Time to bring AH brutosaur mount back?

Nah it’s not the same.

I think it is so we shall have to disagree. In fact, it takes more to earn 5 million than to buy a carry for a mount or CM mounts. I paid 25k for my MoP CM mount.


/10 char

I assume they removed it because they expected gold inflation to be a thing but what they dont get is that the WoW economy is like a real economy and that gold is very top heavy meaning that while there is inflation for those with a lot of gold for those that do not have a lot their gold stays relatively static.

the optimist in me wants to say it was removed for some valid reason I just can’t comprehend.

but the much louder tin foil hat in me says it was removed to get people to buy wow tokens and stay subbed longer to farm gold. The “fear of missing out” is one hell of a motivator.


In this case, I agree with you. Blizzard pulled some FOMO :ox: :poop:

They said they intended it to be special and they figured if they left it on the vendor, in a few years everyone would have them.

I thought you said getting 5 million took dedication and wasn’t easy to earn. Make up your mind.

sorry you were wrong

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What are you talking about? Wrong about what?

So they actually wanted to screw most of the players out of it…lol

I assume they mean ‘sorry you were wrong in thinking that’s what I said’

Also, thinking about Blizz’s reasoning

Is kind of scary really. Blizz thinks that in [years from now] 5 MILLION gold will be as commonplace as 10k gold is today?

whips out calculator

10,000 gold for the repair mammoth when the gold cap was 214k (it was 214k until 4.0) = 4.65% of the cap (let’s say 5 :slight_smile: )

5m gold is 5% of 100m gold, should I expect an additional 0 to player gold cap in the future? Or will it be the case that players are getting so much gold so fast that they are having to dump gold BY THE MILLIONS just to avoid the cap?

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What is wrong with repair mounts?

To me? Nothing, but I’ve been an engineer since Wrath so repair mammoth didn’t make much of a change for me lol

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Probably been said in this old necro thread already but they technically still exist in game, just BMAH.

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There is nothing wrong with them, but there is also nothing special about them. In my raid if someone calls for repair literally every person has a repair mount that they hop on.
Blizzard stated that they want the brutosaur to feel special and rare. If you don’t want to believe that they are being sincere then that is your option, but their stated reasoning is pretty clear.

What the HELL does ‘FOMO’ mean???

Also no thanks, I don’t want that ugly mount to be more available to players.

“feels” are different for everyone though. You can’t control how anyone “feels” about something. I have Bruto and it doesn’t feel special or rare to me it’s simply a tool of convenience no better than my wormhole I use to go to Northrend once a week.

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I’d be really happy with a recolor version without the AH. It’s such a good looking mount lol

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Fear Of Missing Out

Just think of what Blizz does every xpac with the final raids AotC mount. “You have to do it now or you’ll never be able to get it”

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