Time to jump ship, I believe

I’m in the same boat and will be dropping my sub for the first time in years. Blizz’s decisions the expac are beyond asinine. This warmode decision is the last straw.


a free faction change, but no incentive to take it?

mmos are about incentive.


Your quitting WoW over that?

Did you quit your job because someone else got a better raise/position?

Did you quit school because someone got in for free via grants/scholarships.

When people win the lottery, do you give up playing because you didn’t win?

Life’s full of unfair situations. But in each of those situations, you have a number of options beyond just quitting. The most logical option in WoW is to play Alliance if you like our reward so much. Then you’ll be working with Blizzards experiment in WM rather than taking yourself out of the equation. Quitting is such a defeatest attitude, I don’t even know what to say about it anymore. Not quitting and remaining Horde would be the ultimate act of defiance to prove that WM is a broken system.


It’ll be the first time in, I’m not even sure how long…

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that 50% free honor for the past 4 years, 30% gold, AP, XP, honor and free end game raiding gear wasn’t incentive enough already.

You’re right, they should give anyone who x-fers back to the alliance free mounts and any piece of gear in the game they want every week they play alliance.

You’re comparing WoW to a job? You already failed your argument there…this is a game we all pay $15/mo to play. It’s not a job, it’s entertainment. If they’re going to treat half the player base unfairly and give the other half free end-game gear, yeah it’s a reason to quit.

Been playing horde since vanilla, not gonna play alliance because they’re getting free stuff. I’d rather quit playing, which is what I’m doing. :man_shrugging:


I would quit my job if someone got the raise/position I deserved just as much. Why would you work for someone who doesn’t value you.

Why should I pay blizz to favor alliance over me for no discernible reason?


You see? That right there is just crazy talk, man!
We’ll take the mounts but we don’t need the gear, not anymore, not according to so many of you who think everyone on the Alliance side flips on the WM switch.

Am I missing out on an easy piece of gear? I guess so.
Does it bother me? Not in the least.

Until you find out you jumped onto another ship and still post on these forums to sound important ! Hypocrite

He’s a Dwarf, are undead eyes really that bad?

At this point Blizzard is fighting a losing battle they should have more aggressively tried to resolve many, many years ago. I’ve seen this in a number of MMOs as they age. Frankly it almost seems an inevitability for any MMO with two factions.

Once one side gains an advantage, real or perceived, players gravitate to that faction. As more players move the advantages begin to snowball. Honestly it’s likely too late for Blizzard to rectify the situation without resorting to extremely draconian measures. (No more new Horde characters or transfers? That’d be super popular.)


Meh the games been going for 14 years so whatever experiences you claim aren’t anything in comparison to this.

It’s been back and forth since the game started, but not in this magnitude and level of straight up unfairness.


I’d forfeit every reward I get through warmode for a chance to join a decent raiding guild that raids on Sundays or in the mornings. That’s the ultimate reason I may end of quitting. Even if Horde were to get everything that Alliance does through WM, it wouldn’t be a reason to compel me to quit. I’ve paid for a server transfer 3x this expansion only to be disappointed by every guild that lured me in…

I bet my experience with Horde guilds would be vastly different…

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That’s what they’d be doing if they took away the incentive for alliance… Treating the horde unfairly.

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I’d disagree.


You are jumping the ship because the alliance got the first raid?

3 possibilities here

  1. You have a weak mental. Well, I thought all horde players were tough cookies but maybe I was wrong?

  2. You are bored and trolling for fun

  3. The whole thing is a comedy, an entertainment really…

Well, I am gonna go with #3



I don’t see why it would be unreasonable to quit. We’re all paying $15/mo. to play, many of us playing since vanilla or quite a long time. All of a sudden Blizzard is giving half the player base free end game raiding gear for free.

They’ve been giving the alliance unfair advantages since Legion, but at least back then after a while they allowed horde to enjoy them as well. :man_shrugging:


It is having the effect of Alliance owning horde in world pvp, before we even got a single upgrade this week. I think that is working as intended.

When you had an extra 10% in WM for months due to WM user counts :thinking:

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I think owning the other faction is fine. What’s not fine is giving one faction end game raiding gear and not the other.

Clearly as you yourself stated the alliance is owning the horde, great. Now make the game fair and either give both sides the same quests to get ilvl 400 gear and a 30% bonus or take it out of the game.

Nothing wrong with wanting a fair game. :man_shrugging:

I did. So did the alliance. They have the numbers to compete, but chose to not participate because 10% wasn’t enticing enough.

They got more of a reward and now are participating and have been camping the horde for 7 weeks, which is fine. But now make the rewards fair and available for both sides.

I don’t understand who would be against that? Both sides enjoying the game vs. only one side enjoying it and the other side unsubbing. :man_shrugging:


Melodramatic, but not wrong.