Time to jump ship, I believe

WoD holds a special hate place for me because that was the expansion that started the dev’s war on flying. For that reason alone I’ll always hate WoD.

WoD might have been sparse on content but the class design even after the WoD prune were miles better than what we have now. That goes a long way. There was no ilvl scaling back then so gear still meant something.

In the end I’d personally put BFA in a tie with WoD as the worst expansions in wow’s history.

Maybe its just because I’m a super casual and I dont raid much but I still dont understand whats supposedly so wrong with all the classes. I’ve leveled every class to 120, and with the exception of maybe shadow, all the specs I’ve played felt improved over Legion, which everyone seemed to like.

The system, as implemented, will not fix itself. Once the casual, and not-so-hard-core raider alliance players are geared up sufficiently, they will turn off WM. The imbalance will continue, and the player base will keep souring on their World of Warcraft experience.

The whole premise of free gear to one side is inherently flawed, and this situation could easily have been predicted.

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I’m sure the forums will sorely miss your wit and charm, but we must not allow ourselves sink below our anguish. Best of luck to you in your future endevors! :kissing:

I’m sure the forums will sorely miss your wit and charm, but we must not allow ourselves sink below our anguish. Best of luck to you in your future endevors! :kissing:

If you deserve a position just as much as the other person, doesn’t that mean they deserve it as much as you? And what’s more, if your so petty you would quit, it’s probably a good thing for your employer and co-workers, tbh.

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Since this is all about PvP and balancing out the players with WM on I think the reward should simply be a buff that only works with WM on so it only benefits players that want to PvP and will continue to PvP. I don’t know what the buff should be, maybe just a larger bonus to the buff WM already provides?

Also, how could Blizzard not see this becoming an issue? Similar to how the first warfront didn’t have a minimum ilvl and players spammed them to get gear. Or how the timing of the warfronts during the season two transition would cause an uproar.

All that said, quitting over this? That’s a bit much, maybe there are others issues not mentioned.

Yes you are 100 present right. Horde has plenty of good moves like tauren stomp, alliance doesn’t have moves too strong. If you don’t like fights then turn war mode off you can do it inside of inns

Just go to town where there is a inkeepr and talk to them to get a teleport stone. If you start getting beat bad just use the “defense channel” to ask for help, its like a walkie talkie for the army. and then if that doesn’t work you use the teleport stone to go to safety. You can turn off your pvp mode in the house you teleoprt to

If you don’t like the fight mode just turn it off but some people like me like it. Just play smart and stay by horde controlled states and you can be safe

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lol. Come on OP, roll with it. It’s not that bad. You do realize the majority of lead devs at Blizzcon play Horde, right?

Good. You’re a pretty rude dude and the community will be better off without your mean-spirited commentary.


I hear a lot of crying going on in this thread, keep it coming…if you’re gonna quit over something as inconsequential as some casuals getting some 400 gear while their end game is pet battling or achievments then go for it, it’ll be obsolete in a few weeks anyway.

What they did was super stupid i agree but my lord the whining…just stop.

50% alliance honor because we’ve been outnumbered in pvp for 4 years, if you don’t like it so much then advocate for your friends to roll alliance to help balance or help fix the problem, if you’re not going to, then quit biching about it. Simple.

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Not really, honestly. Sure, the expansion isn’t the best but WoW is my primary game and has been for pretty much ever. I’m one of those players who just finds something to do when end game content is bad. Farm mogs, mounts, reputations, getting loremaster (done :B) or other things.

However logging in after the raid release I was going to learn my demo rotation for DPSing as I normally roll affliction and felt like it was a huge waste of time. Why should I spend weeks struggling to pug NORMAL mode content and learning it when half the player base is getting HEROIC raiding gear for free?

I’m un-aware of what you mean. Aside from people complaining about racials which really don’t matter for 97% of the player base, this is the firs time Blizzard has blatantly just given one side a straight up unfair advantage the other side also did not have access to… so your point is irrelevant.

You mean you’ll hold onto my extra swift spectral tiger for me? :heart_eyes_cat:

I bet it is, especially if you have heroic raiding gear to do it with. I wish the game was fair and both sides got free heroic raiding gear or the game was fair and neither of them did. :frowning_face:

It’s not one easy to acquire piece of gear. This week It’s two pieces of ilvl 400 gear and 7 pieces before the raid even came out… Also it is free loot. Unless you consider navigating the group finder to join one of the many 5 mans and afking as actual quest work…

You’re right, turning WM on should be a quest that awards another 400 ilvl piece on its own. Navigating the group finder and finding one of the many pre-mades? Another SEPERATE quest that gives another piece of 400 ilvl gear. Afking to get credit for 25 horde kills? The third and final piece of 400 ilvl gear AND probably should add a mount because it was such a long quest chain.

I honestly would take WoD over what we have now. At least in WoD there wasn’t an unfair advantage for half the player base. I’d argue anything is better than that.

Right? It’s as if free faction transfers from horde to alliance would have been the go to smart idea with a small incentive for changing the majority of the characters on your account or something.

Not really, honestly. Sure, the expansion isn’t the best but WoW is my primary game and has been for pretty much ever. I’m one of those players who just finds something to do when end game content is bad. Farm mogs, mounts, reputations, getting loremaster (done :B) or other things.

However logging in after the raid release I was going to learn my demo rotation for DPSing as I normally roll affliction and felt like it was a huge waste of time. Why should I spend weeks struggling to pug NORMAL mode content and learning it when half the player base is getting HEROIC raiding gear for free?

Okay settle down there level 12 orc hunter, Dufuus. People can play the game the way they want.

Well it makes any form of gearing any characters feel completely bad. I’m putting in WAY more effort and time to gear my characters than half the player base? I don’t want to pay $15/mo to do that. Gearing up is a pain enough without half the player base camping you because they get free gear for doing so.

Aw, did I hurt your feelers while discussing something? :crying_cat_face:

I didn’t realize Limit was a casual guild. I guess spending $9,000 for free gear is just as casual as it gets these days, huh?

Pumping Iron? Pumping Iron

You can get free heroic gear infinitely starting next week in mythic+. Get to farming kiddo

And have to constantly submit my fico credit score of 750+ to get invited to groups, dealing with players quitting after one wipe and spending hours to get the same gear half the player base is getting in 15 minutes?

Yeah…STRONG pass. I’d rather just not play the game until they fix it. :roll_eyes:

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Least we forget the Undead Racials all the way to what, Lich King?

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EMFH got you out of all CC and was a 3ird trinket forever, not even comparable, buddy.

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Guessing you don’t remember Undead Racials being the most OP through even BC. But I digress, let’s talk about a topic that had nothing to do with the topic or my question.

The game was designed with alliance bias from the begining. That was even posted and talked about. One of the reasons they were given some of the much better racials from the beginning as well.

I can understand why the op is upset… whoever is running the game needs to be moved to the mail room.

Half the player base getting an unfair advantage.

I keep hearing this rhetoric. But if that were true, the quest wouldn’t exist. If it was truly balanced (half horde, half alliance) having WM on, everyone would have their blanket 10% bonus and the quest wouldn’t exist.

But it DOES exist because it’s NOT half of the player base, not even close.

Prior to the change, according to wowhead, Horde players made up 62% of the player base, but over 76% of the War Mode players (overall). Alliance were outnumbered in total, and completely outnumbered in warmode, so, most turned it off. It wasn’t fun being that outnumbered which just exacerbated the problem. (ie less Alliance with WM on).

In short, it’s not half of the gaming population, it’s closer to 1/4, and it’s an incentive just like tanks/healers are incentivized to queue up for raid sometimes.

Also, the Alliance welcomes you.