Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

I get that the OP thinks he found a problem that needs resolving, but so far as I can tell it’s not a problem for people who actually pay attention, & I see no reason at all to give a sop to those who won’t pay attention. So, I think the OP is a really bad “solution” to an entirely non-existent problem.


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it kind of depends, shadow form is all visual, yea there’s a damage increase with it but that can easily be baked in and allow shadow priests the option to use it or not. Moonkin form actually has combat advantages, like other forms makes you immune to poly. another glyph of stars thats a more noticable difference would be nice but i doubt they’d remove moonkin form

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That’d be crazy, moonkin form is iconic

I would love a glyph that kept you in your humanoid form but overlaid a ghostly bear/cat during combat. (Kind of hard to explain the look in writing)

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Moonkin form is fine although I’d be over the Full Moon if shifting into the form wouldn’t be on the GCD. That’s my only real complaint with our Druid forms.

if ur an spriest main how do u not see ur character a different color and be like o that’s bad

in a fight what else r u looking at

like the Udyr from lol?

looks for someone young to translate

Uh what?

Shadow Form is ugly. Fully agree it should be removed or at least reworked visually.

Moonkin Form is poly immunity. Maybe keep the form around for both cosmetics AND that immunity?

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check in google “udyr spirit guard”

Aha! Yes! Something like that but showing the whole animal form overlay on combat.

You are genuinely so sweet on a regular basis, so I don’t want to add my obligatory “no shhh, Sherlock” :joy: But I agree with you

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I hate the new shadow form…its too damn dark…it hides my mog outfit…bring it back to the old style which wasn’t that damn dark…I mean my mog set is cute on her now.

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a glyph letting u choose would fix this!

I mean it doesnt really serve a purpose anymore. At one point it was more than just increased damage. It had health/armor/damage reduction.

Right now its basically cosmetic

What I don’t like is how low budget the forms are. Just skewed hue and some particle effects. Particularly with druids and how many good red transmogs are out there. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Honestly I’ve always been more of a fan of the idea that things like druid forms should be the cooldowns, not simply ready checks.

For Balance you would simply be in caster form naturally and then your major cooldown would put you in Moonkin form for the duration, or maybe it would be the animation for eclipses or something.

Shadow Priest is even easier, no void form, when trigger void form it essentially is just Shadow Form. Done.


Yeah the gist I take from this exchange is: Yes to Shadow Form; No to Moonkin.

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Make a glyph such as:

Glyph of the unseen Stars - removes Astral form / Moonkin form when casting Moonkin Form.

Glyph of the Bright Shadow - Reduces the shadowy aspect of Shadow Form to 0


Oooh I need to look up those macros. Looks like they would make shifting out to pop a HoT then back in to continue nuking super easy. Not to mention cat/bear for dashing and bashing as needed.

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