Listen, I have tried to be polite and even understanding, I asked you in this post exactly what you had issue with and you answered, I then read said post and replied you did not bother responding and now I see your on this post again, complaining about the same thing, but here is a rundown of what you seemed to ignore.
Ok, I have read this post a couple of times and have tried to digest and think about it, and again, I am not trolling you, but please let me respond and please keep an open mind.
This is meaningless, others also pay for subs, so this is really not a good argument.
Ok, I’m going hit both of these at same time, Did you form the run or use LFG? If you used LFG, it was in no way your run, it was what you signed up to be part of, you rolled the dice, just like all others in the group. And you did in-fact give consent when you hit that Find Group Button.
So what your asking for is a special consideration, Blizz already gives you all the tools you need to form groups without LFG, yet you are not using them and getting mad at not only blizz but other players. and as you have stated you really have no issue with twinks as long as they are not in your groups.
If that truly is the case, use the Premade Groups tool and make your own groups, it is after all only available to player lvl 50 and above, so not only can you avoid twinks, you also get to play the instances the way you want.
A last thought hit me after I posted this, but i wanted to add it in.
You are asking others to do something you are not willing to do yourself, I’m not sure if you even realize this, LFG is a tool everyone uses, it does not apply to only certain people doing things a certain way.
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