Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

To some extent, sure, because RPGs generally do that. There are cases where gameplay wins out but I don’t think that this is one of them.

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If that’s the case, then we’d have a lot more class/race/spec restrictions.

Hurts more than it helps, even hurts PvPers. Sounds like you want everyone to play the exact same and just have spells that change colors.

We absolutely should. There’s lots of class/race combos in game that shouldn’t exist.

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I guess my problem is that we’ll occasionally do this. And then sometimes we won’t. Having laws/rules that get applied whenever the governing body feels like it is bad.

Tauren Paladins
Draenei Shaman
Kul Tiran not having Paladin

You get the idea. My issue with this only comes down on “either do it or don’t. Don’t pick and choose” which I feel like WoW is doing right now.

I want the opposite. Bring the Player was the worst era of WoW.

Well I can’t argue there.

NGL Moonkin is sort of integral to the class flavor so thats a hard pass.

OTOH I could see shadow form being removed at this point and just baked into the class.


How is clicking shadowform dumbing down a game? It’s ridiculous to suggest it be removed, but it isn’t dumbing the game down…


Considering I recently rolled a Boomkin, Yes, please make me god tier in DF! To be fair it’s really not hard to click the shapeshift button to go in and out of astral/Boom form. If anything I’d like Balance and Resto get more cool forms like Feral and Guardian has.

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Hunters had this with aspects and to a lesser degree pets. I’ve had to remind more than one in the past to put aspect of the hawk on or summon their pet.

So this whole thread is basically just a “well why don’t you just take everything away then?” sarcastic tantrum?


Pretty much all of my damage dealing abilities and cooldowns. My Warrior also has Battle Shout which makes everybody who relies on attack power deal more damage while my Mage gets Arcane Intellect.

Potions/flasks cause us to do more damage, as does food.

Part of wiping is remembering to buff up again, and it’s the way the game has always been. The idea that you shouldn’t punish a player for forgetting to push a button is logic we can take to some pretty absurd places.

Not to mention I literally JUST suggested making it more than “If you don’t click this, you deal less damage”.

How hard is it not to notice you’re not a giant mutant chicken or a purple fart cloud? That would be like me forgetting to hit my buff party/raid button after a wipe.


Why would you delete two iconic things from the specs? If you don’t like forms, play something else.

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I can see it already ‘huntard, turn aspect of the pack off already. I’m tired of getting dazed’

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it takes like 1s to change forms?
i don’t think anyone has complained about doing this.

you’re just bias about hating druids lmao

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Ahh, the good ol days.

request denied

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Moonkin form makes you immune to poly.

Can’t use most healing abilities in moonkin form, forcing you to drop it leaving you open to poly and reducing your DPS.

Moonkin form also shifts your standard action bar to the moonkin bar which can save people some bar space.

Yes… it is a choice vs forcing us to ‘your idea’… which honestly sounds …

Don’t forget druids have had power shifting macros for ages.

It’s even more braindead to always keep moonkin form up with a stance check conditional.

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