Time to jump ship, I believe

WoW’s been through some crazy times, factions complaining about OP racials have been more or less the extent of it though, which have been essentially nerfed to the ground all around.

Never in the history of WoW have they so blatantly gave an unfair advantage to one side over the other. At this point alliance players have over two weeks of “played” time rewards for putting in the same amount of actual play time as a horde player.

For 4 years they’ve received 50% extra honor just because they’re alliance.

They’ve been receiving heroic raiding gear every week guaranteed for essentially no effort and now with the new raid opening? They’re still getting free heroic raiding gear at current ilvl for no effort.

Unarguably the main focus of the game is gearing up and making your character strong. Why should half the player base have to put in 10x’s the effort or even bother playing at all when the other half is getting all the same stuff for free?

They shouldn’t. I’m done. Goodbye.

It’s a shame that Blizzard admitted giving one side an unfair advantage like they did was wrong yet didn’t fix it or even admit it didn’t resolve anything.

Edit: Continuation of reasons

Toys in the cash shop - No longer happy with nickle and deeming the player base over just mounts and pets, now toys as well.

Over 800 emlpoyeees cut during record breaking profits - Why no repurpose some of those employees to positions such as customer service which is severely lacking?

Poor customer service - You must now make 2 tickets and get an automated response from the first before your solutions can now be resolved. Not a strong point, but a point none the less.

Core members are gone - The CEO himself has officially cut ties with Blizzard, being one of the last founding members which made Blizzard a truly amazing juggernaut of the gaming industry that focused on player enjoyment over profits.

Reduced quality of content - qualy has gone down, we’ve lost tier sets to be replaced with 4 “sets” of armor that look worse than vanilla greens. In my opinion the improvement would have been 2 sets per armor type that aren’t class bound.



cya in a month


Your stuff?


The “Against Overwhelming Odds” mechanic is clearly not having the intended effect it was designed to have.

This is why I advocate for this person’s thread;


see you when you get back.


I like that idea, in fact I’d go even further. Your account is a WM or non-WM account. You have to pay $100 to swap it on or off.

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Least we forget the Human racial back in WoD?


Well, I mean, that’s functionally identical to PVP servers, no?

Maybe we should just bring those guys back. WM has been great for me to get my feet wet in the world of World PVP, and I’ve left it on permanently since BFA’s launch. But if the game went back to just having PVP servers, I’d totally move characters there (when I had the funds to do so.)

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It isn’t the first thread you make about quitting because of WM bonus btw.


For every Horde tear that falls, a puppy wags its tail.


Feel free to go through my posted topics, troll.


Well, give us a minute, I’m sure someone can and will give you a counterpoint that will quantifiably negate that statement.


We’re going to be waiting quite some time. Never in the history of WoW has Blizzard even gave one side an unfair advantage of end game raiding gear to only one faction, ever.

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I’m 2 months clean of wow :sunglasses::sunglasses:


Are you certain about that?

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Heroic raiding gear? Yeah, I’m sure.

The closest thing was giving alliance 50% extra honor for the past 4 years. But even then they allowed horde to merc mode it.

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Ok. Just wanted to make sure you placed a good quantifier in a statement.
Someone will be with you shortly I’m sure. Please! Have a seat. There’s coffee and donuts just around the corner if you’d like to indulge.

A weekly 400ilvel piece isn’t a big deal for a Mythic raider, M+ pusher or high end pvper, but for the large percent of the playerbase that’s more casual it is quite scewed. The 30 percent bonus to AP/gold/EXP I’m perfectly fine with(it made Warmode alot more fun!), but I really feel this quest should either be removed or offered to both sides.

Personally it doesn’t affect me too much, as within the next couple weeks most heroic bosses will be completely on farm for my guild and most of us will be getting multiple 400+ ilevel pieces a week with our Shadow Priest getting sever 425 titanforges(as is tradition).

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its called an incentive to play alliance.

your turn to come up with a way to balance out the factions.


You realize that only what, 5% of players are mythic raiders? All this is doing is making more people quit and not bother doing new content.

The rewards should be offered to both sides. Alliance for the past 6 weeks have made it clear they have the numbers to compete in WM.

How about let’s try common sense, first? Free server x-fers from horde to alliance only? Or we could just give one side end-game gear for free, because that won’t piss anyone off. :roll_eyes: