Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

oh no, pvpers deploying strategy to maximize their kills because they find it enjoyable, such shock!! it’s almost like, some people enjoy that and that’s their right to because they’re paying a sub too.

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Those people you’re harassing also have a right to play the game and decide your gameplay is trash.
They dealt with the situation, just not in the way that you wished for.


Works in theory (always does lol) but practice is a different beast, server populations, faction balance, people with gear at different stages, skill and goes it goes.

If you are on the losing side, that small buff towards rewards and exp is offset by time spent being dead. For the average joe that doesn’t want to bother with that, its best to leave WM off.


Because everyone hated (or at least were ambivalent towards) them.

Non-PvPers played on servers simply as a result as that’s where their friends, guilds, and more were at. And dedicated PvP players focused on BGs, Arenas, and dueling - none of which required PvP servers.

The only ones who actively liked PvP servers and doesn’t get the same effect from Warmode, were gankers. That’s literally the only negatively affected players.

Hello “I’m bad at PvP so I only opt for ganking”.

I’m honestly surprised you aren’t posting on a human paladin at this point. Did you login on the wrong character to troll on?

Spoken like a true classic troll poster.

See you next Sunday!


Really it got like this once a server balance was more than about a 10% advantage. Now that we have cross server Horde has a blanket 2:1 advantage. Mix in a cross server group doing their weekly quest and you’re just another NPC for someone doing their rounds.

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Yup, I tried a PvP server back in the day on a DK, this was during wrath so no flight. I got ganked and camped running out the gates of SW, just to make a flight path run.

Logged off, deleted the character, and have been playing PVE servers ever since. I don’t think I have ever toggled Warmode on, ever.

But I did enjoy the BGs like wintergrasp, and got a full set of the best PvP gear during MoP. Then lost interest, and blizzard hasn’t done anything for PvP to get my interest back.

It’s always been a side thing to do. Until they make it interesting, it doesn’t stand a chance.


When World of Warcraft had Player verse Player servers, the one thing I hated and caused the co-worker that started the game with me to quit (after a month), was the ganking of low levels by high levels.

Ganking a low level is being a coward. You think you want to PvP, but you don’t. You want easy pickings. When I was on a PvP server, I never ganked and I never attacked another player until they were ready for the fight. What does that mean, I fought people my level, who were not engage with a non-Player Character. I would wave to them and wait. If after the fight and they healed up, if they wanted to fight, we went at it.

I think part of the problem about this game, is it’s trying to provide two game plays and fails at one. Either they make a PvE game or a PvP game only, and not try have both.

I tried to tell my co-worker the difference between the two types of servers. However, he wanted the challenge, and the challenge was too great for him, and he quit playing after a month. Me one not to quit, kept playing on that server for 7 years until I had enough.

Aye, if I force myself to turn on war mode and someone attacks me, I don’t fight back. I only turn war mode on because of achievements that require me to get things that only can be done in war mode.


ironically no one complaining has denied that ganking lowbies IS the actual thing theyre whining about here, lol.
I figured they’d at least put up a fight denying that its murdering defenseless lowbies that theyre railing on about, as some have in the past before finally admitting it.
Seems we went from being ashamed to admit we arent good enough to fight EQUALLY powered opponents in REAL PVP to not caring about how others see us in our lowbie ganking ways, lol.

I have ZERO respect for gankers…none.
I respect that ONE alliance player who drops into Orgrimmar and starts trying to take down the town knowing he’s on a suicide mission.
THAT is a REAL pvp player.


good for you.

they should add finishing moves like in GW2.


yeah, Im only in WM to get something I want. I just let them kill me and they get bored and run off and I finish what Im doing. So far been 100% success rate. No one has come back to hit me again lol.

NOw I did have some fun battering the one player to death on my Beastmaster in SL. I dont know why that one thought it was a good idea to bother a hunter lol…but he did and he died pretty easily.
and the other time I had WM on to do something on my one druid. Some demon hunter thought he would kill me I guess. Just kept healing and pounding on him till he ran off into the trees, lolol.


People never wanted fair fights, just HK points.


It was interesting when factions were balanced. I remember we called it the “faction trinket.” Someone gets jumped, asks for help in local defense, and now you’ve started something. When there was no pvp quest, you had to ask yourself if it was worth starting the war.

What made it interesting is sometimes it was, sometimes it was not, and you never knew for sure which the other guy was going to choose.

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This use to happen on pve servers as well. I also didn’t mind jumping in to defend a village. And the sharding allowed for easy escape, that ruined that fun.

But since Warmode, nothing happens. Warmode killed open world PvP on pve servers.


If war mode is dead, then that is pretty clear most people aren’t into world PvP.


Post translated “waaa i cant kill people questing anymore that are 5 levels below me and im full pvp gear”


Yeah, so essentially dead. Intent of pvp servers was to find other players to kill other players of opposite faction, and when one side was 95% dominant, all meaning went out the window.


Warmode has been a failure ever since the beginning because of rewards being there. Since the beginning, I have said that rewards ruined warmode because you had people who had been in there with no intention on PvP’ing and only in there for the WQ bonuses to azerite and all that.

Warmode should become a reward-less mode where the only people who wanna be there are the people who enjoy PvP combat. Real easy.


War mode is nice.
This allowed me to do OpenWorld PvP without having to change my server.

PvP servers would be obsolete today because they are essentially the same thing: another phase of the same world, just like any other server.
Sure, you wouldn’t be able to disable PvP, but do you really believe people who dislike PvP will just accept that? No. They will simply return to a normal realm. And those who enjoy PvP do not even turn off the war mode.

So, instead of condemning it, why don’t you offer some constructive solutions?

  1. Yes, sharding is problematic. Layering in warmode should be used instead of this concept. This would prevent unnecessary splitting of the player base and, most importantly, battles from being disrupted if you cross the borders of zones.
  2. If there aren’t enough players, Warmode should draw from all server pools of the respective language region. This would allow for a large PvP phase in which players could remain on their home servers with their mains while still participating.

Why? Maybe because things like this happen:



I don’t think there is a workable solution to world pvp would be cool though if the easiest way to glad wasn’t sitting in a 5 man group ganking people trying to do a pvp quest to get a massive gear advantage via bloody coins early on.

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