The fact that you people continue to try to gaslight is all the more proof you people have no arguments and you know it.
You say that no one is out to ruin the experience for other people, yet we’ve seen some of the so called twinks on here outright say they lock their xp and go into group content with the express purpose of trying to one shot it. So yes they know what they’re doing and are doing it on purpose.
As to your bit in bold, it doesn’t matter if it’s timewalking, a full on raid or m+, one guy should not be allowed to reduce group content to a 1 man interactive movie featuring 4 NPC teammates. You talk about people wanting to be the main character, which is exactly that that one guy is doing. He’s trying to be the main character at the expense of 4 other people. Again it’s TEAM content not ME content. When I press that queue button I’m signing up for a group activity, not to be some twink’s ticket in the door to abuse busted mechanics. It’s no different than playing on basketball team in school and only one kid getting to ever touch the ball. It’s not fair or fun for the other kids, and likewise why would it be different here?
Lastly don’t feed me that hogwash excuse of “it’ll break something if we try to fix it” because I have 20 years experience creating content for other games and I know better than that. Not to mention we also have 20 years of precedent that this has NEVER been intended, especially when 70s were prevented from xp locking for scaling issues. Guess what this is in part, a scaling issue. Only difference is this time it’s the number 11 instead of 70. If you want to be a one man army, form your own groups instead of trying to hijack the experience of 4 other people to make it about you.
Or how about you’re the odd man out trying to be the one man army and you make your own groups instead of trying to hijack the experience of 4 other people.
Pandaria remix is irrelevant nor do I care about it. You sit here and talk about not taking responsibility for your playing, yet here you are throwing a tantrum because people have dared say they don’t want to be NPCs in your movie while you’re the only one getting to play. You sit here and say how I’m the one wanting to force others to play how I want to play, yet you’re deliberately going into content to hijack the ability to play from 4 other people who didn’t sign up to be your +4 to get in the door.
The only fragile egos here are people like yourself getting mad that people actually want to play the game they’re paying for instead of watching one guy one shot everything while they play Walking Simulator. And congrats on finding roughly 2 groups worth of people that liked it. That’s not the flex you think it is. As you said yourself, if you want to be a one man army, form your own groups and you can have your playstyle without forcing it on others. Sorry but you’re not so important you get to hijack the ability to play from me and others because you want to be a one man wrecking ball.
That’s not how that works, that’s not how any of that works. Something existing in a particular form for years does NOT confer intent on it. Get that through your thick heads. Otherwise by your logic, murder has existed since the dawn of humanity. Are you going to say murder is justified now? By your own logic, what is your actual evidence to say it’s intended.
As to the proof we have that this isn’t intended, we have 20 years of precedent where at no point in the game’s history have they ever intended you to one shot a boss outside of some kind of scripted event. We also have the recent patch where they took away the ability of level 70 toons to xp lock because of scaling issues. Guess what this is? That’s right a scaling issue. If they didn’t want level 70s doing insane damage even though it didn’t one shot stuff, why the heck do you think they would want level 11s one shotting everything?
Do you ever get tired of just blowing hot air behind a keyboard and trying to gaslight? Is your life so pathetic this is all you have and you don’t know how to use logical arguments? It amuses me you’re sitting here trying to play gotcha when all you’ve done is shoot yourself in the foot in your desperate attempt to be right. So let’s go through this since you want to think yourself smarter than you really are.
First, if you can prove someone is taking an action with the intent to grief/troll, action should be taken. Be this leaving a ton of m+ keys, twinks intentionally joining group content and trying to one shot everything at the expense of 4 other people, morons leaving instance after instance after the first boss because “wah my trinket didn’t drop”, or similar. Leaving an m+ key because it’s about to brick or Johnny 2x4 refuses to interrupt, or the team just can’t cut it or similar, is in fact a valid part of the game though an unfortunate one. If people want to punish m+ leavers, then slap them with a 1 hour penalty that prevents them from joining other m+ groups like we slap a penalty on people from leaving LFR and LFD groups in progress. If we’re now going to say people can be banned for leaving an “excessive” amount of m+ runs, people have a right to know what constitutes excessive. Otherwise if Timmy leaves 10 runs and gets punished but Suzie leaves 10 runs and doesn’t get punished, you have an illegal double standard which they don’t get to do.
Now for our twinks. Once again we have 20 years of precedent saying they don’t want people one shotting bosses. We have the recent precedent of them preventing level 70 toons from xp locking because of scaling issues. We also have them constantly tuning classes based on m+ performance because of scaling. So why on earth would you suddenly think being a level 11 should make you the exception to the rule? With our twinks, I would rather not see them banned but I’m not going to shed a tear if they are either. This could all be solved in 5 minutes if blizzard wasn’t allergic to work and bothered to plug the relevant values into their formulas. As to why certain twinks absolutely could quality for a ban based on the m+ standard, they are purposefully going in there to one shot everything and grief just as the key leavers are griefing. You either enforce your standards equally or you don’t get to enforce them at all.
As to why I’m in timewalking, perhaps I want to go in and revisit some older stuff on my max level toon. Maybe I want to go in and get some xp for a toon. Maybe I want something for transmog. Or maybe I just want to kill time until some guildies get on. Either what’s it to you? When I go into content I like to actually participate and be able to cast more than a single spell, but it as a DPS, as the tank, or healer. You may consider pressing W for 5 minutes fun but I don’t.
When I press that queue button I’m signing up for 5 man content to actually get to play and participate, not run behind some clown in a 1 man interactive movie featuring me as an NPC. The twinks are the ones who need to form their own groups because they’re trying to hijack public 5 man content and turn it into a 1 man show. It’s really that simple.
I swear I don’t know how many times I have to say it POSSIBLE DOES NOT CONFER INTENT. Show us anywhere in the 20 year history of the game it’s ever been intended for people to be able to one shot everything. If you’re going to say possible = intended, then you must demand that guild that cheesed the Lich King world first with saronite bombs be unbanned because the game made it possible. You must also demand the dude that got banned for cheesing Martin’s Fury be unbanned because again the GMs sent him the item and made it possible.
It’s clear you don’t understand basic programming and are looking for excuses to justify your exploiting. Still looking for you people to point out any point in the history of the game where it’s intended to be able to one shot everything. Don’t worry I’ll wait. I don’t care why they’re in there, if they’re preventing 4 other people from playing, they’re a problem and they need to go.