You’ll have to explain to me how not inviting someone because they don’t have the experience someone is looking for is being elitist.
What’s sad to me is, I believe most ppl have the potential to be really gud - unless they have some kind of handicap. There are a lot of “gud” ppl who play more casually bc they want to and also it can be hard to learn often times bc, ppl.
i don’t understand. what could be easier than just listing your key or raid group and accepting whoever applies?
yea, like I said. Moon Guard.
This is not a serious post.
If wanting to know whether someone has some experience or not is elitist then heck yeah im an elitist about dang near everything in game and out and i’d encourage everyone to do the same.
As I said: I don’t blame players for using the tools Blizzard provides.
You give players a tool that lets you filter out new players, everyone’s going to use it.
What I don’t get is why people have such an issue with me calling it exactly what it is: elitism.
Finally - one player who is just willing to own it.
I disagree with them on mods and player expectation. I agree there’s a deeper problem here.
Our environment is crazy toxic and it’s mostly from player expectation. You can’t enter a mythic the first time, let alone a simple dungeon without being flamed for knowing nothing.
I wouldn’t doubt we drive away 50% of our new players with our behavior.
Yes, the eternal question. Why don’t these people ever play with each other?
We know why.
I went from 200 to 239 in a month from pugging raids, so please tell me more about gatekeeping.
This is the alternative and it was a bunch of wasted time only for some troll to show up in nothing but white gear and no trinkets equipped.
Usually when I see people complaining about systems like gearscore and RIO being incorporated into the game they either didn’t play in vanilla/tbc or are trolls angry over the fact blizzard took their toys away to massively waste peoples time.
i boosted a monk on Sunday and am getting invites to pugs to heal 10-12 keys already. even to groups with no lust. mistweaver is not remotely a meta spec for m+. and this is on alliance side.
Yep. Gatekeeping is only a problem for low effort players.
You’re never going to kill it. It’s human nature for some people. The reason I gatekeep arena rating experience of my teammates when I can is because I enjoy playing with and against high-level players. It’s more engaging. Once upon a time, I was able to enjoy lower-rated games more, but I’ve grown past that.
I do find that if game-integrity is not protected though that certain axis’ of elitism feel very mundane and worthless. E.G. if the top of the ladder has too many piloted accounts played by the same player, or boosted teams etc.
This is why I don’t really value PvE parsing, it’s too cheese-able. So not really worth much respect in my eyes, it’s hollow, but not everyone sees that, this creates more of a schism.
I think they could do with banning addons and dramatically improving the core UI development to give people more core options… but I’ve already made that thread and it’s obviously really controversial.
I’m interested to see how Ashes of Creation does with them not allowing addons at launch.
I personally always form my own groups…cause then I am in control as a tank
Never joined another mythic + because I felt guilty when their key got wasted
With my key…I feel free
Just buy gold via wow token and get carried if you wanna be elite it’s ezpz
hi humanbeak hehe
ever since gs was introduced and later fully implemented loot just became a number rather than interesting stats and loot with difrent effects so in actuality the game become linear and bland and we all feel the same now becous a number is accepted as the standerd
The only away to avoid elitism and toxicity in online games is to stop playing online games.
Otherwise… it comes with the territory.
I don’t think there is much elitism in WoW. I think it is mostly gaslighting from the carry sellers.
You want to get rid of things others enjoy so you can enjoy the game? No, this attitude has no place in an mmo.
Play the way you like. That’s it.
Maybe read some guides and improve, I have a feeling that you could benefit.