Time to jump ship, I believe

Can you give an official source that proves anything you’re saying?

Also, been horde since vanilla…so playing alliance is a strong pass, I’m unsubbing instead.

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We got the story and they get the gear. And horde always does better in raids than Alliance does.

If you aren’t good enough to get into mythic+ then you don’t need heroic raid gear

I’d rather both sides get the story and the gear. We’re all paying $15/mo to play the game.

It’s not about being good enough to get into mythic+'s, clearly you didn’t read what I said so let me re-post it.

having to constantly submit my fico credit score of 750+ to get invited to groups, dealing with players quitting after one wipe and spending hours to get the same gear half the player base is getting in 15 minutes?

I mean do you really not understand basic time spent doing the two activities is drastically different…or…?


I understand that you haven’t done a single mythic+ so you don’t have any clue what you are talking about and are just spewing general discussion propaganda

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If my eyes could roll any harder, they’d probably somehow get damaged. If you honestly don’t realize the time difference of killing 25 horde players vs doing mythics, you’re daft.

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Mythic+s that you can do an infinite number of times in one week versus a single piece of 400 gear? I think you don’t understand how gear works

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Alliance gets two this week, actually.

Also thanks for proving my point. I’d have to infinitely run mythics for a week or I could just spend 15 minutes once a week and get the same gear.


You get an infinite number of 400 pieces from the warfront or wm quest? Glad to know you are great at math

Better at math than you are at reading.

15 minutes ONCE A WEEK


30 minutes as many times as you want in a single week

Buh-bye Blood Elves!

Free gear and I only have to play 15 minutes a week to get it and I’ll be on the same level as a heroic raider? Hot damn, sounds like a deal and a half to me.

I’m done arguing with you. Just hope someone that knows how to play and get gear carries you through the raid again

Could you imagine the backlash from all the crying babies when they feel “forced” to keep warmode on? God this game is just a dumpster fire at this point lol

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Probably for the better. I would be shocked if WoW survives 2019 before Blizzard pulls the plug. Shame that they seem intent on destroying this game.


/pat go eat a snickers. :call_me_hand:

When they start getting sloppy like this you know things aren’t in good shape.

Cute you think that 10% was worth anything at 120 and it was even more worthless between 110-120 even before the Alliance was bolstered to 30%.