Time to admit it.... War Mode is a failure

What killed it is the weekly world pvp quest. People queue up and KO every random person of the other faction that walks by. If you’re good you can take on the average 2 maybe 3 people but you can’t fight off 5.

For me, it got turned off a lot more often when the Horde population started significantly outnumbering the Alliance. It got permanently turned off when it was impossible to do anything but get ganked by one of the 4 or 5 such groups camping the quest hub cave in the Maw. 1 vs 15 isn’t fun, its just impossible. I think I’ve only turned it on a handfull of times since early Shadowlands.


I mean. Yeah.

People didnt want to open world pvp to begin with.


If I have to do WM to get something I want, I just dont fight back at all.
PvP in this game is an abject joke. I tried it for a couple years on my main Bnet account and disliked it. I come from REAL PvP games and THIS crap AINT that no mattrer how many times they want to claim it is.
REAL pvp comes down to ONE thing…SKILL.
THIS crap isnt that. lol


Gee I sure wonder what kind of attitude you have
Definitely not the toxic kind that trash talks everyone and camps lowbies for hours on end


Open world pvp is fine. It is when that is made into an open world battleground things go wrong, particularly when the population balance is way out of whack.


Yeah. son…I am. lmao.
REAL pvp is about SKILL, nothing else.
those who like ganking lowbies KNOW they suck at REAL pvp because they have no skills. lol.
I was playing REAL pvp games online the year they became a thing.
This hoax isnt that…sorry to break your heart


Instead of bribing people with 10% extra gold that isn’t worth it because if you’re trying to max gold per time spent, it’s more advantageous to simply do more WQs than it is to deal with the groups camping the gold WQs…

How about a self-contained system where you play Warmode because you enjoy it, and you get special talents that will help you in warmode?

With the idea being that you get like 3 trees, and if you’re a no-lifer you can max them all. But even if you’re fairly casual, you can pick the defensive tree and become a major pain in the butt to kill, and can even turn the situation around if they attack first, even if you’re weaker than the person trying to gank you.


Because of the roaming mobs of gankers that made too many players game unplayable. Then those players accused Blizzard of being money grubbing monsters out for transfer money instead of giving free transfers off of PvP servers.

So yea, PvP players with no honor ganking players trying to level up, and blizzard handling it in the worst way possible.

The PvP community killed PvP, did you win?

  • REAL PVP = player versus PLAYER.
  • GANKING= GEAR/ILVL versus lowbies.

Ganking ISNT pvp…its your GEAR and LVL allowing you to one shot low levels…that aint pvp no matter how much some of you want to convince yourself it is. YOU KNOW it AINT, period…


Are you a rogue?
If you are a rogue, that’s not pvp that’s only ganking.

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If they were such the minority,then why is it that warmode on shards are nearly dead? It is because the minority are the ones that wanted open world pvp andit was dead long before warmode came along. Most people do not care about open world pvp because all it is is overpowered people ganking lower level characters. And if it was such a failure,where are the vocal majority?


PvP games are temporary. They reach a point where there are no new players as anyone who attempts to join finds that they are not only going to be killed quickly over and over and over again, but they can never catch up.

Blizzard is under no obligation to provide you with new players to gank. They can’t change the fact that you have made the game unplayable to the point where you have only yourself to blame.


Yes, please continue to use anecdotal evidence as proof for the whole.

Gank = gang kill

IF world PvP were so loved this thread and so many others like it wouldnt exist, now would it?
PVP is dead because PLAYERS dont WANT to do it like they might have used to.
WM isnt the cause of that…its the RESULT.


When people could freely change servers this exacerbated the problem. You had Horde and Alliance servers. Jump someone as Horde on an Alliance server? Call it out and people run to help. Same for Horde servers. Balanced servers you had to weigh the pros and cons of jumping someone.

Now that we have all the cross server madness, you would think it got better. Except the people who want to jump people can group up into teams no single player can hope to defeat. Mix in a substantial faction imbalance and it was just unplayable as Alliance.


A 40/60 balance is unplayable for the minority faction. It will shortly become a one faction PvE server when gramps will brag about how him and the other he men drove away the weakings of the other faction, while whining that Blizzard won’t provide him with level 1’s to kill.


What does gank mean in gaming?
to kill
(in a video game) to kill (a character), especially an outnumbered, weaker, or lower level player character

easy enough to define with google


Nah, war mode is generally preferable to what it was before, which was 90% to 10% imbalance that rendered one factions zone unplayable for months or years.

Anybody going “yeah it felt good and fun” was part of the 90%.


PVP people swarming everyone and camping corpses / graveyards for hours when they find out people stop doing pvp because it makes playing the game impossible: pickachu surprised face “GIT GUD NOOB”