor of complaining about how hard done by you are.
Also in the time that it took you to post here you could have gotten into Ulduar (likely gotten hammered because even though it’s much easier you’re current Ilvls are kind of low) and gotten plenty of gear and badges playing through challenging content.
What’s funny is that an 11 in heirlooms questing is no different, one shots left and right. The leveling experience scales upward at a trajectory that involves things getting harder as you go, due in part to several of the following reasons:
- folks not being familiar with their character
- folks not having all of their spells and/or talents
- heirloom items inbalancing item level and stat quantities versus higher level gear
This is one of those obvious things. The fact this thread is still going is obviously a grand troll attempt by a boring person (or a few it seems, perhaps all alts of the same or simply several folks wanting to troll), but this is a known entity.
Blizzard even recently addressed this by removing the ability to get the badge turn in quest until you are level 30, for this very reason that level 11s were too easily burning through content. So yes, they are well aware, and they honestly don’t care.