Time to jump ship, I believe

Wow hidden profile of a coward.

Either way you are doing a good job at acting like a child its very un-important method and limit are so far ahead of you i bet you don’t even notice, as far as i’m concerned if giving alliance item level 400 gear every week would balance warmode its worth it.

But selfish people who refuse to do any work will complain and hold their hands out, why not raid heroic? get the same gear and more.

(And what do you need 400 item level for, you’ve only done LFR)
They should lower scaling on WQ’s and cap item level for them, so getting 400+ item level is meaningless outside of raid… maybe that way less entitlement would happen.

Lol, yeah right. See you next week.

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But it didn’t. All it did was give half the player base free heroic raiding gear and make them camp the other side for 7 weeks straight…

Yeah, just go pug heroic. People can’t even pug normal efficiently. You’re saying It’s okay if half the player base has to spends weeks wiping, learning, repairing, buying flasks food etc. while the other side gets free gear? You’re part of the problem.

I am saying a 400 item level piece used by YOU is meaningless because you wouldn’t gain anything other than 1% world quest speed.
you aren’t pushing normal or heroic you don’t need extra gear… an example that method has more gear than you doesn’t really bother you AT ALL, but when a single piece gets given that you “could’ve got” you burst into outrage mode.

Its completely silly, and yes i am part of the problem for YOU.
you scream rant and rave about rewards you don’t need, for content that is already too easy for you, if in future catch up methods were removed and you had to gear you’d still be fine gearing in LFR using last tiers LFR.

It wouldn’t effect 99% of your time in wow.

You couldn’t be more wrong in this pompous assumption. :roll_eyes:

Then why did the alliance cry so hard when the horde got their warfront piece first? KNOWING they would get theirs, too? And STILL complain about it? Yet the horde shouldn’t complain when half the game gets a heroic ilvl piece when the majority of players haven’t even cleared the raid on normal yet…? You’re daft.

Wrong. :roll_eyes: I PvP, I love WM, I love gearing up and leveling alts. If you honestly don’t believe free heroic raiding gear doesn’t effect anyone, then just give one faction full 400 ilvl gear since it apparently doesn’t matter to 95% of the playerbase as you are suggesting… :roll_eyes:

It matters to entitled people mostly, but since you are still posting i suspect you “time to jump ship” hasn’t come and you’ll just stay since you care enough to keep posting on the forums, so this thread was just “waaa i didn’t pick alliance?”

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Entitled people? We’re all paying $15/mo to play. Alliance players don’t pay more and aren’t special. :roll_eyes:

The thread was exactly what it was meant to be, unfair advantages for one faction shouldn’t be in the game.

But they always have been…

I don’t see all the top end raiding guilds suddenly bailing out to alliance because if that. Your racials should make you another 5-10 ilvl equivalent higher anyway (another reason why you see the majority of the top guilds as horde)