Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

Sounds like nobody is much interested in open world PvP. If they were, War Mode would be packed.

I can see the logic in what you’re saying. Which is not always the case when we talk, I think.

Idk. Seems that War Mode being a character creation option rather than an on/off switch in hubs would fix your woes, though I’m not sure Blizzard would go for it. Essentially the return of the permanency of PvP servers, but with the sharding of War Mode. (Which could use some work, I know that from experience.)

Not true.

It was made it too easy for people to avoid PVP when it’s inconvenient and only wanna PVP on their terms, when they want and removing anything that was fun about ACTUAL world PVP
 nothing is spontaneous unless you find some random person person actually using it for leveling purposes.

That’d be great, create a character and choose whether its on a PVP layer vs a PVE layer. Still give people the ability to change, but make them unable to change back for like a week, keep that coward stuff outta here lol

You’re right though, blizzard ain’t changing a thing
 they’re too set on pushing PVE.

Because, players don’t actually want world PvP. Only a small set of vocal players think they do.



I’m a bit convinced the truth sits somewhere in the middle.

Tbh if not for Druids, and Druids alone, I’d probably leave War Mode on a bit more often. And I don’t even like PvP.

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For what it was attempting to replicate, it sure did but that wasn’t going to happen in the first place. At least they attempted something to give an option. It isn’t the best but they could have gotten rid of it all together.

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Disabling flying entirely in war mode might help, but player behavior overall indicates that they only want world pvp to be a thing when their side has a substantial numbers advantage.

Players what the illusion of danger, but do not want any actual danger.


The attitude of the pro-wpvp posters is y nobody plays with warmode. No one wants to deal with their toxicity.


You know what I would love Blizz to do?

Open one Retail true free for all PvP server. One where outside safe zone cities anyone can kill anyone else, faction doesn’t matter. Even allow friendly fire so grouping doesn’t matter. If you leave a city you can kill anyone and anyone can kill you. Then lock the server completely. No transfers on or off and no cross realm anything, not even LFD/LFR.

And when the gankers like the OP come in here moaning about the server being dead we can all point out that they got exactly what they wanted. And if the server is dead then it’s because not enough people actually wanted true WPvP to make it viable.


Not that I’m hanging around STV to gank low levels (I’d be waiting months even if I wanted that), but I even find lots of unexpected action in older areas.
I’ll idle by rares or just places like Blackrock mountain where I like the vibes between queues, and get into skirmishes with all kinds of other max level players.

Do people actually think this?
Cause I’ve had a lot of really mutually positive world pvp over the years. Friendly rivalries with people who frequently lurk in world defense and rush to protect low level quest hubs. Protecting low level players from gankers or forming groups to quest in relative safety which then turn into friendship. I don’t really get why so many people feel like it’s a purely negative experience.

Either way, wpvp is alive and well. I think people just get frustrated when it’s not instant action. It never has been. It’s always taken some effort to find an active area.

That sounds fun.

But I can’t imagine blizzard doing anything fun for PVPers.

Yep. and also time to admit that the vast majority of the playerbase simply does not want to engage in Open World PVP, and prefers PVE and Structured PVP.

If that were not the case, War Mode would not be the failure you say it is. It’d be full of fully-geared level 70s fighting other fully-geared level 70s at any time of the day.

It’s not the game, it’s the players.

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Let’s expand on this and say wow pvp is a failure. Because the devs don’t do anything for it.

I miss world PvP. Some of my fondest memories in the game. I wish they worked on so much

Don’t get me started.

That’s not what they said. I know you think you’re clever, but you obviously don’t find any enjoyment in pvp. Why even run your mouth?


Thats the point
‘static’ pool of players.
Theyre whining because a lot of players cant afford to move off a pvp server, so they stay and just cope with the bored kiddies camp ganking them for an hour but with WM now they dont have to put up with that crap and dont have to PAY to get away from it.
This is always
about ganking when this topic comes up.
They dont want FAIR pvp fights because IF they did they could run BG or duels or rated.
No, they are too afraid of being destroyed and humiliated in a FAIR pvp fight, so they get their kicks one shotting lowbies.

You see at least one of that I responded to trying to PRETEND that ganking lowbies is ‘pvp’ above
its NOT.
They NEED it to be pvp so they can feel better about their behavior and not have to deal with the reality that ganking lowbies IS a screaming admission that they suck in pvp so badly they can NEVER win against an EQUALLY powered opponent.
They NEED ganking lowbies to be called ‘pvp’ so they dont take yet another hit to their bruised egos that already knows they will never be good enough at the game to win a FAIR pvp match.

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You seem to be stuck on ganking. Who hurt you little one.

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next time son
participate and respond to points made instead of childish nothing responses.

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