Time walking exploiters

Unless I’m looking for help for a specific toon, I only post from this toon. Should I be looking for assistance with another, such as if I were looking for a druid setup (example since you’re posting from a druid) then I will swap to that toon and post from it. That said my point stands whether it’s this toon or and alt. Some of my toons go through TW for leveling until I can get them to max, some of them do it just for the 5 and done weekly, sometimes I may try to get badges for a mog, or in alot of instances I use excess badges to upgrade heirlooms mainly because I want to upgrade them all and not pay through the nose in gold.

If I’m going into TW or any other content type, I like to actually get to participate and not watch other people like an interactive movie. I like my group content to actually be group content. Yet certain individuals think they should be allowed to come into groups and one shot everything to the point the other 4 people don’t get to play at all. Not only is that not what I signed up for, it’s not what I pay my sub for other. If/when I should wish to “be carried” I will seek it out. Since the twinks are the larger subject of the thread, they’re what I’ve talked about in here.

I have no issues with people who want to group with a twink and roll through stuff one shotting everything. If all 5 people in that group want to do it then more power to them as it has no effect on me. However what I DO however have an issue with is said twinks coming into my runs and hijacking it then trying to say “deal with it”. Yeah no sorry but one guy doesn’t get to prevent 4 other people from playing like that. Up until it effected me without my consent I had no issues with it because up to that point, they could do their thing and I could do mine and everyone wins. The issue is one guy, specifically the twink in this case, trying to come into groups deliberately exploiting busted mechanics to prevent myself and others from being able to play. I’m willing to let the twinks and people who want to play with them do their thing, but they don’t want to let other people do theirs and think they should be allowed to hijack groups and then have the gall to wonder why they’re getting pushback.

If blizzard wasn’t allergic to work and fixed it so that twinks did comparable damage to a fresh 80 and didn’t completely overpower everything to the point folks don’t get to play, I would have no issues. If they put twinks in their own twink pool like they do with pvp so they can still play and folks can group with them in the twink pool, I would have no issues. The issue overall is people cheesing mechanics denying other people the ability to even participate by nullifying what is supposed to be group content, then them getting all huffy when other people say they don’t like that and want to be able to play too. Just like when some combo player in a 4 person commander pod ends the game on turn 1 then wonders why folks don’t want to play with him.

There’s no hidden agenda or anything to it other than what I’ve said. I like actually getting to play the game and not be relegated to someone’s +4 to get in the door, and I like my group content to be group content. I’m not asking TW be made harder or easier. I’m saying I want the group activity of TW to be a group activity and not be reduced to a 1 man show. If folks want to make it a one man show they can make their own groups by grouping with someone in the twink pool, thus they do their thing and I do mine. I don’t know what else you’re looking for beyond that.