Time to jump ship, I believe

Right? Even Blizzard said It’s a negligible amount and not worth being upset over if you don’t want to turn WM on. :rofl:

Not a bad idea, honestly.

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Same. Feels good, man. :partying_face:

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People like you should just be banned from the forums and the game. I’ve read enough stupid posts to know this is intentional.


The welfare epics used to be pvp gears, so many Alliance bots, and players like me at their keyboard without a shred of hope to win (AV was the only hope, but seems horde tend to opt out of it from their list). Meanwhile horde players were scoring two or three times the marks of honor for wins, while I just grit my teeth and endured the carnage, for hours and hours more per gear than the horde players. Pardon me if empathy is difficult atm.

Have you done any actual pvp in the past few years? I don’t know where you pulled that “4 years” number from, well actually I do, but this is a family site…

Alliance honor bonus didn’t begin until after Legion started, and it turned out they weren’t queuing up.

Getting rid of the honor bonus means Alliance wouldn’t be queuing up. It’s that simple. I see you’ve hidden your profile. I guess what you’re hiding is the fact that you’ve never done any PvP, so the state of PvP doesn’t matter to you. .

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And I have been incentivized to now turn Warmode Off.

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Imagine being incentivized to turn something on you don’t want to. Nobody is forcing you to do so.

All of your complaints are easily disproven by the fact that the horde have outnumbered the alliance for about 10+ years if not more ever since the release of bc.

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Maybe you are on a wrong battle group or shouldn’t have war mode on. I’ve seen nothing but Alliance vs horde raids in zones. The definition of fair. If you don’t like pvp and want to just over, don’t have wpvp on.

Have to roll me for it.

Also, I’ve been in places where it’s so unbalanced and Horde has destroyed Alliance and vicea versa.

Guess it just depends on your server balance.

For someone who is done, you sure are still actively engaging the community.

Goodbye again though.

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Right? How can anyone say one faction getting free end-game gear not effect everyone…? Even if you’re an extreme casual it effects literally everyone.

Yeah but PvP gear was never as strong as heroic raiding gear, ever. In fact It’s the opposite, high end PvP gear almost always ended up being people who could get stuff out of end game dungeons.

But I do like to have WM on. I’ve been on PvP servers since I started…

Really? 'Cause everyone, including alliance players are pointing out how alliance are just camping horde flight points on top of incursions and the horde capitol. :roll_eyes:

Yeah how dare someone who’s played the game off and on since Vanilla actually be active and try and get the game they love to play fixed so they can enjoy it. :roll_eyes:

I’d suggest you try leveling an alliance character, but I noticed you said you’re horde only in which case it makes sense you would want to quit.

It’s a shame to see other players leaving due to the bad ideas of Blizzard. I hope they change it so you may come back and join us once again!

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Oh yea, you’re so right. It isn’t like 80+% of mythic raiders and pvpers switched to horde because the racials gave them a clear advantage…oh…wait.

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3% of the player base choosing a faction is a LOT different than everyone in the game getting free end game gear, buddy.

If you don’t realize that, you’re delusional. Besides, one guild already x-ferred with $9k worth of expenses to do so, so your point is flawed.

Not flawed at all. A decent portion of the player base (more than 3%, let’s not be stupid) changing and staying a certain faction because of the abilities of certain races has a way bigger and longer impact than 1 guild switching for 2 pieces of loot, then switching back a week later.


After years of having OP racial abilities, now you wonder if it is time to quit? Leave, honestly you won’t be missed…

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Acting like the alliance didn’t have the strongest PvP racial for almost 3/4ths of the game and had horde players activating hopping over for a free 3ird trinket slot is straight up delusional.

Compare nightborn racials to void elves. Compare dark irons to mag’har. It’s laughable.

You have a race that has a racial that can literally shut down multiple class specs, how is that fair?
