Time to jump ship, I believe

Well, we can’t give you ilvl 400 gear but I can gank you with my ilvl 400 gear. That’s as close as you’ll come to this gear :smile::heart::facepunch::muscle::skull_and_crossbones::hocho::hocho:

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I never said that did I? See the difference is I don’t try and pretend that my side didn’t have their OP racial phase. The Human racial was a problem and then they added BEs. I mean there is a a reason why they are the most popular race in the entire game, and it sure the hell isn’t because they have crappy racial abilities.

And lets not even pretend that the Forsaken racial wasn’t an issue either…

You’re right, It’s because of their aesthetics. When they first were released their racials were unarguably the worst in the game and they were still the most popular.

Didn’t the Horde get better gear at the beginning of the Uldir tier when they could farm the Warfront without Ilvl restrictions on alts? And then got a second round of rares in Arathi?

Why is this all of a sudden unfair when it’s not in the Hordes advantage?

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Say you jump ship but you still here posting… me think you be back “Soon T.M.”

If they fix the game, sure. Probably not this expansion, though.

Hehe, You know how it is… Been with this since MoP, Wod and maybe same with legion, we get winers that hate what happen, then they leave then they come back

Same story every time.

Yup, I mean that makes sense. People aren’t going to pay and play for content they don’t enjoy. :man_shrugging:

Lfr gear that was the same ilvl as mythic 0. But sure, that’s the same thing as 30% rewards and heroic ilvl gear. DERP


Additionally, it didn’t come at the Alliance’s expense. We weren’t sent out there to pester the opposite faction and get rewarded for it.

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The horde got one piece of gear that was better. The alliance with their free heroic ilvl gear every week have gotten 9 pieces so far with no stop in sight. They also got first shot at Darkshore, so that counters the ONE piece of heroic gear the horde got.

Also Arathi ilvl gear was 340 and was at the very start of the expansion when people only had one max lvl character anyway.

Basically It’s unfair because alliance have gotten a TON more free hand outs. Neither side should be getting free handouts.

and looking at Other games…

Let see other choice of “MMOS”

Well there GTA5/Rdr2 online mode… My 1st momment was try to get Rhodes to do check for better out (I look like stable hand then out law >n>) and before you know it I GET INTO A AMBUSH AND GANK FOR DAYS before I Kill them and escape via menu… and end up some where I don’t remmeber Maybe maps of RDR1 and away form my quest…

There final fantasy 14 realm reborn… Just I thought SAO elf online was horrble this take take of Borning inturesting JRPG in my case all races look too human and boring… and I know most the cat girl players are dues so no shock… and now It try to re capture magic by using golden saucer and Kefka come out of no where…

And don’t get me start on the story it more Trashy then BFA


DC marvel have online games I think…not sure… But I more of a Sword magic RPG then comic book type

Don’t Say Elder Scroll got better My bro order the digital deluxe edition and it screw him on his account not able to play As well crazy story that pepole selling vampire bites up to 50$ no thanks.


I think I Stick to warcraft thank you better then other mmo out there thank you… Say what you want… I put too much in this and I will see this to the end like it not.

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Let it all burn.

Warmode was a mistake, just like many PvP talents. Should’ve just merged the heavily one-sided PvP servers; an Alliance-heavy server with a Horde-heavy server.

Also give me back AMZ, Dsim and a few other should-be-in-my-spellbook abilities without having to turn on gankmode, so I no longer feel like I’m playing only 3/4’s of my class without them.

Go look at horde camping WQs. Been this way since launch.


Wrong, alliance has been camping everything since 8.1 because they’ve had an unfair advantage. Let’s not lie now.

Horde have been complaining since then about alliance camping WQs, the capitol city, flight paths, etc.

Alliance have been complaining there’s no horde to kill.

I find plenty of horde to kill. And horde has been camping since the 2000s. Just returning the favor.

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Camped since the 2000s? As opposed to the 90’s? LOL Yes, the alliance has never camped or formed raids to gank people.

Nope. We only do to get back at the horde and the imbalance.