Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

Probably, which makes me further resent PvP for removing the fun of that were the case. :rofl:

I’ve come to terms after so many years but I still stew on it from time to time.

Now that you mention it yeah you may be able to write an action bar addon to change state of the bars when in shadowform vs when not.

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Yeah. PVP punishes the Raiders…that’s the major issue in wow.

Blizzard removing things that “don’t serve a purpose” is a big part of why classes got so pruned down in the first place that they were all homogenized and boring and we needed Legion to focus hard on class fantasy to bring at least some of that back.

If something like Shadow Form doesn’t feel impactful enough, the solution should be to make it more meaningful.


Mmm, maybe but I remember them getting pruned for “Bring the Player; Not the Class”

But wouldn’t that be an on-CD stat boost?

Thanks! I think I’ll keep it. I’ll even re-state it in case it wasn’t clear: dumbing down the game for the sake of the dumb is a bad idea.

They should set it so you can’t cast Shadow or Moonkin spells without being in the right form :laughing:

Then you would definitely notice real quick if you forgot to turn it on.

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There is an entire novel to be said about issues in WoW.

We could remove a lot of things, really we could remove all abilities as they don’t serve a point. What’s the point in having so many abilities? All we need is:

Damage ability
Ranged damage ability


Think that’s it, all classes have just those abilities and we can have some amazing balance in the game too :laughing:

No thanks, removing forms strips away a lot of the uniqueness of those classes. Might as well toss all the casters into a single generic caster class if you’re removing forms.

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How is that being any more absurd than your suggestion though? If we’re drawing this out to it’s logical conclusion in which pressing a button to change into an alternate form is superfluous, then those should be included as well. You could even make the argument to extend it to cooldowns as well like demon hunters.

The counter to this of course is these are the types of things that give the game their flavor and personality and suggesting that they be kept around as a rp tool kinda defeats the purpose.

The OP doesn’t suggest removing forms.

Yes but it’s been delayed 3 times.

It’s more like streamlining the game for PVP, which requires the most cognitive resources.

Because the form is doing work in those scenarios. The bear has more HP, the cat has claws.

Shadowform does what? Make you shadowyer?

“Bring the player not the class” was more about consolidation of certain buffs, which were later just removed anyway. It’s not why they did things like remove ammo for ranged weapons instead of trying to make them more interesting.

They decided they didn’t like “fire and forget” buffs like what you’re complaining about right now and they eventually just removed all of them(and then a couple got re-added in BfA).

Things like Divine Intervention were removed because they “didn’t serve a purpose”.

For Shadow Form it would be easy enough just to bring it back to what it used to be.

Give it +X% armour(or physical damage reduction, if you don’t want to do armour) and restrict the player from being able to cast holy spells while it’s active. Also, give back more holy spells to shadow priests.

Oh…goodness no. I am 1000% against streamlining and homogenizing for the sake of PvP.


Also 10% spell damage and tells people in PvP that you’re the ouchie kind of priest.

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Yes, actually. You’re eschewing all sense of balance and plunging into shadow/insanity in exchange for power. It’s why older versions bar you from using Holy spells while Shadowform is active.

my suggestion wasn’t serious.

It still does! You can spec into Holy spells in DF that knock you out of Shadowform if you use them.

I think he was talking to OP


I think you’re right. I can be really dumb sometimes :slight_smile:

I don’t think making a suggestion is complaining. That’s a toxic way to look at things.

They could do a lot of things. I guess what I’m saying is, with the exception of these two forms, what else in the game is “If you don’t click this, you don’t % less damage for a boss fight?”

Why? Raiders will just paper over any setbacks with addons. So who does this hurt?

Another bad aspect. Might as well be bright red and flashing.

So lore should dictate gameplay?

Do you click shadowform every time?

Alright well you’re definitely just trolling now.

We had a good run.

Absolutely, yes.