Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

It’s also why servers go Mono faction and thus the worst possible result for the PVPer: eternal victory and peace.

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For Season of Discovery, Blizzard tried a new system where they actively controlled server populations in an attempt to maintain balance.


“with Season of Discovery, we’re going to try something new: this Season’s PvP realms have been designed to maintain faction balance as they grow. Yes, this is actually happening! However, there is a potential cost to this faction balance that we want to make sure you’re aware of: if one faction is significantly more dominant on a PvP realm, there is a very real likelihood that faction selection may be temporarily limited on that realm.”

I don’t know if it worked or not.

I didn’t play on a PvP server in SoD but that just sounds like giving the fattened established playerbase on a server a trickle of fresh lowbies to gank while the outgunned side can’t even do that

The last good world PvP was in MoP.

Phasing was the nail on the coffin.

Warmode was after the fact.

That’s all open world pvp seems to be. Whee I can kill people that pose no threat


I miss PVP servers as well! It was part of the fun.

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Curious what you call the people who only join pvp servers where their faction makes up 99% of the population and if you’re one of those people.


You people are so stupid. Guy was clearly trolling and you all fell for it. Hasn’t even once replied back in the thread.

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I don’t agree with the overall tone of the op but I do agree that warmode is pretty lame. Its best feature is helping me hunt rares. :joy:

Technically I agree. Now it’s still almost always a 90/10 split but it at least switches sides from shard to shard I guess?

Phasing or sharding?

This is all evidence that people were not interested in PvP. They just wanted to gank people. Otherwise the people who really enjoy PvP would have joined the lesser faction, to constantly be finding people to ambush and fight, then run away when their friends come. Then the faction imbalance would see-saw a bit in this regard.

But thats not what people who want World PvP want. They either want to just gank people till they log.

Or they want the long dead days of Vanilla WoW, where fairly balanced factions would battle it out at South Shore, or Stranglethorn Arena, for no real reason or reward other than to fight. Those days are gone though. The faction imbalance creep killed that long ago.


Have you considered the fact that Warmode is empty might mean that most people… don’t actually want to PvP outside of the more structured setting of Battlegrounds and Arena?

PvP Servers were ALWAYS half-populated with a bunch of PvE players that felt they had to roll on them because of friends or because it’s a high pop server with a healthy raiding scene.

Now they’re not forced into that situation and PvP looks a lot emptier.

Not exactly rocket science here.


There was a period prior a year or so prior to the change when ALL the “new player” servers were PvP servers. I remember seeing that and thinking “this isn’t going to end well”.

No one cares about world pvp, no one ever has. World pvp is dumb.


What in the world is up with Earthshaker and Ashbringer

what a wasteland

I really, really wish… though I know it could never happen… that people would quit using sweeping generalities when talking about World PvP.

I am a Rouge. In open world PvP, I have attacked and killed many players who were a lower level than I. I have attacked and killed many players who were the same or higher level then I. And I have died many, many times as a result of a failed attack or from being attacked by others.

All of those things were possible because I, and EVERY OTHER PLAYER INVOLVED, made a decision to roll on a PvP server or to activate Warmode. We made that decision while FULLY AWARE of the risks.

Further, my main enjoyment was when there was an alert in the World Defense channel. Sadly, Blizzard has removed this channel. I believe THIS dealt a major blow to World PvP.

Not everyone who misses World PvP was someone who only killed low level toons.

Oh… and the “anyone who kills a lower level toon only does so because they can’t fight toons their own level…” Tell that to the bully who beats up you and your friends… then your older brother comes and says “pick on someone your own size!”… and he beats HIM up, too.

When you argue using sweeping generalizations, you have zero credibility.

We call them dishonest carebears.

I bear that title too. I didn’t choose whitemane as my horde server on accident. Its one of the larger horde servers on the west coast. and at 99.5%, I won’t be camped for hours. I did try grobb a few times.

when a no life camps you forever…you don’t get much done. One time in tbcc this dude was impressive yet scary. I was up to waiting 10 minutes to reclaim my body. And they waited there the whole time for the cheap kill.

The patience to wait for 10 minutes is either impressive, or a sign of some potentially bad obsessive disorder imo. I am not sure which.


War Mode works fine. People just don’t want to be ganked.


Everywhere. MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online. It doesn’t mean they are right where you are at any given time, it just means that there are large numbers of people playing it. Across a number of variants and on a number of servers doing a variety of expansion content over different timezones.

I recognise nostalgia is a thing for WoW players, but there are a few things to be honest about.

  1. Warmode did not ‘kill’ open world pvp. PvP is a player choice. If enough people wanted to do it, they would do it.

Seriously? People who make a choice are suddenly worthy of daggy little tags?

  1. If Blizzard had believed that PvP servers were good for the game, they would have kept them because they are ultimately all about making money. It’s quite simple economics.