Time to bring AH brutosaur mount back?

It’s been six months and I think we can all agree that the big bruto didn’t “ruin the game” as was so feared by the developers. Is it time to make it available from the vendor, again?

I have yet to catch in the BMAH, I check as often as I can but I can’t check every day. It is just too rare in the BMAH to be considered “in the game”, IMO.


I still don’t get why it was removed.

PvP mounts? Sure. M+ and CM mounts? Yeah. But collecting 5 million gold?


I don’t know either. I think it was to make people more willing to get it while it was there.

I dont use the AH that much lol

There will always be an army defending every bad decision.


They knew 8.3 would last 9+ months so they needed to find a way to instill fear in the player base and keep them subscribed.


FOMO is such a plague on gaming.


To attract FOMO obviously.

They’ll introduce another AH mount so people would spent another 5 mil, this is pretty obvious.


They removed it to push people who wanted it into buying tokens.

I also suspect the flipping the story on “too much gold in the game” would have made it too easy to get. Even with my not playing much, I was clearing 20-25k a week (before my playtime crashed lol) on one toon.



Bringing it back would probably also push people to buy tokens.

True, and they probably will add more gold sinks into the game. They did mention something along the lines of “value added services” to the earning statement as to why WoW was doing well.


Yeah their response/reason for removing it was silly IMHO.
I grinded it out at last minute al most, bought it late Aug.

The amount of people that actively have 5 mill at any one time is small anyway and most goblins, whales, w.e, have the mount already.

I feel it’s just a way to say ‘‘you want it, keep grinding for gold cap, keep playing our game’’. Just a way to hook the ones who treat that stuff as a carrot, a’la collectors etc…

Eh I don’t know, I’m a collector myself but I saw that mount for what it was after the announcement - the announcement actually deterred me from getting it. Maybe if gold becomes stupidly easy to get in the future, I may save for it, but not having it in my collection is not a loss for me whatsoever.


Nah because the one who already have them wouldn’t buy tokens.

Just put the AH NPC on top of Maw creature and sell it for another 5 mil and both Brutosaur owner and the one who didn’t would buy the token.

You must think like Buzzard to understand them.

Well of course I’m not speaking of all collectors, just to those that seemingly do have that ‘need/want’ to get it. They have enough stats to show what their move entails and the outcomes. Ultimately I feel they did the removal as a fear of missing out tactic that REALLY drove participation up a lot I feel just from seeing how much action the AH saw, how much chatter was about it, and how many videos popped off about the brutosaur.

A lot of attention was directed at it and people capitalized.

I don’t see any real reason to remove it, it’s a nice goal for those that like gold making or started later. Having to camp the bmah for a potential gold cap end result is deflating. Having it on the vendor on a static price as a goal to reach felt nice for me. Burnt me out for gold farming for a bit but it was hella rewarding.

Yeah as someone said earlier, FOMO is awful for gaming.


It is awful. Such a slimy tactic but sadly it’s so prevalent in a lot of areas of the world at times, especially as a marketing tool that I’ve just learned to accept it.

I wish they’d do away with FOMO stuff. It’d start leaning towards this game being a WORLD where people can have other things to set goals for and grind towards.

Shhhh, now you just sound like a FOMOphobe

Not really

I’m not upset that I never got a chance to get corrupted ashbringer on retail because I wasn’t there

MoP legendaries, WoD ring, legion mage tower, they are all literally meant for to be limited time at content

Joe Smith that used to play 7 years ago is extremely likely not going to worry about a limited time thing to collect like Brutosaur

It wasn’t removed.
It’s on the BMAH.

It is still obtainable, although slightly harder.

Now if only everything else removed from the game was like that…

This is literally the only game I still play that uses these disgusting tactics, and I’ve been playing other MMOs more and it’s actually a relief it’s not this bad. Stuff at least rotates for the most part outside some very rare exceptions.

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