Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

Having Warmode on should block you from being able to join an instance in the open world. Only in cities or in rested areas should you be able to accept a queue pop.

Together with sharding it causes for a lot of players to hop in and out of queues to avoid or escape combat which leads to degenerate behaviour.

I haven’t touched Warmode since Shadowlands after basically every encounter I had was either people escaping fights through queue pops or ending up in a vastly outnumbered shard and getting farmed at quest hubs like Korthia or the Maw entrance.


On BDO they made pvp specific servers and no one plays there cause they only want to gank people they can win freely vs, and not other like-minded people who can actually kill them.
World PvP is for insecure infants.


What makes you think enough people would join PvP servers if they aren’t even turning on war mode?

My server seems to be alive and well while I play, it doesn’t feel single player at all.


A ton of whom were people who only wanted to PvE and still rolled on PvP servers for various reasons, then cried incessantly about PvP.


Though Plunderstorm happened and shows that Blizz can recreate a complete PvP focused realm, with past stats like that I can see why they wouldn’t use the same tech to open permanent PvP dedicated realms. (Unless they saw it as a way for paid transfers to be really needed.)

Because the rules to PvP servers were never updated to the modern game.
In vanilla, you didn’t have toddler too young to go to school xxvegetaxx thus spend his entire toddler life camping you all day long on his flying mount.
Flying mounts didn’t even exist.


Is PVP still a thing?

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You just described 95 % of azeroth. Only time I see people is at those cringe events on a timer.


Naw. Just time to admit that PVP in this game has bren a failure since launch.

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No one cares about “dying.”

It’s that no one wants to be farmed.

You want to find an example of degenerate gameplay … in ANY game? Look no further than its PvP. This maxim always holds true, and WoW is no exception.

You have a problem with PvP in WoW? Look no further than its players.


They want to blame WM for killing world PvP, but they know that aint how it happened. Player disinterest killed world PvP and warmode just made it all easier so IF blizzard has a pvp enabled quest they want us to do we can suffer thru it without paying for a realm transfer…and turn WM off again when we’re done.

MY brother in law and his wife keep WM on when they play because the enjoy being ganked, I guess.
Even my wife generally leaves it on, though I think that has changed recently.
Personally I dont like having bored kiddies waste MY game time, so I rarely turn it on.

IF players wanted to world pvp, as you indicate, they would.
Clearly they dont want to


IF the bored kiddies would gank ONCE and leave it I might be inclined to turn WM on.
But they know that AINT how they do it.
they are SOOO obsessed about ganking they NEED to make threads about it, lol.
Thats not someone who is gonna kill you once and leave it…thats someone who is going to camp your corpse while his buddies camp the nearest graveyard. lol


I like the idea of not feeling safe in the open world. What I didn’t like about war mode is that there would always be a swarm of the opposite team making it hard to level. Yes I could try to join a swarm on my side but then it’s just fighting the other team and not getting anything accomplished. I think an alternative could be questing mode, where you become immune to other faction attacks while questing/leveling, but you’re still on the PVP side.


someone needed to just say it out loud. lol

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They should add NPCs in questing greens that roam the lands attacking quest mobs in War Mode.

Then pvprs can fly down and two shot them for some fun world PvP.

Have the NPC respawn around where they died 20-30seconda later to recreate the thrill of camping a lowbie.

World PvP saved.


Plunderstorm wasn’t a realm; it didn’t last forever, you could only create certain types of characters and you didn’t meet only people on your own server, etc. It was effectively a type of battleground, a sealed PvP environment where you went in, mucked around for a bit, fought other players, maybe died (mostly died) and then the timer ran out and it closed.

For me (and the little I had to do with it) it was about as exciting as watching paint dry. And as exciting as repeatedly doing the same bg over and over for cosmetic rewards.

They camped you on foot if they wanted to camp you. Probably brought a few friends along to camp you too.

I think I rolled a character, realized it wasnt part of the retail game and deleted it an closed it down lol. I didnt actually play it at all.
It seemed like it would be about as fun as those Island Expeditions…vomit lol

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At least IE’s gave you access to a whole range of mounts and pets and toys, etc. Even some gear, though now its just really rare mog. And with the solo option you can breeze through them very fast.

There is even a pvp option for it, though I imagine not many people do that anymore.

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Or one can see the classic numbers.

We only ahve one close to 50/50 pvp. The rest are 99.5% one side. People chose that.

Grobb worked only because several guilds used discord. large Alliance guild X reached out to large horde guild Y and said dudes we are moving 40 people.

Can/will you match that since we don’t want to turn grobb into benediction.

Horde said…yes we can. Many guilds got in on these deal making sessions.

Grobb stayed good, and the rest went 99.5%. BY player choice. Choosing to not go grobb by transfer or reroll was a player choice.

It was clear even in tbcc…benediction was not getting a mass horde recruitment drive. at cata now. hahahahah, yeah…no.