Time to jump ship, I believe


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As someone who plays both sides, I’m reaping the benefits of the 30% Warmode buff, and the 400 item level gear.

As someone who plays both sides, I thoroughly believe that Warmode was a good addition, and I enjoy the content.

As someone who plays both sides, giving any faction some kind of heroic item level piece for free when progression pushing is now a factor for very little effort (especially given WoW’s class design), I feel that’s wrong.

Warmode should simply have all bonuses nullified entirely, and let it be for the people who actually enjoy world pvp. Not some kind of incentive game.


I’m glad you’re enjoying it as someone who plays both sides, I guess that means people like me, who only play horde it doesn’t matter? Or for the, in the words of alliance players, 70% of the player base?

I agree. Either give both sides the same rewards, or take them out. People PvP’d for 14 years and never said “I need free gear from MC or naxx to do this!” or “Uh if our faction doesn’t get free invincible reins we’re quitting!”


I cant imagine unironically thinking Blizz is Alliance biased. It genuinely boggles the mind.


My lady and I play both sides mainly for RP. We had elected to make a pair (cause we write together) for Alliance RP and made some void elves. Got them leveled ridiculously quickly, and in two weeks (through only arena), both to 360-ish.

The problem is with something like this heroic item level piece, keeping them maintained is just going to require very little effort, which I also think is wrong. MMO’s were always about time investment. The more time you put in, the more things you get out. BFA just vomits gear on people, including through things like this “Against All Odds” quest, which she and I both feel is ridiculous (in the bad way).

If you unsub due to this which impacts you in no way (doesn’t limit your ability to engage content) then you don’t like wow. That’s cool, plenty of other games out there. If there is such an issue it will shift to horde receiving the bonus. The system will naturally fix itself. And I’m sure you will complain then for something else.

The difference should be 1 percent and the quest should give war resources not gear.


The alliance have been raiding the horde capitol city on my shard and other servers I play on almost constantly. Every incursion has multiple alliance raids preventing horde from doing the quests. Alliance players are raiding horde only questing areas.

I’ve played WoW since vanilla, I love WoW. I’ve spent sheesh, god knows how much on WoW alone. People can be passionate about a game and strongly disagree with the direction it’s going, you know?

I want the game I love to be fair and balanced like it has been more or less for 14 years. I have a different opinion than you, accept that and move on.

Also, yes people complain when things they pay for aren’t the way they want them to be, sorry you don’t like that?

Imagine if nobody complained ever in WoW? The game would probably be PRETTY bad.


You can quit or you can reroll/faction change to alliance and enjoy the benefits on their end. There is a lot of QQ in this thread and if you’re first instinct is to abandon ship because the game isn’t “fair” then good riddance.

Life isn’t fair kid and there is a simple solution if you want the benefit that alliance players have. Xfer or reroll.

Good day!

I’m quitting, like the plethora of other players.

Comparing life to a video game is just dumb logic, sorry you can’t see the world outside your little bubble. :man_shrugging:


Then quit.

When I get fed up with a game and stop playing it I dont typically hang around the forums for that game and continue talking about it.


I have. I haven’t played in quite a while.

Well, I’m sorry what you do is different from what I do and you seemingly can’t stand me hoping the game I’ve enjoyed for 14 years gets better so I can play it again. :man_shrugging:

It’s as if after a player quits, you think they’ll never want to play again. :rofl:

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See you tomorrow, since you’ve been posting doom and gloom threads here for a while now and I don’t expect you to stop any time soon if I’m being perfectly honest.

You seem to think a free piece of gear is a major advantage in the long run. I find the racial advantage Horde have had for most of the game much more of a problem over gear that will be replaced by anyone that plays endgame content.

I do not think Blizzard should give away 400 gear that was a stupid mistake, the raid just came out after all but this is not a good reason to quit.

I can see you did not raid that much, nor did you push M+ or arena.

So what do you need the gear for that would make you quit? What the Alliance players have does not affect you in any of the content you seem to play.

I would gladly trade this free gear for more population Alliance side.

I honestly think the Alliance will lose the bonus this week as everyone even the people that don’t care about pvp will be going for a free 400 item which will increase the WM pop too much, it will be another story if Horde gets it.

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The problem is timing.
This first week of the patch, Mythic+ are locked to 385 max and Mythic raiding isn’t out yet.
So it’s a huge advantage in the first week for alliance to be able to waltz right into heroic raiding with already an equivalent gear on everyone.

It will be irrelevant in the up coming weeks, but for now it’s a significant advantage - especially if one’s lucky and get a weapon or azerite gear.



I’m not sure how heroic raiding gear every week for free is not an advantage in the long run? I mean, you clearly are clueless. A WoW guild is spending $9,000 to transfer alliance to get this unfair advantage and you think It’s not a major advantage?

Fair enough, It’s not major advantage. We’ll just call it the $9,000 advantage.

I like how you prove that the gear isn’t helping the alliance populace grow. It’s just pissing people off and making them quit, so? Make it fair for both sides or take it out. :man_shrugging:


Please explain how I proved that claim? You are the only person on the forums I have seen claim they are quitting over this issue.

You stated you already quit a while ago so this whole thread is a lie.

Long term it won’t matter as anyone that plays endgame content will have better gear and anyone that is not playing endgame content has no need for better gear. Again it is still a problem I agree with you on that, they should have made it 385 normal gear that will be the average for players in a month or two not heroic raid gear.

And? How many of the top raiding guilds in the game have gone Horde and outright told us it’s because of Horde racial abilities and only now you think it’s bad?

This is probably the reason Blizzard is doing this in the first place, because of the stupid racials you guys have had over the years too many players joined the Horde bandwagon and it ruined the population balance. Players like you that have stuck with the Horde are fine it’s the people that chase the racials and want things easy that are the problem. WoD was the perfect example of this.

How can they fix this problem you might ask?

  1. Give Alliance races OP racials, they have not done this. We got more aggressive racials that where needed on the Alliance but nothing that gives advantages over Horde races.

Option 1 is a mistake, both factions should be equal but we know from classic to now that was never the case.

  1. Give Alliance an easier time gearing which is only useful temporarily and won’t cause lasting problems.

Option 2 is the better choice but I would rather have a different way to fix this imbalance.

It’s a good thing that people are leaving the Horde for Alliance not bad, if this is true like you think then we will quickly lose the quest anyway.

All you have done is cry on these forums starting from when Alliance got the trash 370 gear that was only good on alts. You have a reason to complain about 400 gear but that’s clearly not what you care about.


The gear is to cure the imbalances of alliance players or whatever you guys tried to claim justified getting free heroic raiding gear meant…and yet you don’t have the players to do raids, so it’s not working. :man_shrugging:

I did quit…this thread is 9 hours old…are you feeling okay?

The alliance have had just as broken racials, so stop peddling that silly BS. The alliance had almost every PvPer for quite some time with EMFH or maybe you forgot that? How long was that 10+ years? Every class that could roll as human was human for every top player in every bracket. :rofl:


Somebody needs a nap…

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Or needs to go to sleep in general? :man_shrugging:

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