Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

I’ve hated this. I miss the form for Resto, and I loathe that it’s just a CD now.

Per the OP: sounds like you want to remove what makes Druids Druids. Sounds pretty boring and homogenized with other classes. Why a dull suggestion.


Ok well that’s a bit off topic. I’d make another thread for that. This is about stats being part of the form needing to be separated.

Because in it’s current state it only serves to punish people.

And we can do that with glyphs.

You can make your own thread with glyphs?

You can request a glyph for your desire so people aren’t losing a feature that they like for your own needs.

Which brings me back to the part where I don’t think you read the OP.

And again, I did, every word :slight_smile:

I’m okay with stupid people being punished.

Remember to click a button when you rez. It’s not that hard.

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Then why suggest something I already suggested?

It still exists, it is a cosmetic form. The cooldown is a newer different looking form.

This is the cooldown one from the talent…

Why do people think this is tied to intelligence? Do mistakes not happen in your world?

I’m sorry I don’t see the word glyph in the OP, let me reread it.

In the same way a Feral or Guardian would be punished.

What, should Hunters lose pets since you have to remember to call them out? Rogues lose poisons in case they forget to apply? Shamans lose their shields and weapon buffs because they might forget those, too?

If a player forgets to click a button, that’s on them. They should be punished for it and learn from it.

I know, it’s not the same.

Once is a mistake, maybe even twice or three times.

If you regularly forget to turn on shadowform as a shadow priest, you’re dumb or lying.

Nope, don’t see it.

As was stated above.

Imagine you’re playing an alt you rarely if ever play, you’re in a battleground and you get popped from death into combat.

I’ve never looked into why, might have been deemed OP having a healer with full poly immunity?

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I hate the change they made after BFA? In BFA? It used to be like a shapeshift where it changed your bars so I couldn’t forget it because the spells were different on my bars but now it is much easier to not notice.

But that doesn’t say glyph anywhere

Sounds like a high stress environment that’s great for learning experiences!

You can turn on shadowform in combat.

Oh yeaaaah, I remember that. I’m sure there’s an addon somewhere that could replicate it if you wanted.

Ok well you’re welcome to your opinion. I think its a deterrent myself, so I made this thread. I don’t think clicking a button makes you a PhD candidate however.