Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

I’d rather see them change them so that they persist through death.

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This also works, but then again we’re dumbing down the game if we do that. (or so I was told in this thread)

They could have the forms become cooldowns. Idk

Only if they are foaming at the mouth.

Ohh a bit like the masquerade party in suramar, so you can see your humanoid form but also you’re a great big spirit bear.

I’d love that!

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Yes let’s get rid of the art that the Druids have, I’m sure taking things away makes the game better.

OP, name a game that took out a huge defining feature of the game and it went well.

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We definitely need a glyph for old shadowform. Grape Rohrshak form is getting old.


Why are you asking for features that make a spec unique and give it flavor to be removed?

Without Shadowform, shadow priest will be an off brand warlock and without moonkin form, balance druids will be an off brand mage.


Spec fantasy. And it should stay. Make a macro if you are not able to know when you are in your form.

Oh, I also forgot to mention earlier.

Removing moonkin form would make glyph of flap disappear.

Glyph of flap is happiness.

Yes, lets take stealth away from rogues while we’re at it.

Flap is actually a tome which can be purchased in Moonglade or the Druid class hall.


Right it’s a tome now, used to be a glyph.

But my point remains, no moonkin form, no flaps. Unless you can do it in astral form? Have not tried.

It can be done in Astral, but if Moonkin is removed, then so is Astral, since it is merely a glyph for Moonkin.

Time to remove boomkins.

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Absolutely not. Maybe a glyph but keep it there. Still miss old shadow form though. Idk when they changed it but I know it still looked the same in MoP. Was changed around WoD or legion. God I miss it. You can still see it for a few seconds if you play a rogue with cloak of shadows. Never even got a glyph to get it back… forever just purple soup dumped on us rather than actually fading into the shadows.

They should eliminate them as restrictive, by allowing Guardian & Feral Druids to cast everything in bear/cat form that they can cast in people form.

They’re even adding a new talent, Ursine Adept, to the Guardian tree in Dragonflight that allows them to cast spells in bear form. Unfortunately, it’s a talent that only lets you cast the things in bear form you can cast now.

There’s zero reason to continue to forbid bear tanks from accessing their full toolkit in bear form.

Resto Druids can access everything in their standard form (people form). Bears - for the most idiotic of reasons - have half their toolkit shut off unless they enter Suicide Form.

What are people afraid of? Oh no the Guardian Druid will cast Regrowth? Do people know how little a Guardian Regrowth heals for? Or how few Regrowths a Guardian Druid can cast before going OOM because of the micro mana pool?

It needs to stop. Somebody at Blizzard needs to get a clue.

Ex-Bear of 15 years. Now a Brewmaster. Oh look, now I play a character with utility.

Everyone has to hit a button when they rez from a death

My beacon of light and beacon of faith don’t apply themselves upon rez, and if i don’t apply them i lose half of my healing
Disc has to hit inner light and darkness or lose 10% SP/mana reduc
Stealth classes have to hit stealth, buff classes press their buffs

Having to press a button isnt a good reason to remove something. If forgetting it is a concern there are weakauras that quite literally call you dumb on your screen until you activate the button

I wish we had more stances tbh

Sure, if shapeshifting no longer grants immunity to cc

Relax, will ya. I’m not barfing anything up.

The best time to enjoy my transmog is anytime I’m playing the game. In combat, sitting idle waiting for a queue to pop or just hanging out somewhere. I just dislike how my character doesn’t look the way I want them to while it’s active. I only recently played a priest, at the suggestion of a friend, and never realized how much it alters your look. It’s one thing to come across a priest using shadow form and play one. I don’t think the form is pointless. It’s just not for me is all.

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