Time walking exploiters

Still no exploit.

Game exploits are against the terms of service.




Before we go any further – what is the exact issue that you want to address with this post and why? You have a million and a half things to do at max level, follower dungeons, delves, mythics, heroics, raids…

What are trying to do in TW dungeons that you can’t do in other dungeons exactly?


Being effortlessly carried and not have to try. Oh the horror.


One shotting bosses. Obviously people can’t one shot bosses in other content.

It’s not a bug lol, it’s Blizzard’s scaling. You’re not a very smart Orc, are you?


So… you want to one shot things? That is what you are hoping for? That is a strange answer because someone is already doing that for you.

So again – when you go into a TW dungeon what are you trying to do in the dungeon exactly?

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Which at this point is so freakin’ screwy that it’s hard to decide exactly what it is. Is it bugged? Is it intended? Is it so out of their hands that they are incapable of fixing it?

I lean toward them being incapable.

It is a chore though; Like I ran all of this content when it was current and have blasted through Wrath content via timewalking dozens of times since I came back in legion. I have functionally sucked all the joy out of that content and now it’s pretty much just about getting the TW tokens and fishing for champion/heroic gear from the raid.

And when I’ve got like 4-5 characters to do it with… it absolutely becomes a chore.

You can’t be like this. Seriously… how many weeks of the anniversary event have we had? This scaling is literally the the same scaling they had in MoP Remix…

Farming Timewalking Badges is the only real reason that comes to mind.

Lol it’s pretty true. In the beginning I was dpsing but once everything was dying before I could get into it. I said f it and did 3 more with him and got 3 done in like 15 mins

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I’m trying to play the game the right way not cheese a broken mechanic. Such as one shotting a dungeon.


To what end?

Like sure, you can bedazzle yourself in all kinds of gear to make yourself the most perfect little level 11 munchkin there ever was, but it’s going to count for stunningly little in the grand scheme of things.

What is the right way exactly? This is the same scaling they had in MoP Remix… it has been this way since the start of the anniversary. It seems to me, if this was the “wrong way” to play Blizzard surely had enough time to actually do something about it. But they didn’t. In fact they added the MoP Remix scaling on purpose.

You should form a group with other 80’s if it’s this much of a concern for you. Perhps join a guild?


this should be the entire point and focus right here. end of conversation.

but classic case of a few brain rot people getting mad and focusing on entirely the wrong thing like pointlessly arguing over if it should be considered an exploit or not.(its not)

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So a level 11 should one shot TW dungeons and get instant loot and TW badges? And not call it a exploit? Got it.

So level 11’s should have God Mode and get free stuff? Got it.

Exactly. People trying to compare this to Martin Fury are being wilfully ignorant. Yeah, using a developer item that was not intended for players when they accidentally received it during a restoration is obviously the same thing as being lower level than others in timewalking, lol.

This is the exact same scaling they had in MOP remix. If Blizzard didn’t like the way it was working they would’ve changed it many many months ago. Nobody cares what DPS meters show in scaled content.


Its actually a good way to farm the mount, you just make a lvl 11 and Q , runs are less than 10 mins