Alliance Should Have To Keep War Mode On

In order to complete Against Overwhelming Odds. As it stands now, most Alliance players only keep War Mode on long enough to complete the quest and then turn it right back off (don’t pretend most of you don’t do this because I play Alliance too).

Change the quest to where you have to kill 25 players AND leave war mode on, say, 3 or 4 full days without turning off. If you decide to turn it off then you can at any time, but if you do then you forfeit the 400ilvl loot for the week. That way nobody is forcing you to keep War Mode on.

It completely defeats the purpose of offering alliance guaranteed heroic ilvl loot to turn on War Mode if they only turn it on long enough to join a group, camp a flight point for a few minutes, and then turn it right back off for the rest of the week.

Edit: Note that I say all this as someone who has fully taken advantage of the free 400ilvl loot quest (look at my cloak).

Edit 2: As others have mentioned, another good idea is to have it work like the M+/PVP chests where they will get the rewards if they killed 25 players AND kept War Mode on the whole time the previous week.


How am I salty? Can you tell me how my post is wrong?

I’m just saying it’s only fair.


I truly love this topic. Firstly because more Horde QQ and secondly because I agree with OP.


If they complete Against Overwhelming Odds. As it stands now, most Alliance players only keep War Mode on long enough to complete the quest and then turn it right back off (don’t pretend most of you don’t do this because I play Alliance too).


War mode is an option that can be used at will. Thats how it was designed.


Actually a point I can agree with. Having the gear should enable warmode till they take it off, or require you to have warmode on to use.
Kinda silly to think you get a 15% more xp buff aswell as free gear just for being alliance.

Whats next, enroll into alliance now and get early access to pathfinder?


Whats next, enroll into alliance now and get early access to pathfinder?

Works for me :rofl::rofl::rofl:


This topic is getting so old.


I have never turned war mode on and never will, no ilvl 400 gear is worth turning it on, at least for me.


It’s gonna be around till devs decide to stop spoon feeding the alliance.


Wouldnt this straight kill progression and PvP on RP servers?

I could het behind that depending on how long it was forced. An hour - can get behind. Rest of day… maybe, rest of week - nope.

When does the forced warmode end?

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Honestly, this is the first time since I got done w/ lvling and I’m seriously thinking about leaving it on. Not because any of that honor, fair/not fair nonsense (hello, I’m a Rogue lol) but because the 30% is pretty nice… aaand, I am a rogue.


And the point of the rewards is to get more Alliance in war mode, not to give you free gear for 5-10 minutes of effort tagging lowly hordies just to turn it right back off.

If you accept the bargain Blizzard is making to entice you to turn on War Mode (the quest), then you should be forced to keep your end of the deal. Want to freely enable War Mode as you see fit? Then don’t take the free 400 ilvl loot.


Like I said gear req for Warmode would work better. Just you can’t use the gear once you disable warmode.
I think it would be more fair that way at least.

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And the point of the rewards is to get more Alliance in war mode, not to give you free gear for 5-10 minutes of effort tagging lowly hordies just to turn it right back off.

Previously Horde was complaining that Alliance WERENT turning war mode on.

Make up your mind, will you?


In all fairness keeping it on for an hour or less isn’t really helping the cause


They do not know what to do to make the alliance activate the warmode.
First it was a buff and now it’s an item. What’s next, nerf raids and dungeons for the alliance?

Like I said gear req for Warmode would work better. Just you can’t use the gear once you disable warmode.

And we go back to Horde whining they have no one to gank.

Really…this is a cant win scenario.


In all fairness keeping it on for an hour or less isn’t really helping the cause

So turn your war mode off and have done.