Time to remove forms: Shadow; Moonkin

Don’t be absurd.

I’m not though. The OP doesn’t say to remove the forms. Just the benefits.

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no no, he wants to make it all BASE LINE.

we all want Balance Druids to have Tank equivalent armor in normal form so you cant counter play them when they try to rez an ally or heal or cyclone from stealth.

full haste. full crit. this could be really good, broken even because the skill cap will be through the floor. :sunglasses:

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why not? you are

the forms are part of the class. like having a pet as a BM hunter.

if you don’t like it, don’t play that class.


Right but this is the idea that we should leave a system in place because removing the system would cause problems.

When the house has a crack in the foundation, you don’t ignore it. Forms are from a bygone era.

Did you say the same thing when they removed hunter ammo?

No need to get personal

My best guess is they added it to the flavor of the specs, but baked it in as a mandatory function.

In the spirit of conversation, I’d wager they enjoy the in-game rp mechanic.

While this is somewhat crazy, this has happened before. Tree form got removed and returned as a cosmetic only form. Not even sure if it protects from polymorph anymore.

Right but I’ve suggested leaving the forms in for RP purpose. Reread the OP.

Thank you. Exactly.

Sounds like you need a glyph, I’d rather keep my abilities thanks :slight_smile:

if we make everything baseline, druids would be immune to polly forever

I feel like people aren’t reading the OP.

So passive poly is better gameplay?

I’d be happy if there was a way to hide shadowform. Very little point to doing certain transmogs when you can’t really see it. Especially anything color based that’s not dark. lol

They are :slight_smile:

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I didnt because the moment I ran out of mana is the moment all of us start dying.

Well then how does a glyph help with stats? That’s not what glyphs do.

Blizz can make them do it just as Prime Glyphs used to.

Yeah, for me it was always “WTF where did my mana go…” followed by my old raid leader whispering me to remind me of water shield :stuck_out_tongue:

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And they removed that feature. So it’s evident Blizz doesn’t want that.

you wanted to know what the point of the forms are. thats the point. it prevents passive gameplay. Moonkins cant be polymorphed unless UNLESS you out play them and catch them trying to rez, heal, or anything else mid shift.

without forms but everything baseline. immune to poly is just another thing you make 100% up time vs only in form.

I don’t mean like roleplay, like we’re roleplaying at Gold Shire Inn. I mean like they themselves, wanted it in there for…“hey they’re playing a Shadow Priest, here’s a defacto reason as to why they’re playing a Shadow Priest.”

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And they can add it back, things being removed aren’t really indicative of anything since Blizz removes and adds crap back all the time

waves at Talent trees

So what you want is a glyph to remove the need to use shadowform without losing the benefits of shadow form :ok_hand: