many things in game contribute to and enable this toxicity like gear score and item levels
and other rating systems dps meters also and i think it would be a good time to consider geting rid of these things. as it was in the beginning of wow we had none of this and the attitude and community was so much better
I agree buff mindblast
So basically remove all gear with stats on it and force everyone to be the same.
Then what about players who clearly lack the skill to do the more hardcore content compared to other players? Make all encounters hit like marshmallows?
The stuff the OP listed are literally things which Blizzard’s only control over is the Addon API. What are they actually expecting Blizzard to do about it? Kill addons?
I’m sorry but having some expectation of group performance isn’t elitism. My time is just as valuable as yours.
No it’s not. I left many M+ pug groups before bc I didn’t want to get sweaty on ppl.
The attitudes of many ppl tho is disgusting and only seems to be getting worse over time.
All WoW is, is a waste of time but yes I agree otherwise.
Joining the skeletons that have been dead on that hill since 2006 I see.
I use DPS meters to fine tune rotations and builds but I don’t use them in dungeons. Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted into playing the meter. What’s best for your meter isn’t always what’s best for the group.
It’s too late. Then again anyone can just buy carries now for pretty much any content in the game. You too could become an elitist, if you sell some tokens
Why does the mere existence of skilled players make people upset? I don’t raid, but I’m happy that raiders get cool rewards. Keystone players, too. 100th percentile parse? Coo. Tormented Hero? Neat.
Obviously you weren’t around in the beginning, or weren’t pushing anything.
Elitism was alive an well in Vanilla.
Tanks HAD to be warriors. There was nothing else. Wanted to get with a raiding guild, you had to have the Tier 0 set, no questions asked. Sometimes priests could get in with half the set just because priests were impossible to find.
There were gear score addons even then.
Now I don’t disagree the attitude has changed, but that’s because gaming has changed, not just WoW.
Is OP upset about “better players”? I was thinking no, but maybe I am missing context.
Idc if someone is an LFR hero or a Mythic hero - its the attitude.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa, I just want not being an scapegoat for blizzard’s shortcomings that’s all. Is that too much for a casual to ask for?
Nah. Toxic people create toxic communities. If you removed all of that, they will find some other way to “discriminate”.
Do you suggest all gear level from all content be exactly the same? That sounds utterly terrible.
So whatever drops from Mythic Super End Boss, should be just as good as whatever drops from a sheep in Elwynn? I mean, that would HAVE to be the case if they got rid of ilvl. If they just literally remove the text, people would just go back to inspecting… like they did at “the beginning of wow”, “come to SW AH for inspection for Ony Run!”
If you find it toxic, then you be sure to be extra kind and snuff em out with it!
OP comes across to me as somebody who dislikes people who try.
Don’t get me wrong, flaming people who are trying their best for doing underwhelming damage isn’t ideal, but really isn’t that common.
Meters aren’t meant to bash others with. It’s to improve yourself and align yourself with comparable players.
I for 1 don’t want to carry people 100% of the time but I don’t mind most of the time. Once I get done what I need to get done, I’ll run with anyone.
I just read “gere store” and now I’m confused.
I didn’t get that at all, but maybe that is the case?
I was harping on ppl’s attitudes.
Does using damage meters make me an elite?
Because I am certainly not. Sometimes it’s just nice to know where you stand amongst your peers.
I’m not trying to say that the online world doesn’t have toxicity, but in my opinion some people go out LOOKING for it and make something out of nothing. Toxicity is largely ignorable, and there are tools provided to deal with it.
It’s also nice to know if people are hitting the right stuff, interrupting, etc.
Agreed. They’re a very helpful tool in a game which is largely… unclear about certain things. Like, I wonder how all the guide makers learned that X stat is better to get to Z percent over Y stat. Very little in the game suggests that, oh “FDKs, go get mastery!”
The meter lets us very clearly see the impact of changes we make. I for one hate following guides, so I like experimenting and using the meter to see if my tinkering has made a difference.
The Ops delivery may have been bad but the Ilvl on a piece of gear SHOULD go away. it’s used as a lazy “catch all” to determine people’s initial value in game. One of the first things people look at is ilvl, and considering you can buy your way to a high ilvl, it’s meaningless.
And there is a whole other game that doesn’t allow dps meters and it’s killing WoW right now in popularity. We like dps meters, but they obviously aren’t needed/