Time to jump ship, I believe

This is hilarious. Never have they favored one faction? Have you seen the Zandalari racials compared to the Kul Tiran ones? This is pretty funny.

People would roll more Alliance characters if they did not put the very cool looking characters behind stupid rep grinds from the prior expansion.

There is just so much… (sigh) from both sides. Can’t we all just get along? Oh wait, we’re on the interwebs. Nevermind.

(puts out a very large tray of cookies and a collection of romance novels for all to enjoy)



It would’ve been simple to give some constructive feedback instead of coming out as a rage post. You could’ve approached it in a calm manner and discussed it civilly but your first instinct is to attack people who share a different opinion than you or try to reason with you.

So far I’ve seen you lashing out at people on this thread for sharing a different opinions than you do.

Case and point. Calm down and come back when you’re not in such an emotional place so you can contribute some helpful feedback.

If horde turned warmode off for a week they’d get the buff and gear the next week, GL convincing them though.

Also doesnt help that the majority of alliance only turn warmode on for 30 minutes a week to do the quest then turn it back off.

So…you’re talking about things that aren’t even in the game yet? Sorry, we’re talking about in-game favoritism, not “will be nerfed before live” favoritism.

I’ve been contributing helpful feed back since 8.1, like most players it gets tiring saying the same thing in every thread to every person who fails to understand the issue at hand and would rather say daft things like “Well if you don’t like just turn WM off” or “Well if you don’t like it join the alliance or stop playing!”


I’m not even sure what needs to be fixed at this point. Alliance players have more than proven that for 7 weeks of camping every incursion that they have more than enough numbers to fight back and are still receiving an unfair advantage.

Hell after the first day of 8.1 they were camping everything. Make the game fair and equal for both or stop giving rewards for having WM on, plain and simple.

Or if alliance players are still unhappy, do something that would actually have an impact on alliance players. Free server x-fers from horde to alliance only, thought that would have been an obvious first step to fix imbalances.

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What a lie, Cata and MoP was the only time you could say EMFH was OP and even then it was only one race Alliance side that was only good in pvp while Horde had pve advantages and still had very strong pvp racials.

By WoD with the new trinkets EMFH did not matter as much. In legion they balanced it perfectly, same as Forsaken and other races with freedom ability’s it had a 30s cd shared with a trinket. Then in BFA they ruined it for the most part as it’s on a 90s CD shared with the pvp trinket while every race with something similar is on 30s. It’s still strong on Warriors as we can remove fear ourselves but not so much for other classes.

Let’s look at other races, shall we?

Will of the Forsaken, was OP till Wrath and ruined the lives of many Alliance Warlocks to the point that few people even played a Warlock Alliance side.

Hardiness 25% chance to resist a stun, 15% in BC it was in wrath that they finally change this broken racial, while it sucked at the start of WoD it was buffed again to be stronger then it was before (after Wrath) and is still one of the best racials for pvp in the game.

Berserking mini bloodlust

Beast slaying 5% damage to beasts which made tons of dps go Troll for raids. This was not changed till WoD.

Arcane torrent, need I say more? Even when they changed it for BFA they made a raid encounter and M+ where it was perfect.

Horde has had advantages for most of the game. Don’t get me wrong Alliance had some useful racials too such as Shadow Meld and stone skin and EMFH but Horde racials where much stronger for most of the game.

Like I said you stated you quit a while ago, 9 hours is not a while and we only got the 400 item today.

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You got the 400 ilvl gear yesterday, learn to read a clock. :roll_eyes:

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It was not 24 hours, a game day resets at 11 EST. I can see you are just a troll I won’t bother responding to anymore of your posts and am glad you are gone.

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That’s better! I agree a free xfer would be nice and that rewards should go to both or none. However, I wouldn’t quit over this issue alone. There has to be more behind you leaving then “it’s not fair”

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:thinking:. What do they say about the usual suspects? And if it really bothers you that much that alliance is getting free gear then feel free to faction swap as the horde told the alliance during their reign as the favored faction.

Can I have your stuff? I’ll give most of it back when you come crawling back.

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That nails it. I stopped playing a while back but I WANT the game to improve. It’s not like I want to quit forever. Wow is just so unfun right now. It’s really at an all time low point.

Ding ding ding we have a winner.

The new raid is fun as hell tho.

I wouldn’t say the game is not fun because of one easy to acquire piece of gear.

Also I wouldn’t exactly call it free loot either. Killing 25 Horde is something most people won’t even bother with in the coming weeks because not everyone enjoys pvp. I won’t even do it this week if there’s not a raid all ready for me.

They shouldn’t be incentiving World PvP or faction balance. Players do what they prefer, and there a lot more reasonable fixes than just giving out Heroic gear every week from start to finish of a Tier. This game needs less gear abundance, and more player interaction. Remove the incentives, and allow both factions to do content with each other just for gameplay sake.

First, lets look at the definition of “Free”

without cost or payment.

Is there a cost associated with getting this gear? Yes there is. You must turn war mode on and kill 25 horde. Thus it is not “Free”

Is it unfair? not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice

That I can agree with, an option for one faction to earn gear the other faction isn’t permitted is unfair, but calling it “free” isn’t correct, they still have to earn the gear by completing a quest.

It’s just another example of Blizzard not understanding the players and trying to force participation in War Mode by offering enticements to the faction that isn’t. participating. That isn’t the way to solve making people want to engage in world PVP, I don’t know the right answer, but sure someone can figure out something better than this.

Perhaps something like the scaling we used to have in Wintergrasp when one side outnumbered the other. IF there are 200 horde in a zone and 50 alliance in a zone in war mode, then buff the alliance like used to happen in Wintergrasp.

Or, limit the number of war mode per zone, only allow one faction to enter when they are less than 5% more than the other faction’s total to keep the numbers close.

Someone should be able to come up with something that is fair, and doesn’t require quests that award gear to one faction and not another

I genuinely dont understand how people can say stuff like this when WoD existed.

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The large number of five man groups camping Horde Flight paths make it essentially free considering it’s the same ilvl of gear you get from Heroic Jaina.

Everything else I can agree on, there are dozens of ways they could fix the issues without resorting to unfair practices that feel more like punishment for one side.

WoD had good PvE content and actual class design, enough so it’s better in comparison in my book.