Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

not only is it a failure, it basically killed any hope of open world PvP

the open world PvP scene is honestly in a sad, sad place right now. Most cuddle-bears who want to play World of Hugcraft will turn it off and enjoy pet battling, and that’s fine, but when they have open world content designed around groups (say, Zaralek Caverns) then War Mode is too dead to do anything in.

So even if someone WANTED to be in War Mode, it’s too disadvantageous at this point to bother with it unless you like playing in what feels like an absolutely dead single-player world.

War Mode basically killed open world PvP. All because of a vocal minority that somehow take it personally and get their feelings hurt because their character died with zero penalty. Oh no!

Retail WoW feels more dead than any version of WoW has ever felt. It FEELS like a single-player game now, PvP or not PvP. It’s depressing.

The incessant crappy sharding and the War Mode separation is what caused this. It’s a single-player game now. Where’s the MMO in this?

Why did we remove PvP servers? Just WHY. Why not just have PvP and normal servers again so people who want to PvP can enjoy that on those servers, and people who don’t can stick to the normal servers.

I’m not sure how you brought this game to this state but it’s sad. I’ve seen gameplay of private servers with more of an MMO feel.


“I cant find anyone to gank”
sounds about right. lol.

If no one wants to pvp with you…then they dont WANT to pvp with you.
I mean, ganking is the ONLY other option here, so we have to assume that that is what youre complaining about.


ESO has a zone you go to if you want to world pvp…Ive never been there.
The other way to pvp is dueling from what I can tell.
So ‘where is the MMO’ in ESO that seems to be doing fairly well in this market


That’s a lot of words to say “i cant find anyone to gank”


I turn WarMode on all the time and see lots of people there doing world PvP content.

Of course, that’s in max level zones fighting people my own level, not trying to hunt down in leveling zones someone to oneshot.

Maybe that’s your problem.


Because PVP servers were on their death bed, barely anyone played.


oh wow, PVP player wants to enjoy themselves and PVP, much surprise, big wow.

ganking is a fundamental part of any PvP mode, ever.


“hi there.”
“is it ok if i try to kill you?”


Always was.
Warmode was good, it showed that the only people interested in world pvp were griefing infants.
Now they have no one to grief because no one wants to deal with that trash, and the mode is dead.

Working as intended.


PvP servers were only fun if you were on one that leaned to the faction you played and you were the one ganking lowbies and not the one being ganked. There’s classic for PvP servers if you want, but most people don’t find it fun to be ganked by a high lvl person.


Well, not exactly - lots of people played on PvP servers… on whatever the dominant faction was.

The other one just got farmed.


The way people act in game no wonder. Cyber bullying is not compelling gameplay and let’s face it that is mostly what occurs in pvp and even in pve. No one signed up for that.


It seems that people not wanting to engage in open world PVP killed open world PVP.

Otherwise, people would turn on warmode…which even offers benefits to WQs and regular quests.


PvPers are the minority.


I know you want to blame other players who you see as weaklings who don’t belong in your big boy game, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the implementation of warmode.

Almost all your amazing PvP realms were single faction and dying. Faction imbalance is inevitable and unrecoverable.

PvP realms stopped being a thing after Blizzard decided to develop the game around mandatory world quests that took place in the same zones where levelers were leveling, and level scaling, that put levelers of all levels in together. During Legion this exacerbated the problems with wPvP. Realms that seemed more or less balanced during wod were suddenly so one sided that you only saw a member of the other faction being attacked by a group.

They became unplayable for the minority faction. They failed and failed hard.


no…REAL PVP is EQUALLY powered players being SKILLED and actually winning against the other lmao…
ganking is for those who know they CANT beat an equally powered opponent.


that’s because you have people calling PvP and any form of competition with a little show boding - “cyber bullying” … I don’t think some of these people have ever once stepped into a FPS multiplayer lobby let alone COD CDL … or any sport for that matter LOL


Thank god you’re not a game mode designer.


actually, everyone that created a toon on a pvp server signed up for it. blizzard just needs to do a better job at maintaining a 40/60 balance at the worst.


you are not the arbiter of what makes PVP “real” or not. just because it doesn’t conform to what YOU want doesn’t mean it’s any less of a form of PVP. ganking has always been a staple of all PVP games since ever…and it remains so to this day.