That’s not what an exploit is. Although there’s a fair point that this probably isn’t intended behavior from the scaling system, it’s been this way since War Within shipped.
Meh, easy speedrun content remains easy speedrun content. All that’s changed is that the shenanigans to do absurd damage are marginally easier.
It’s been this way since SL, low levels are scaled way up.
Except you can? TW dungeons had their level minimums permanently lowered to 10 since the anniversary started.
…and before you mention the 90% XP penalty for queueing with a twink, that only applies if you’re in a party with said twink. It doesn’t apply if you just happen to be forcibly put into a random dungeon group with one.
Random queue is forcible now?
I meant, say, you queue alone for a random dungeon, and dungeon finder just happens to put you in a group with three normal people and GodKingSkøvald the level 11 fury warrior twink.
Well, interesting, not that it matters in the grand scheme of things. A level 10 or a level 11 doesn’t really make much of a difference in the speed of the run.
Not an exploit.
It’s not a “glitch”, it’s how Blizzard set up the scaling. They’ve had years of complaints to do anything about it.
And even if they do change their minds and decide to revamp scaling, they’re not going to do anything to the people currently taking advantage of the current scaling system.
didnt know you are the owner of blizzard and get to decide what their intention is.
I think running ahead is fine… IF certain conditions are met.
- The Twink is pulling with actual abilities to generate threat. Not generally a terrible issue for Fury Warriors as Whirlwind (with Lifestealing) is good enough, but can be an issue with certain other types of Twinks, especially Tanks with less spammable AoE in this level bracket.
- The Twink is pulling EVERYTHING that could possibly become a danger for the group trailing behind them. This means all Pats and any groups that you’d have to do weird jumps or hug walls to avoid. Chances are if they’re skipping packs, a random leveler will walk right into it and die and be stuck running alone the rest of the dungeon. So pull it all.
- The Twink is KILLING problem mobs even if they aren’t a danger to themselves. Certain mobs freecast regardless of aggro. Certain mobs spawn additional adds that won’t be on the Twink’s aggro table if they’ve run ahead. Those mobs must die before the Twink runs ahead or they’re just creating chaos behind them.
That’s pretty much it. If the Twink does those things, there is no issue with them running way ahead of the group. The group will not be reasonably participating in any given pull even if you stay with them, so I don’t think running ahead to finish more quickly is a negative behavior as long as they’re doing it in such a way that it isn’t creating a path of death for everyone behind them.
(I also think it’s a good idea for twinks to carry a white vendor set of gear with them in case a group becomes REALLY vocal about not wanting the carry. At the end of the day, almost every group will be cool with it or appreciate it, but occasionally they won’t, and that’s totally fair)
running ahead and making tw runs faster is always fine. its literally brain rot content that doesnt matter at all and people are there for two reasons, to level or get anniversary badges
if people care so much about losing in the dps race to some 11, then idk join content that actually matters like m+/mythic raid
this is absolutely a non issue that only chronically online trolls care about because they have nothing else to stir up forum drama with
I want you to go outside and touch the grass. Who the heck cares if some dude one shots the whole dungeon? I could care less if I load in and the the whole dungeon dies instantly.
-Insert that video of Jerma985 breaking containment here-
That’s a rediculouse take. Our mains are lvl 80 with ilvl 600+. The reason twinks aren’t seen as a problem is bc they cant do any relevant content. They can’t gear your 80 or run him through any max lvl content. No one, at Blizz, cares about TW badges or the like. Now if it benefited your 80’s ilvl, then they would probably start to look into it, that’s why 70s can’t xp lock.
It’s for playing current content with the alt and try to spend as less trash time as possible.
I have never played a single time walking dungeon with my 80 mains, only leveling alts with those.
Everyone can do it. You just don’t want to do and think you can’t.
The fact you’re more concerned about the hypothetical numbers than what’s actually being said tells me what I need to know here. Regardless of what the actual numbers are shown on screen, if the 80 is only doing 5% of the boss’s health per hit and the 11 is able to 1 shot the boss, the 11 is doing far far too much damage.
1: not sure why they like it either.
2: It’s not a problem until they enter public content and subject 4 other people to it and prevent them from playing. If they had a group of like minded people such as other twinks, or the group outright said they didn’t care it wouldn’t be an issue. The problem is that when these people get grouped together with normal toons they’re rolling through and one shotting everything turning a 5 man activity into a 1 person interactive movie featuring 4 NPC teammates. Thus preventing 4 other people from being able to play at all. You people may not see an issue with it, but I actually like to play the game I’m paying for and not be an NPC to one guy’s interactive movie.
Disingenuous argument is disingenuous.
Level 11s existing, perfectly fine.
People locking xp at 11 and deliberately rolling through stuff to one shot and prevent others from playing, not fine.
Yes I know, how dare I actually want to play my toon and be able to cast more than one spell per mob and play for the 15 minutes or so it takes to clear the instance vs just pressing W for 5. I mean screw me for wanting to actually play the game and be able to participate instead of being subjected to a “carry” I never asked for and do not want. If you prefer to press W for 5 minutes and that be it, you’re free to like that and form your own groups of like minded individuals. What you’re not free to do however is subject myself and 4 other people to that garbage when we don’t want it and prevent us from playing.
Now with regards to the bit in bold, tell me this. If you honestly consider playing the game and your toon a chore, why are you here? Why are you partaking in content you believe to be not fun?
You can call it a gotcha all you want but the guy’s question is legitimate. Why are you playing the content if you consider it a chore? Who is holding a weapon to your head and telling you “play this chore content or else”? Like you said, do better.
Once again, something being possible doesn’t confer intent on it. That’s not how programming works. If I can buy something for 5 gold and resell it to that same NPC for 5000 gold, that’s obviously not intended even though it’s possible. Something existing for a long period of time doesn’t confer correctness on it either. Otherwise murder has existed since the dawn of humanity, so by your logic you gonna defend murderers now?
We have 20 years of precedent to show us that it’s NOT intended, especially when they prevented level 70s from xp locking because of scaling issues. Why do you think 11s should be exempt when 70s weren’t for the literal same thing?
Except I’m not playing the game at all. I’m being drug along only ever being able to press W to move forward the whole time because some clown wants to be a 1 man army. I’m paying to play World of Warcraft, not Walking Simulator The Movie.
If you want to grab twinks and roll through one shotting, form your own groups and stop trying to force your playstyle on others because you are the problem. You’re whining that people are saying you shouldn’t be allowed to prevent 4 other people from playing. Sorry dude you’re not that important you get to prevent 4 other people from playing. It’s TEAM content not ME content.
If you’re going to sit here and defend this because “it’s not meant to be a challenge” or similar, then I better not hear one single complaint from your or anyone who shares a similar view about m+ ever again.
Preventing 4 other people from playing and abusing mechanics to one shot when you’re not supposed to be able to is the exploit.
By your same logic. People have a million things to do in this game. Why do you complain about metas and things being op in Mythic+ or similar? Same concept.
When I’m in timewalking I’m trying to do one of two things. Enjoy farming older stuff for transmog or badges for my max level toons. Or enjoy playing some older stuff as I level my toons. Getting to cast maybe 1 spell per mob if that is NOT playing nor is it fun. I may as well be in the city and blizzard passively handing me XP and gear just for being logged in. You keep asking these questions as though you’re expecting some kind of secret super villain plot like something out of a James Bond movie, and it really is that simple. I like to actually participate in content I’m playing. If I ever want a 1 man army to carry me, I’ll seek it out and pay the person appropriately.
And since when in the 20 year history of this game have they ever intended for people to be able to one shot bosses? If people started one shotting bosses in m+ you people would be whining and demanding something be done about it. So why would you expect it to be different here? If it’s not intended to one shot a boss in 5 man m+ content, why would you expect it to be intended a the lower end of the spectrum?
Once again if you consider it a chore, why are you doing it? You may consider it a chore running that old content, but not everyone else does. I know it’s just short of blasphemy for someone like yourself, but yes there are people like myself that still enjoy playing the game and running older stuff on occasion. If you don’t enjoy the older stuff then fine, you’re entitled to dislike running the older stuff. What you don’t get to do is come into a timewalking and ruin it for 4 other people because YOU no longer like it and think the rest of us shouldn’t either.
Thank you for admitting it’s about getting something for nothing for you. You people have whined about “if it’s possible then it’s intended” and argued that because blizzard made it this way it’s intended. So by that same logic, the GMs sent him the Martin’s Fury therefore it was intended for him to be able to use it. If I can buy an item for 5 gold and sell it back for 5000 gold, it’s obviously intended since it’s possible.
They also again stopped level 70s from being able to lock their xp because of scaling issues, so again why would this be different? Same concept, just different level number.
I care as do alot of other people because I like to actually play the game I’m paying for. If I want to be carried I’ll pay someone.
Blizzard should fix the broken max level contents first. That’s top priority.
The scaling does broken but leveling is leveling, not important.
If you like slow and deadly leveling experience, go lock your XP and wear some broken gears, you would be satisfied