Time to bring AH brutosaur mount back?

So that if you’re like me you bought 200$ worth of tokens “just in case” it shows up at the BMAH. Imagine how many of us stockpiled to catch it? By the way Invincible went for 800k. I don’t know if it was worth it.

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I really don’t see why it was even removed in the first place, unless it was to create even more scarcity than it already had.

There are already so few people who are going to shell out nearly 500 USD worth of gold just for a mobile auction house, so if they were doing this to make it more scarce it seems like that was pretty pointless/futile.

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The biggest insult was keeping token price down when it was available. Now its 70k more. They kept it low to make people buy more. Manipulation.

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Always has been.

It was dumb to remove it

but they can’t really bring it back without seriously angering the customers who bought tokens at the end of BfA to buy one.

just get it from the black market AH when it pops up lol its still in game

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Oh, is that all we need to do? No problem!

(Is there an emoji for being jokingly sarcastic?)


Fair enough. Weird that they wouldn’t realize this before they implemented the mount lol

I think they should give people who bought it at least one xpac to enjoy the time limited nature of it and I think they should just make another AH mount rather than just rereleasing longboi.

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Blizzard doesn’t control the gold price of tokens, that is market determined. Longboi drove the price down because it simultaneously consumed tons of gold as well as creating a surge in demand. Surge in demand plus reduced supply leads to an increase in price (which means less gold per token).

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I’m a little disappointed that the only bronto mount is that one, because I thought it was adorable.

But I’m not really on either side of the argument for bringing it back.

I always liked :clown_face: for that.

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As someone who was able to get one by hucking a bajillon mogul mounts onto the AH. I 100% agree in bringing it back. Also it’s the coolest mount in the game, proven fact nod.

Or at the very least a cheaper mount with the same model minus the AH/Vendor passengers.

I don’t really think that was the real reason they got rid of it. When the economy breaks down entirely they’ll sell it again to get rid of the excess gold. That’s probably its true purpose

BRING IT BACK! :kissing_heart:


Ehhh. I think having a readily accessible AH in Oribos is awesome (since someone’s always parked there on the brutosaur) but it probably makes Blizz cranky since they specifically don’t want an AH in the hubs for some reason.

I suppose that would be okay. Maybe they’ll put a version of the bruto back with no AH that costs 1M.

Personally, I hate the mount. I love to have it and the water strider deleted.

Thankfully they changed the water bug so you rarely see it anymore. Hopefully they fix that big thing next.

well, a basic Gryphon in MoP was 2k gold. Same model recolored in BfA was 90k.

Talk about pointless gold sinks. That’s not really “adjusting for inflation” anymore, at that reate it’ straight up greed.

because it was the same type of reward - takes dedication to earn 5 million