Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

Apparently you hurt him, really bad too lol it’s usually the worst players like him who parrot the same bad arguments with no merit.

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Oh so it’s ok for you to be ignorant and say stupid things to others but when someone does it to you it’s bad?

World pvp ain’t all about ganking. It’s just a part of the game. If that’s what you’re hung up on then this topic AINT FOR YOU.


You’re so far off base and that is what the sad part is. Back in Lich King is was gank after gank after gank. People just couldn’t take their victory and move on. It was corpse camping until the end of days. Now there are those who like camping but it didnt end there did it? Oh no, it was corpse camping to the core because no one would PvP in open world. The fully PvP geared player would find that ONE PERSON who was flagged and it was on. It was almost the death of PvP and almost came to an end. Arena players mostly didnt PvP at that point either because they found their niche. Battlegrounds became dominate content for PvP. Easy to queue and easy to enjoy. World PvP lost its place in the world.

Fast forawrd to today and its happening for one simple reason. A massive drop in players. Is the game dead? No, its not. There just arent alot of players anymore. The population is mostly scattered but there are plenty of people who enjoy PvP. Its just some like a little control on how often they get smashed. One on one in the game world had its time and its passed. Thats all. World PvP isnt dead, its just most people dont enjoy it anymore.

Going out in the game world looking for PvP has ALWAYS been a daunting task. South shore was a one time thing when it just went right when the planets aligned. Stranglethorn wss fun until it got stale. PvP is not what it was. The solution they have now isnt fullproof or perfect by any means but its the best solution so far.


That would be a stupid feature, lol.
so now someone like me who MIGHT actually turn WM on when Im in the mood to actually do some world pvp is 100% NEVER gonna do it AT ALL because if Im forced to choose pvp or no pvp PERMANENTLY, well Imma go with NEVER every single time.

Thankfully blizzard isnt going tomake that kind of change because it would be pointless for reasons stated.


I figured you would of because you don’t pvp, yet here you are telling everybody how it should be.

the entitlement.


and THAT is the problem with world pvp.
My first main was a goblin rogue on a pvp realm where my brother in law said I should start because thats where he was playing.
I had NO clue about this community…the bored kiddies who would sit around just waiting for some player leveling a character to come thru to gank over and over and over because…well…they were juveniles, I expect.

So now Im trying to take and turn in quests for two hours having my game time Im paying for wasted by these petulant children who cant just get a kill and move on.

They really proved just how juvenile they are a few years back when my wife was trying to quest and two of them ganked her…and then two of their buddies were camping at the nearest graveyard.
I call them children because deep down inside Id like to HOPE still even today that no ADULT would be that immature.

You don’t PVP, this isn’t a topic for someone like you.

Do you always interject your opinion on things you have little to no experience in? Got that ted talk ready?


oh my lord WHO HURT YOUUU heres tissue for crying out loud. pvp happened.

I played warmode quite a bit in BFA…85 percent of it was Horde ganking Alliance or Alliance ganking Horde with usually x2 to x3 times the number.

There was no fairness or competition, exactly what you would expect.

The other 15 percent felt more like PVP where you would take the loss with grace.


youre blocked son…i cant see your posts…Im no longer interested in interacting with you…EVER…on any topic again…so you can choose to talk at someone else who might care…or you can waste your time trying to get my attention.
you decide

Person doesnt pvp or world pvp, runs their mouth about it acting like they know it all. LOL. Ignore and run away little kiddy, because you can’t handle truth.


If you want that there is organized pvp events all around. If you want randomized pvp that doesnt have restrictions, world pvp is good. Some people just cant handle it I guess idk.

I do and I agree.
The inability to turn it off discourages players who want to do it occasionally. It reduces the total number of participants.

The most important point for those I persuaded was that they could turn it off at any time.

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Good, let them be discouraged. Get good or go play on a PVE servers, that’s how it should be… but warmode ruined it, that or make it so warmode can’t just be switched between constantly, add a cooldown to it…

This is the one thing that bothered me when I was on one of the Player verse Player servers. It’s also why I don’t turn on War mode unless I absolutely have to. It’s one thing to gank a player then fly off, but then to tea bag, spit, laugh and corpse camp an entirely different bag.

When I played on a PvP server, I played on an Alliance dominated server. Had I known it was a one-sided server I would definitely not gone there because Shaman was a Horde only class. Seeing as the Alliance roved in packs killing quest NPCs that made playing the game a lot harder. Only in Battlegrounds did I enjoy PvP because it was balanced and Alliance tended to lose more often when it was a fair fight.


And thats where warmode comes in.
NOw you can choose if and when you want to deal with the ‘danger’, as you call it.
Some of us call it ‘bored kiddie petulance hour’, lol.

Im all for those who WANT to deal with it.
But until they change it so you cant have an hour or two of your game time wasted by one or two players, its not worth turning WM on because of how some in this game behave.

Put timer on it so the account that just ganked the lowbie account cant do it again for maybe an hour and Id see about turning WM on.
I say account, because with the behavior of these sorts, theyd just log into another character and do it again and again anyway.
Pathetic you have to try to reign in infantile behavior like this…warmode shouldnt have needed to be a thing, but here we are lol

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Nah, it’s not handle it. There was no chance whatsoever and that’s eventually just made the side that was losing eventually drift over to other things.

Its not 1vs1 or 1vs 2 but rather 1vs5 where you just die. A fair amount of people in Warmode eventually just ran away before anything happened. World PVP has had amazing moments but at the end of the day the desire to gank someone and camp them is far more powerful than anything else.


Pvp died back when arenas become a thing. You needed to play x,y z class or comp or you could only get so far. Warmode was an idea but till Blizzard makes it like RP realms we’re all warmode are together it devolved into 1 group camping the other and people opted out.


I’d be more inclined for them to put something in place as to, lose like 30 honor points if u camp lowbie.

God someone hurt you and you just cant get over it can you.


same. I dont even do duels because I dont see the point. Ive always PvPed in games where its my team versus your team…a real game of it…‘war’ as it were.
I played some of the very first pvp games way back when. LOVED them.

I mean, they pulled the same kind of kiddie crap in a couple of them…one in particular made the mistake of having set spawn points, so half dozen of the juveniles would camp at those points and murder anything that spawned lol…but that was changed very quickly to random spawn points to fix it.
But it just showed the childish behavior of some and how they are SCARED to death of a FAIR pvp fight, lol.
I guess nothing changed in all these years later

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