Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

world pvp seems fine. and even when you run into an enemy player, not all in counters, be it war mode or the past pvp servers would result in pvp.

even the odd help can happen. like a enemy player could be struggling to survive vs a rare. you could take the aggro of the mob and just carefully hold it still so they can finish it off without dying.

and that is a risk. maybe more enemy players show up and kill you for trying to help.
or, like one time in bfa, after doing that vary thing i was in this odd bubble state. enemy players everywhere, and they left me alone as i did my quests.
but all through the world chat, ally players were complaining about getting killed every time they tried to do anything.

any how, there is a risk in the pvp game. you could be out camping a rare and get attacked mid battle. they want the rare. and that sense of danger doesnt come from pve mode. (and it happened at least once in the last week or so, mid battle vs a rare)

world pvp happens the attacker feels like starting a fight for any reason. sometimes its obvious. its over resources. sometimes it a pvp free for all zone. other times its because they want to attack and have a battle.

the annoying ones though are the random bs 1 shot andies from stealth in a simi protected area. the guards would aggro but they some how ether never left stealth or re entered it within seconds and youā€™d only know this was the case because it was recorded.

and 1shot builds are fine, but come on. why camp out the zone quest people and then hide. get back here. weā€™ll have a proper battle. your not the only one with high burst. :dracthyr_a1:/scree

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Weā€™re all playing World of Craft now unfortunately :pensive:

Just do arena or are you bad ?


unrelated to pvpā€¦but when I first started playing WoW there was a quest I was doing where you just needed to kill an npc in a cave, loot and turn in.
There were two players there when I got there so I waited until they were done.
first player kills the npc, loots and leaves.
Second player loots and doesnt leave but just hangs there hoppping around like an idiot.
I think he was one shotting the NPC every time it would pop. I thought originally that him standing there was keeping it from respawning, but lately Ive change my mindā€¦I think he was a max level character just one shotting the NPC.

Anyway, I see the clown is being a chump, so I leave thinking the child will get bored and leave and Iā€™ll come back to it in a bit.
I came back more than 10 minutes later and that idiot is STILL hopping around the boss spawn spot lmao.

yeahā€¦there is a bit of problem with what appears to be psychiatric issues with some of the behavior in this game.
I mean, WHO wastes that kind of time just to troll someone? lol


Irony in his post isā€¦hes playing a VIDEO game for god sakeā€¦we all are. Literally nothing UNcuddly bear about a video gameā€¦lmao.

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Weā€™ve known War Mode was a failure since day one, where were you all this time?

Remind me the title of the upcoming expansion; The what Within?

Blizzard will let dead servers run on. Players get the option to leave them for free. these are the die hard holdouts.

Blizzard just gives them a good long while to move before they say dudes we triedā€¦plug pulled, now on next log in its not an option. its take the transfer.

That one guy was a majority on his server.

A whole server to himself.

I wonder what he did for that time.

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Well, Iā€™m sort of a bit cuddly, until you do the whole Invade my Private Space thing whereupon I shoot you in the knee. :sunglasses:


Thatā€™s absolutely not true. lol

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Iā€™m sure they played on 100% same-faction servers, thought probably not PvP. At least, not the sort of pvp the OP is talking about. And any poor noob who started a new character of the opposite faction by mistake probably deleted it shortly thereafter.

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If it was a minority then why is war mode so dead? Sounds like people are just playing what they find fun. Suppose they do one day bring back dedicated pvp server. Do you think people who play with war mode off would flock to them?


Warmode was a terrible idea from day 1, it completely ended any shot of world PVP being a fun active experience.

Can you explain how? I really donā€™t get it.

How is it different than a PvP server, aside from not being a static pool of players?


a lot of players want the world to feel alive and dangerous and RP a faction war and thats really difficult to do in queueable instanced content that allows you to fight your own faction. without closing your eyes and using your imagination at least

arena is top tier tho, pls remove solo shuffle tho

World of Craft the Within, you can just google it

It minimized world PVP to almost non-existenceā€¦ instead of PVP servers where people were always on their toes and had to be ready to be ganked, jumped and/or stalkedā€¦ world PVP should never be on your terms, it should be random and spontaneous.

So would, theoretically, having War Mode be a ā€œpick at creation and itā€™s never able to be turned offā€ thing fix the issue, or is there anything else wrong with it? I thought it was a pretty elegant solution, but I am also not a PvP fan in this game.

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people turn warmode on?


The problem is people can turn it off and on, PVP and PVE servers were the best thing imho. Itā€™s annoying wanting to world PVP and your world is empty because people only wanna PVP on their termsā€¦ instead of what actually made world PVP fun, the spontaneous gank or finding someone who got you before and getting revengeā€¦ or stopping a gank and saving someone. Itā€™s all non-existent nowā€¦ or at least incredibly rare.

In Season of Discovery for the first time they enforced faction balance on PvP servers. You couldnā€™t make a new toon in a faction that reached some threshhold percent. Sadly, also in SOD the new class talents made PvP very unbalanced. However, the impact of balanced servers on community was interesting - more organising and getting control of some areas for a period. I hated it cos getting one shot from max distance when yr melee was not fun and rerolled PvE but it was interesting.