Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

Shadow Form and Moonkin Form are buttons to click, after you res, to see if you’re paying attention. The forms themselves are just passive stat buffs you can fail to pick up if you’re not paying attention. What’s the point of this? Does it serve any function?

We get rid of so many perfunctory buttons and unnecessary mechanics. Why not remove the buffs from these forms?

Leave the forms in for the inevitable “I suddenly love RP because you’re suggesting a change” people, but bake the stats and buffs into the spec itself.


But I love being a glittery Tauren


Water Shield was always the buff I forgot to put back on :stuck_out_tongue:

No. Why are people constantly trying to dumb down WoW? Then complaining that there isn’t enough to offer?


I don’t love RP. I love shadowform (well, old shadowform).


Can they remove bear and cat form too?

I want to see a kultiran use ferocious bite in human form!


Or, and here’s a wild idea, leave them alone.

You don’t like it? Cool. Doesn’t need to be removed because you lack the brain capacity to remember to click a button.


I love being an Astral Sorceress and having stars all around me tho.



I think glyphs would go along way to solving customization desires.


How would glyphs help here?

It allows people such as myself who would like to have shadow form (well old shadow form really, I prefer that one) to still show as shadow form without removing the toggle effect to have to be in shadow form to cast your rotation.


yes, lets remove moonkin form so that Balance Druids can cast all healing spells while having the same armor value of a tank… and keeping the massive crit and haste bonuses.

moonkin form isnt some fire and forget thing. you have to play the stance dance.

are you trying to make balance SS God Tier?

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But in the OP I say it’s fine to keep the forms in the game, just remove the buffs from the forms. So I’m not sure what the glyph would do. Add stats? I don’t think that’s what glyphs are meant for.

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Don’t want to use it, just don’t.


And lose stats and buffs?

I was answering your point/question, made here. Without picking up the form, you can’t perform certain spells.

Sure, but that’s a technicality, it’s not speaking to the spirit of the question.

Why inadvertently punish people every 40th resurrect because they forgot to click a button? You could work around the Forms/Spells thing.

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well this is certainly a hot take

surprised you didn’t include bear/cat in there.


No, time to make forms cooler. That includes DH forms and all druid forms.


Or, you can take my shadowform from my cold dead shadow covered hands.

There are macros/Weak Auras you can make to keep yourself from forgetting, or blizzard can just make them persist through death but a large reason a lot of people even play these specs is the forms.