Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

I’m against it outside of the sake of PvP as well :laughing:


If someone is having trouble noticing their stuffs is up just grab WeakAuras :person_shrugging:

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It’s Thundahstahm. They hardly think before they post, let alone think that far ahead.

So no streamlining or homogenization of classes! :partying_face:

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It’s even easier than that.

Press button: [nostance(I think it’s 4?)] /cast moonkin; [stance:4] /cast somespellwhatever.

It’s such a non-argument to say you can forget to put it back on for a hundred reasons.

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Wrath and Starfire would be great candidates for that :+1:

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no, quit trying to remove class identities. not everything needs to be a ranged rogue that shoots fireballs and can cast bloodlust!

dont ppl just have a WA to tell them they’re not in form, much like pets being on passive / not being out

or use their eyes idk

but it would be qol yea

got nothing else to do walking back or waiting for another pull

It’s funny, I read your name then glanced at your class and looked over and saw “Wow classic”


Then I remembered Wrath is out lol.


I’d be fine with keeping Shadowform if it had more cosmetic options than just Old God fart.


I’ve been saying we need to levitate and sprout shadowy tendrils. Void Form is too cool to exist only in a CD.

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i like the way shadowform looks. it’s cool. Some people want it on, some people want it off

make it a glyph

This is always such a baffling comment every time someone decides to barf it up. Are you suggesting that the best time to enjoy your transmog is during combat? Or that the time you spend not in combat, aka not in form, is pointless or doesn’t exist?

Some. Most people are just smart enough to look at their character. Some aren’t smart enough to do either and would rather waste people’s time

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I believe these are largely different groups of people. The ones who want to “dumb down WoW” are probably not also the ones that complain that WoW is too simple. WoW is a great game and appeals to a wide variety of players, some who want more complexity and some who want less.

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i mean i think making a glyph that lets u choose is a good solution if ur just talking about xmog

otherwise if ur talking about functionality and you play your class a lot i feel like this is second nature

how do you forget to go into shadow form as a spriest main


Do Void Elf priests turn super dark if they proc their racial alongside void & shadowforms?

Going to relate my answer to my work, land surveying. One of the first things I learned about trying to solve boundary disputes is that it’s almost never a math problem, it’s a legal one and there are principles to follow. In this sense boundary surveying is a bit of an art because you have to use the evidence available to make a determination on what has happened over time to determine the boundary that would pass legal tolerance. I’m keeping this short, but the alternative to that is trying to boil down boundaries to their exact measurements because numbers should be absolute.

So relating this to WoW; I think a lot of people try to boil down design issues in a very logical way. What is the point in having buffs if we always have them, in having tons of talent if one path is always correct, in TG vs SMF, 2H frost vs DW. My point is if you think about the way everything is made solely from an optimal design perspective without considering that this is a game where decisions don’t have to follow any specific standard you will miss the forest for the trees.

So the reason why illogical game design decisions should or can exist is because a game does not need be an entirely logical system. It’s supposed to be a game and it should have flavor to it, even if that flavor feels inconvenient from a logical standpoint. Some aspect of the game needs to be logical (like the reward system), but not everything within it needs to be because it is not bound strictly to logical ultimatums.

yeah, this is fooki- originally, all my horde toons were named lucifer. =]

I could maybe understand this for Shadow Priests, just make it automatic as it really serves no purpose other than cosmetic to turn it off at this stage of the game(unless I’m forgetting some niche spell).

For Druids, that’s literally the class. They shapeshift to channel different powers and abilities.
If anything, the lack of a true Restoration form is the only real problem with it.

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